Pain Management and Chronic Pain - Causes

How Anxiety Affects Your Pain Symptoms

Many patients report pain several months or more after having surgery and scientists are developing clues as to why. Several studies have focused on understanding the interlinking roles of genetics, anxiety and pain.

Can Anger Increase Your Pain?

As if anger and sadness weren't tough enough, new studies indicate they may be even tougher on women with chronic pain, particularly fibromyalgia.

Are You Suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Normally, when someone gets injured, time heals the wounds and pain goes away. But patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSD), don't heal that way. Instead, their pain gets worse instead of better and may even spread beyond the injured area.

Gender Roles in Pain Medication Abuse

New research has now determined that men and women misuse pain medication differently.

What's Causing Your Foot Pain?

When your heels hurt, your arches ache or your toes are tender, it s hard to put your best foot forward. Fixing foot pain starts with determining what s causing it.

How to Soothe Your Child s Aches and Pains

It can be hard to determine if your child is attempting to delay lights out during bed time or if she is in serious pain. Read on to see when you should worry about your child's aches and pain.

What Your Back Pain is Telling You

Backache isn t a one-size-fits-all complaint. Its location, severity, how fast it comes on and how long it hangs around says a lot about its cause, its cure and your health. Read on for four types of backaches and what you should do about them.

Unlocking a Mystery: Understanding Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia affects about one out of 50 people, with women much more susceptible than men. The main symptom of fibromyalgia is a widespread dull ache affecting multiple spots on the body, typically muscular in nature. Here, learn more about this condition.

Understanding Breakthrough Pain

Millions of Americans live with constant pain. But what if pain suddenly gets worse, your pain medication wears off too soon or you do something that aggravates your pain condition? That s called breakthrough pain.

4 Common Age-Related Pains

While most people of a certain age are healthy and living full, productive lives, growing older often comes with a few aches and pains. Not surprisingly, many older adults go through the same changes.

4 Causes of Headaches and Natural Remedies

What can you do to relieve your headache besides hit the medicine bottle? We ve got four natural headache remedies that will knock out your headaches right now and help prevent them in the future.

Remedy the Pain in Your Butt

It is not uncommon for people to end up with pain in their gluteal region, or buttocks.

Foods that Trigger Migraines

Certain foods pull the trigger that leads to crippling headaches.

The Link between Your Posture and Your Headaches

I have treated many patients with migraine headaches who suffered for years because a proper diagnosis was never made. Migraine headaches are difficult to establish a cause for because there are many possible causes.

Lifestyle Changes for Sciatica

Changing your lifestyle habits could make a difference in whether or not you experience sciatica.

The Link Between Smoking and Migraines

Avoiding exposure to smoke can prevent the onset of a migraine.

7 Common Pain Symptoms in Depressives

People who suffer from chronic pain are three times more likely to develop mood or anxiety disorders, and depressed people are three times more likely to develop chronic pain.

Sleep Problems Associated with Fibromyalgia

Since fatigue is one of the main painful characteristics of fibromyalgia, getting sufficient quality sleep is essential.

What is Tinnitus and How to Treat It

If you are struggling with tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, there are a range of treatments to consider.

How to Establish the Cause of Functional Pain

Experiencing functional pain? If so, look to the muscle for establishing the cause.

How to Cope with Allergy-Related Migraines

Dietary modification, environmental modifications, and allergy medications can all help in preventing the onset of allergy-related migraines.

How Strengthening Your Hips Will Prevent Back Pain

When some one has pain on one side of the lower back, it's not uncommon to find either gluteus medius is weak causing the lower back muscle to strain.

5 Rare Pain Disorders

Suffering from a rare pain disorder not only affects your physical health, but also your mental health.

Is a Meniscal Tear Causing Your Knee Pain?

Physical therapist Mitchell Yass examines the true causes of knee pain.

How to Remedy Trigger Finger

It seems that trigger finger is not the most common of injuries that people experience, but when it occurs, it is a real nuisance. It affects your ability to grab objects and can be very painful.

How to Decide if Surgery Can Solve Your Low Back Pain

While there are many back surgery success stories, surgeons advise that the decision for surgery should not be rushed.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Think Muscle Not Nerve

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most misdiagnosed syndromes.

5 Surprising Headache Triggers

Perfumes, weather, and even your up-do can cause that dreaded headache.

9 Diet Commandments for Pain Patients

Many of the foods that you eat may be making your pain worse. Knowing what foods to avoid and what other dietary changes you can make to eliminate your pain could be the key to changing the quality of your life.

Understanding How a Muscle in Pain Works

Understanding how muscle works can help to understand how muscle can affect pain.