Excuses, excuses, excuses. Every year you make a resolution only to find you've made more "coulda, shoulda, woulda" statements than you have made trips to the gym. So rather than making the same empty promises to yourself, try a new approach.

Here are the top eight fitness excuses men make and the keys to overcome them.

1. "I can't commit." Men are notorious for having commitment problems and committing to fitness is no different. Promising a gym a large amount of money is never an easy endeavor.

Your new perspective: Don't let lengthy (and pricey) gym memberships deter you from becoming active. Seek out local fitness groups or sports teams to join. These are typically seasonal and inexpensive. What better way to get your weekly exercise than hiking with a group of fellow nature lovers or competing against the next town in flag football?

2. "I don't have the extra money to spend." Again, gym memberships are expensive, and not everyone has the extra funds to pay for a yearly membership.

Your new perspective: It's true. Money is rarely in excess for anyone these days. But look at it this way: By actively losing weight now, you'll prevent weight-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, some cancers, and heart disease. An investment in fitness now will save you money in doctor's bills later.

3. "I'm too tired." Workdays are getting longer and longer. Add kids to care for to the equation, and you have a recipe for weariness.

Your new perspective: According to research from the University of Georgia exercise psychology laboratory, exercise can increase energy levels even among people suffering from chronic medical conditions associated with fatigue, like cancer and heart disease. So rather than viewing exercise as yet another drain on your energy, look at it a new means to kick your lethargy to the curb.

4. "I'm too stressed." Bills, kids, work, your partner. Depending on your current situation, some of-if not all-these elements in your life can lead to a seemingly unmanageable amount of stress.

Your new perspective: Although you may look at it as such, exercise should not be stressful. In fact, you should look at your chosen form of activity (whether it's a gym, a sports team, or a club) as your time away from the stressors. Embrace your time away from the realities of life and exercise your ability to remedy stress.

5. "I don't know how." If you've never exercised before, a gym can be an overwhelming place. Loud music, high-tech machines, and extremely fit cliental can deter even the most inspired newcomer.

Your new perspective: Gyms like Planet Fitness, Snap Fitness, and Curve are designed for beginners. They have knowledgeable staff that provides information for free. Additionally, CrossFit gyms factor personal training in with the membership fees. So regardless of how green you may be, there are gyms and outlets provided for those who are new to the fitness world.

6. "The gym is boring." Repetition isn't for everyone, and that seems like all gym-goers do-repeat the same movements over and over and over again.

Your new perspective: Is rock-climbing boring? Are martial arts overly repetitive? Just because you want to break a sweat, doesn't mean you need to be uninterested. Look for active pursuits that will not only help you burn calories but will force you to learn something new.

7. "My partner is happy with me the way I am." So you've put on a few extra pounds since the start of your relationship, and your partner is happy with you "just the way you are."

Your new perspective: And your partner should love you even if you're carrying around a newly acquired spare tire. Even so, your partner would be elated if you make a commitment to fitness not for vanity's sake, but for your own health and wellness.

8. "I'm recovering from a serious injury." Work-related injuries are on the rise and more than a few of us have been sidelined because of them. On top of that, nothing can bring a life of fitness to a screeching halt like an extended recovery period.

Your new perspective: Sure, maybe you can't just jump right back into the thick of exercise. You can, however, set a goal for yourself. Give yourself a six-month window to run a mile or hike a major trail in your area. This will lessen the stress of exercise while working toward a manageable goal.