Men's Health - Videos

How to Sit Healthy At An Office Job

A physical therapist demonstrates "the right way" to work at the office to keep your body healthy.

Is Post-Workout Hunger Increasing Your Calorie Count?

Despite the fact that a tough workout might make you want to eat enough for a family of four, your exercise routine probably isn't making you consume extra calories, according to a new research review.

Fitness Trackers And Sleep: How Accurate Are They?

Many fitness trackers measure not only the number of steps you take every day and the calories you burn, but also your sleep habits, with some trackers even claiming to measure the time you spend in each stage of sleep.

These Jobs Have The Most Obese Employees

The transportation, moving, cleaning, truck-driving, protective services and building services industries have the highest prevalence of obesity, according to a study of people in Washington state.

'I Will Survive': How Music Affects the Brain

In her book, We Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor shares 40 true stories about survivors who have found comfort, hope and courage through the power of her hit song, I Will Survive. Neurologist and music therapist Dr. Mark Tramo explains how music helps improve your physical and emotional well-being.

The Awesome Effects of Music

Want to be more relaxed, have a better memory, and have more control over your emotions? Find out how music affects multiple parts of your brain and your life.

Text Alert: Texting While Walking Is Dangerous

Australian researchers used motion-capture technology to measure how people walk while texting.

How Exercise Helps You Prevent Cancer

to prevent cancer? Exercise! In this Health Smarts video, fitness expert Mike Clark, DPT, explains how exercise and everyday physical activity cuts your risk of colon and other types of cancer risk by up to 15%.

Relieve Stress with a Hug

Ever just want a hug? It turns out, a little human contact can do more than boost your mood. In this video, Barbara Ficarra, RN, talks about how a hug can reduce stress in people both before and after a difficult time.

A Surprising Key to Happiness

Taking a stand for something can boost your happiness. The stronger someone's activism is the better they felt, according to research. In this video, Barbara Ficarra, RN, discusses why having passion for a cause can improve your mood.

4 Fast and Easy Ways to De-Stress

Eating a banana or smooching a loved one, these are just a few ways to lower your stress level this holiday season

Obesity & The African-American Woman

Four out of five African-American women are overweight and a Columbia University study found that one in four black women will likely die of obesity-related diseases. It's not just due to socioeconomic factors. We look at what's behind the epidemic.

Shame: Just What The Doctor Ordered

A new study shows that 26% of women and 15% of men say they've been shamed by a doctor for everything from weight to sex to hygiene. But research suggests that shaming doesn't work, so why are docs still doing it?

4 Ways to Boost Your Motivation Right Now

Wanna quit smoking? Lose weight? Here, expert advice on the best ways to create new behaviors that bring about lasting change.

Tips for Cutting Costs on Prescriptions

More than 4 billion prescriptions are filled every year in the U.S.; however, recent reports show that 1 in 4 Americans are not filling prescriptions because the medications cost too much. Learn about an online resource that could help you save money on your meds.

How 3D Printing Works

Pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears tours a 3D printing facility at the University of Michigan. See how the cutting-edge technology creates exact replicas of his nose and brain! Plus, learn about the groundbreaking medical applications that 3D printing holds for the future.

3D Printing Helps Save Child's Life

See how doctors at the University of Michigan used 3D printing to render a customized, life-saving stint for a young child with a rare tracheal disorder.

New Year's Resolutions

The Doctors share their top tips to keep you healthy in the new year. Plus, learn how to prevent an injury during a workout!

Five Health Secrets Your Lips Reveal

They pucker, they pout, and they point out problems! OB/GYN Dr. Jennifer Ashton divulges five health secrets your lips can reveal.

The Docs Bust a Move

Watch as E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork and pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears get inspired by The Treadmill Guy and bust a move on a treadmill.

Treadmill Dancing

Internet sensation "The Dancing Treadmill Guy," Marcus, stops by to demonstrate how he dropped two pant sizes!

Surprising Reasons for a Fever

The Doctors share surprising reasons for a fever. Plus, when should you worry?

What Is Toe Cheese?

The dreaded "toe cheese": Learn where it comes from and how to get rid of it.

What To Do If Your Toenail Falls Off

Learn what you should do if a toenail falls off. And, how long will it take to grow back?

Jimmy Carter Announces Major Disease On Brink Of Eradication

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter joins HuffPost Live from The Carter Center in Atlanta to make a major announcement in the field of public health

Sophie Uliano's Homemade Mouthwash

If bad breath is a problem or a concern for you, start breathing a sigh of relief! Sophie Uliano has an assortment of solutions to improve your digestion and remedies for freshening your breath.

Time For Yourself? But How?

HuffPost's Third Metric seeks to redefine success beyond money and power. We know that taking time to focus on our mental and physical health is important, but why does taking that time always come with a side of guilt?

Bizarre in the ER: The Risks of a Serious Infection

E.R. physician Dr. Armand Dorian shares the story of an overweight man who came into the emergency department with what he thought was an ingrown toenail and ended up with an amputated foot. Learn the importance of good foot care.

How a Spa Trip Ended in Surgery

E.R. physician Dr. Armand Dorian shares the story of how one man's trip to the spa ended in a 3-hour surgery. Learn which trendy spa treatment you may want to avoid.

Staying Up Late Vs. Sleeping In

Learn whether sleeping in can help or hinder your health. Plus, is it worse than staying up late?