Multiple Sclerosis - Treatments

Sex and Multiple Sclerosis

Typical sexual problems MS patients face, and how they’re often treated.

Multiple Sclerosis by the Numbers

From who s affected to how many medications are available, a look at the latest stats.

Could Acupuncture Help MS?

While some find relief from this ancient form of Chinese medicine, more research is needed to determine its true benefits.

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Treat Pain

Mind over matter: You've heard it so many times, it may seem meaningless. But new research shows how emotional therapy helps to make pain symptoms easier to bear.

Don't Let Chronic Pain Result in Social Isolation

When it hurts to be active, it's hard to stay connected. Read on to break free from pain's captivity.

4 Pain-Friendly Outdoor Activities

Now that the sun is making an appearance, don't let pain keep you indoors. Indulge in these easy, pain-friendly, outdoor activities to let you enjoy your day in the sun.

Marijuana for Pain Relief

Recent study confirms pain relief benefits of marijuana.

Pregnancy May Slow Progression of MS

According to a recent study, having a baby may slow down the damaging effects of multiple sclerosis, a serious autoimmune disease.

Multiple Sclerosis: Myths vs. Facts

When it comes to multiple sclerosis (MS), false assumptions abound. Here, we separate fact from fiction.