A great sex life might seem like one of life's perks for young people. But these days, it's not uncommon for younger as well as older individuals to suffer from a low libido, says Michael Krychman, MD, executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and an associate clinical professor at USC Medical School in Los Angeles.

"It's a significant issue," he says. "And it's one that many people don't realize is possible for younger people." But, he says, many factors these days contribute to low sex drive in the young.

3 Common Causes of a Low Sex Drive

1. Economic pressures. It's not just older people who are worried about the economy. Younger individuals feel stressed out, too, over how they'll make ends meet and whether they'll find a job. It's so draining to worry constantly about bills, inflation, and the threat of layoffs that sex can be the last thing on a person's mind.

2. Privacy issues. "You have grown children moving back home to live in their parents' home because they can't afford an apartment," Krychman says. "It not only puts a cramp in the parents' style, in their chance to have a sex life, but in the young adult's style, too."

3. Health issues. Everything from fatigue to certain medications, such as some birth control pills, can cause a low libido.

5 Low Sex Drive Fixes

1. Get a physical, recommends Ian Kerner, Ph.D. "It's important to address any medical issues that could be causing low libido," he says. If there are any underlying issues, your doctor should be able to treat them."

2. Get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly.

3. Make sex a priority, Kerner says. That means not letting it always be the last thing on your agenda. Even if you're not in the mood, once you get started you'll start feeling like you want to continue.

4. Help your partner with chores and give her some extra TLC. you may find her feeling a bit more amorous. "Women may not have this pouncing concept, but they respond to a cue, whether it is having her partner pick up the dirty laundry or rubbing her back or taking care of the kids," Krychman says. "When a partner does this, it can actually stimulate the partner to be more interested in sex."

5. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful, Krychman says, as can couples therapy to address stress and conflict in a marriage.