Pain Management and Chronic Pain - Original Articles

The Link between Chronic Pain and Obesity

Chronic pain and obesity are epidemics in the United States and new research is shedding some light on why. A new study that obesity and pain are also linked to each other as well as other conditions.

Health Concerns: How to Keep Family Updated

The Web offers many options for staying connected and keeping loved ones updated on your or your family member's health issues. These methods are fast, easy, and efficient, and you'll know your support network is right there with you as a part of your journey.

7 Ways to Live Well With Lupus

While lupus has no cure, there are steps you can take to minimize your symptoms and boost your quality of life.

4 Ways to Use Yoga for Back Pain

Among the best and safest ways to properly strengthen your back and keep your spine, ligaments, and muscles limber is by doing yoga. Now, studies show that using yoga to relieve back pain is safe and effective.

5 Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If the tingling, aching, and numbness of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is getting out of hand, five simple exercises might put relief right at your fingertips.

Is That Feeling Angina or Indigestion?

Learn the essential rule of thumb for knowing the difference between heartburn and heart trouble.

The Link between Smoking and Chronic Back Pain

Patients suffering with low back pain, sciatica, and herniated discs may want to ditch the smokes if they really want to get out of pain. The reason: cigarette smoking increases risks for developing herniated discs and low back pain.

Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Differences between Men and Women

Chronic pelvic pain isn t just a problem for women. Plenty of men suffer from it too. What are the common sources of pelvic pain for men and women? Find out here.

Frequently Ignored Cancer Symptoms

Many people only discover they have cancer when something turns up on an x-ray, ultrasound, or other routine test. Unfortunately, the disease may then be in its later (and more difficult-to-treat) stages.

How to Help Your Partner Understand Your Pain

Chronic pain can take a toll on a relationship, but it's important to remember that your spouse isn't a mind reader and neither are you. Good communication is important in any marriage, but it's crucial in a partnership in which one person has a medical condition.

Do the Sexes Experience Fibromyalgia Differently?

While fibro affects people from all social statuses, races and ethnic groups, approximately 75-90 percent of fibromyalgia patients are women. But do men experience it differently? Find out here.

Running Through Pain: When is it OK?

Forget about that famous "runner's high." Serious runners will tell you: running hurts, at least at first. If you can't run away from the pain, should you run through it?

The Link between Women, Migraines, and Multiple Sclerosis

According to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 2010 Annual Meeting migraines are seen in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) more often than in women without. What's the link? Read on to find out.

Cursing May Help Ease Your Pain

Ever feel like cursing when your arthritis pain makes getting up from a chair difficult? Or when you wake up stiff and sore? Instead of gritting your teeth and bearing it, consider letting those dirty words fly.

Could Pelvic Pain and Migraines Be Connected?

A recent study from the National Institutes of Health says many women who suffer from migraines also suffer with chronic pelvic pain. Is there a connection between what s going on upstairs and what s going on below the belt? Find out here.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pain-Related Sleep Problems

Poor sleep and chronic pain often go hand-in-hand. While there are a variety of treatments to help you through the night, could Cognitive Behavioral Therapy be the best bet? Find out here.

Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease

How do you know if you have degenerative disc disease? If you have low back pain, are in your thirties or forties, and are otherwise healthy, you're a typical sufferer.

7 Tips to Control Your Mood When You're in Pain

Mood and pain are strongly connected. We've got tips for how to control mood when you're in pain.

How to Get Quick Relief for a Bulging Disk

Bulging disks can be painful and debilitating. If quick relief is what you're after, follow these tips.

4 Bad Exercises for Bad Knees

The best way to avoid and recover from knee injury is to keep the muscles and ligaments surrounding your body's largest joint strong and flexible. If you have "bad knees," be careful about the exercises you choose.

The Link between Restless Leg Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Restless leg syndrome is 10 times more likely to affect people who have fibromyalgia than those who don't and may be one reason why they have trouble sleeping.

Can You Find Migraine Relief at the Dentist's Office?

Could eliminating your migraines be as easy as visiting your dentist? One dentist/physical therapist team in Scotland says, "yes," according to recent research and their unique drug-free approach.

10 Tell-Tale Signs of a Pinched Nerve

How do you know if you have a pinched nerve? Watch out for these signs.

Work Considerations and Fibro: What You Need to Think About

Learn more about how to balance your symptoms and work-life and when to consider disability.

10 Signs You're Having a Stress Headache

While there's no singular cause for stress headaches, they often occur when the body is literally under duress like when you're tired, worried, hungry, over-stimulated, working too hard or just fed up.

Bladder Problems and Fibromyalgia

Many patients with fibromyalgia, especially women, suffer with pelvic complaints and bladder problems.

The Link between Your Immune System and Your Back Pain

Scientists and doctors are making new discoveries every day about how the immune and autoimmune systems are intricately involved in all areas of our health, including our skeletal system and back health.

The Link Between TMJ and Headaches

Read on for a TMJ primer and tips for how to alleviate TMJ-related headaches.

Are Allergies Causing Your Joint Pain?

If you experience deep, painful aches, you may wonder if it could stem from allergies in some way, although it's possible for them to co-occur, experts say that joint pain and allergies are usually not related.

Does Anxiety Cause Joint Pain?

Joint pain may seem to naturally result from purely physical ailments such as arthritis, but there's significant evidence that joint pain can be caused or exacerbated by mental distress.