Healthy Aging - Live Longer

Can You Actually Slow Down Aging?

Seven foods, habits, and lifestyle choices that can help adults feel, look, and live their best lives.

Type 1 Diabetes: Some Seniors Cope Better Than Others

When it comes to living with type 1 diabetes, many older patients refuse to give in to the challenges of the disease. Learn how they manage their insulin and their lives.

Advanced Prostate Cancer: New Treatment Options

Cutting-edge treatments for those with advanced prostate cancer are helping to slow down the progression of the disease and are doing so with fewer side effects.

10 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Weight

Now that you got it off, keep it off! We'll show you how.

What to Expect At Your Pre-Op Appointment

When it comes to something as serious and important as surgery, it pays to be as well prepared as possible.

The New Age of Older Trainers

A growing number of individuals are getting fit by working out with gray-haired trainers. Learn how you can benefit from the wisdom and experience of these in-shape seniors.

Walking vs. Running: Which Is Better?

If you want to lose weight, running is the clear winner. But there are many benefits of walking, too. Here's the whole scoop.

The Mediterranean Diet and Melanoma

Going Mediterranean may offer protective benefits against skin cancer. That's on top of the other health benefits this easy-to-follow diet serves up.

Why You Need a Support Network to Face Depression

What benefits come from a strong support network, and where can you find one of your own?

Bees for Better Health: What's the Buzz?

For centuries, humans relied on apitherapy, the use of bee products, for health and healing. Today, there is a renewed interest in the benefits of these substances. Learn more.

Young Women Get Breast Cancer, Too

Though most cases of breast cancer occur in women over 55, thousands under the age of 40 are diagnosed each year. Find out if you're at increased risk and what you can do to protect yourself.

How Carcinogens Cause Cancer

Environmental factors account for about two-thirds of all cancer cases, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Here's what you need to know.

Top 5 Diet Mistakes

Have you changed your eating habits to shed some pounds but find the numbers on the scale are going up?

Alzheimer's Disease: Nature or Nurture?

Is Alzheimer's a result of genetics or environment? Scientists say both. While you can't change your genes, you can alter your lifestyle to help reduce your risk of this degenerative brain disorder.

6 Life-Changing Medical Breakthroughs on the Horizon

From the harvesting of stem cells without embryos to a pill that delays aging, we've rounded up a few of medicine's amazing advances coming down the pike.

Bone Density Test: Who Needs It and How Often?

Are you at risk of a bone fracture or break? The results of a bone density test will help let you know.

4 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Her Doctor

Health guidelines are forever changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date. Be sure to bring this list of questions to your next doctor's appointment.

Meal Delivery Services for Seniors: What Are the Options?

Food delivery services may help seniors remain in their homes longer. Here's a rundown of the different types of services.

Positive Thinking May Hinder Your Health

You ve got a negative attitude? Good. New research shows it may not be a bad thing for your health.

Why Your Healthy Habits May Not Protect Your Heart

Doing everything right when it comes to heart health? You may still be at risk for cardiovascular disease. Here's why.

5 Great Things About Growing Older

Do people, like fine wine, improve with age? According to some experts, they do. Here are five big perks of getting on in years.

How to Elder-Proof a Home

If you have parents or other older relatives living on their own, it may be time to assess the safety of their home.

How to Quit Smoking: 4 Tips to Live By

Each person has different needs when it comes to smoking cessation. Use these strategies to make it work for you.

Will Coffee Help You Live Longer?

You've heard it's good. You've heard it's bad. But new research reveals that coffee could actually lower your death risk.

Warding Off Skin Cancer

Skin cancer rates are likely to increase in the coming years. Find out how behavioral and dietary changes can reduce your risk.

New Study Shows 50 May Be the New 20

Being old just got younger. However, to achieve that there's something you need to do.

New Food Plate Guidelines: Healthy Eating Made Easy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has unveiled a new icon that it hopes will make choosing nutritious foods easier for Americans.

Daily Aspirin Therapy: Right for Diabetes?

Taking a daily aspirin could be good for your health... or it could be bad for your health. There are advantages for those living with diabetes, but there are also risks.

Full-Body Scans: Too Much of a Good Thing?

What could be the downsides of potentially detecting cancer or another serious disease before it advances to a more-difficult-to-treat stage? Well, 150 times more radiation than a chest x-ray, for one thing.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

Heart Disease: Is "Apple" Really Worse?

Are you an "apple"? Are you a "pear"? And what does that really determine anyway?

3-D Mammograms: Pros and Cons

The new technique of 3-D mammograms, or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), overlays 3-D optical mammogram images with x-ray images.

A Really Good Reason to Floss

Researchers have found that women are 11 times more likely to develop this serious condition if they are missing teeth or have gum disease. What's the connection?

Take the Diabetes Risk Test Today

Twenty-five percent of people with diabetes don't even know they have it and that means they're not getting the treatment they need or taking the important steps necessary to keep the disease in check.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are Prevention Powerhouses

The evidence is overwhelming that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, deliver compounds that help prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer.

Do This and Keep Your Brain Sharp

There are many reasons to take on this challenge, and mental acuity is probably at the bottom of the list. But that doesn't diminish the brain benefits it can confer.

Want to Live Longer? Commit to It

What benefits do you reap if you're part of a committed, healthy relationship?

4 Ways to Prevent Fractures

As you age it's essential to protect your bones from breaks and fractures. You can take steps starting now to keep yourself safe and sound.

Are Robots Key to Stroke Recovery?

A new study illuminates some important advantages robots can offer over standard physical rehabilitation therapy to those recovering from stoke.

Traffic Noise Linked to Higher Stroke Risk

If you've ever felt your stress levels go up upon hearing loud noises and wondered if the clamor was affecting your well-being, the answer is yes.

The 411 on Pacemakers

What points should you consider when you're weighing the risks and benefits of these lifesaving devices?

Get Heart-Healthy Without Joining a Gym

Who needs a treadmill? Here are 10 smart ways to build exercise into your day with no special equipment needed.

9 Ways Women Can Lower Their Blood Pressure

If you're a middle-aged woman, it's especially important to keep your blood pressure under control. There are small changes you can make that will add up big when it comes to your health.

How Do You Know If You're Having a Stroke?

It's the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Learn the warning signs and symptoms for you and for those you love.

Michael Douglas: Does Remission Mean Cured?

Douglas recently completed treatment for late stage IV throat cancer and is now in remission.

Secrets of the Superfit Elderly

No matter your age, you have peers out there who push fitness to a new level. Here are the secrets they already know.

Radiation Risks

No cancer treatment is risk free and sometimes the side effects don't manifest until many years after treatment.

Unlikely Source for Senior Fitness

Here's a new idea that just might be the best way for aging people to get fit.

Who's At Risk for a Torn Aorta?

Special envoy Richard C. Holbrooke died after suffering a torn aorta. What does that mean and what should you know?

Heart Disease: A Survival Guide

Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the U.S. But heart disease is actually a category of diseases and it pays to know the different types.

Vitamin E Supplements Linked to Stroke

Before you take another capsule, here's what you need to know about how Vitamin E supplements are tied to risk of stroke.

Limit Salt, Not Flavor

Here's how to keep an eye on the (sometimes hidden) salt you consume, while maintaining the flavor you crave.

Reduce Inflammation for Heart Health

Understand how inflammation, an immune system response that produces heat, swelling, and redness, increases the risk for heart attack and stroke.

How to Help at a Loved One's Doctor's Appointment

A study at Johns Hopkins University found that Medicare beneficiaries who were accompanied to their medical appointments were more satisfied with their visits than those who went alone. How can you make the most of your companionship, beyond just being a driver?

Add "Nature's Wonder Food" to Your Life

Packed with protein and fiber, but low in fat, this pantry must-have delivers a lot of nutrition at an affordable price.

Key to Better Balance in Elderly: Move to the Music

A program of "eurhythmics" shows results in promoting physical coordination and mental acuity in older adults.

Diabetes: Possible Long-Term Consequences

Educate yourself on what can happen so you can take the steps now to change your outcome for the better.

Surgery Later in Life: Pros and Cons

Is there a point at which the risks of possible complications outweigh the benefits of choosing surgery?

The Good Side to Getting Older

While there may be some things about aging that are less than lovable, it turns out that hitting those milestone birthdays often means there are plenty of positives to celebrate. Here are a few.

How to Feel Great at 100

Here are three active steps you can take now to set yourself up to not only become a centenarian but do so in the best health possible.

5 Resolutions for a Healthy Heart

Heart disease may be the leading cause of death for both men and women, but there are many things you can do now to avoid it.

Life Span Linked to Resting Heart Rate

A new study finds that heart disease patients' risk of suffering a major cardiovascular event can be measured by their resting heart rate.

Deep Vein Thrombosis in Men: Warning Signs, How to Prevent It

Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a very scary condition that can be fatal. What do you need to know about DVT to ensure it doesn't happen to you?

How to Cope When You Have No Health Insurance

If you've lost access to insurance, you may be wondering how you'll survive. Is there a way to get good health care even if your finances are unstable?

Sleep Apnea: Danger Zone for Men

Sleeping soundly isn't just good for you it's good for your heart, especially if you're a man.

Resveratrol May Slow Aging

Resveratrol, a plant compound found in red wine and red grapes, has for some time been touted as a key to longevity.

10 Ways to Live 10 Years Younger

These simple strategies can knock a whole decade off of your outlook so you'll feel 10 years younger.

Just Hit 40? 7 Tune-Up Tips

Steps you can take to help ensure your health well into your golden years.

The Health Boosting Benefits of Vitamin K

Already a nutritional superstar, Vitamin K may be even more beneficial than we think. Find out how to get your daily dose.

DHEA Supplements: Do They Work?

Produced naturally by our bodies, the hormone DHEA has been touted as the key to longevity. And some people have begun to supplement their bodies' own DHEA with a synthetic version of the hormone. But are they effective?

The Proper Way to Wear Your Seatbelt

Seat belts save more than 13,000 lives every year in this country, but they can do so only if you wear them the right way.

First Letter of Your Name Linked to Longevity

A group of scientists have published an article claiming that your longevity is linked to the first initial of your first name. So what's the very worst initial to have?

Is This Drug the Answer to a Longer Life?

Scientists have stumbled upon something that could put the breaks on the aging process.

Can Cutting Calories Ward off Aging?

A growing number of health experts are advocating calorie restriction as a way to tap into the fountain of youth.

65 or Over? Keep Your Heart Healthy

Sun and statins, among other things, can keep your heart ticking.

10 Health Benefits of Having Sex

The word is out sex can be great for your health in more ways than you can imagine.

Destress to Help Your Heart

Stress has been shown time and again to negatively impact the heart. Here s how to find relief.

The Effects of Stress on the Heart

When the going gets rough, how bad does it tax the heart? Recent research provides some interesting answers.

Be Happy, Live Longer

Recent research has shown that those with a sunnier disposition may live longer.

Yoga: Improve Your Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

Sometimes escaping the daily grind doesn't require a tropical vacation.

22 Ways to Predict Your Life Span

Will you live to a ripe old age? Read on to calculate your odds.

6 Amazing Anti-Aging Foods

Want younger-looking skin? Try incorporating these six foods into your daily diet.

6 Habits That Can Help You Live Longer

These daily behaviors can boost your health and increase your longevity.