ADD ADHD - Treatments

Exercise: An Additional Treatment for ADHD?

Typically, medication and therapy have been the go-treatments for ADHD. Now researchers are saying that exercise may provide some benefits as well.

Adult ADHD: 3 Treatment Options

Combining education, medication, and psychotherapy shows promise.

ADHD in the Classroom

For students, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can present a host of unique challenges and opportunities.

Treating OCD and ADD With Medicinal Marijuana

What do the experts say about using medicinal marijuana to alleviate symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD)?

Mood Disorders: Are They Caused by Vitamin Deficiencies?

Vitamins play a critical role in mental health. And insufficient intake of certain vitamins have been linked to mood disorders. So, which deficiency is resulting in your symptoms? Find out here.

Could Neurofeedback Retrain Your Brain?

Although the procedure may sound complex, the intended results are not. NFT seeks to teach a brain with a particular abnormality how to behave normally.

Long Term Health Issues Surrounding ADHD

It can be difficult to deal with a child with ADHD. And although stimulants cannot cure ADHD, they can certainly help control behavior. But are these stimulants actually harming your child?

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Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!