Women's Health - Relationships & Family

Lost Libido? Supplements Can Help

If you don't have much interest in sex these days, you may worry that you'll never reclaim the passion and sexual desire you once had. Well, worry not. These supplements will get that fire raging once again.

6 Essential Dating Tips for the New Divorcee

You're newly single, and this may be an excellent time to re-enter the dating game. But before you hop back into the game, consider these tips.

Are You More than Just Friends?

Having close friends is essential to any productive social life; however, it is possible that one of your "friendships" may be more than just that. Read on to find out if you're really partaking in an emotional affair.

We never had a honeymoon. How can we plan the perfect one?

Great honeymoons can occur any time in a marriage--and can even be more fun if you don't go away immediately after the wedding!

4 Causes of an Irregular Sex Drive

If you find that your fire is burning one minute only to find it extinguished the next, you may have an irregular sex drive. In order to remedy your libido woes, you need to know what's causing it. Here, the four most common culprits.

Let It Out: Healthy Ways to Express Anger

Sure, expressing your emotions in positive ways can be a challenge, but keeping them bottled up is likely to lead to an explosion down the road.

How do my partner and I stop fighting so often?

Smart and happy couples manage and expect disagreements, but they usually know how to "dial down" the intensity.

7 Surefire Ways to Grab His Attention

Don't wait for fate to bring you together: it may never happen. Instead, take a chance with one of these attention getting tips.

Not Satisfied? 10 Tips for Better Sexual Communication

When sex stops being satisfying between you, your relationship becomes vulnerable. The remedy: effective communication. Follow these ten tips to voice your concerns without offending your partner.

Making Sense of Mixed Signals

If your partner frequently says one thing when he means another, you may question his sincerity. Before mixed signals start causing your relationship to unravel, there's a lot you should consider.

Building Relationships After Depression

Many things can temporarily derail a relationship, including an episode of depression. It is possible, however, to get relationships back on track after treatment.

I really don't like my friend's partner. What do I do?

You don't have to love the partners of your friends and family, but you do need to find some common ground and a way to get along.

7 Tips for Helping a Partner in Need

Your partner is undergoing a traumatic experience. You want to be supportive, but he's not the easiest person to help. Here's what to do.

10 Signs Your Partner Shouldn't be Trusted

If you're suspicious that your partner has broken your trust, it can be a heavy burden to carry around. Get at the truth by looking for these ten tell-tale signs.

How can I become better at detecting liars?

Reading people is not an exact science, but you should know about key signs such as shaking legs and looking away.

Could You Have Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome?

Is your ideal man one who can "protect" you from the evils of the past? Or are you a guy who feels the need to "rescue" women who have been wronged? If you answered "yes" to either question, you may have Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome.

I've been divorced, but I'm still making poor choices when selecting a partner. What should I do?

Having a broken heart in love doesn't always make you wiser. Some of the top things to look for are similar sense of humor and ability to apologize.

12 Natural Aphrodisiacs for Women

Having trouble getting in the mood? You can feel amorous, sexy, and ready for love without having to resort to pills or patches.

Health Concerns: How to Keep Family Updated

The Web offers many options for staying connected and keeping loved ones updated on your or your family member's health issues. These methods are fast, easy, and efficient, and you'll know your support network is right there with you as a part of your journey.

I think my partner is addicted to porn. What should I do?

Looking at pornography doesn't have to be a problem, but you do need to worry if it becomes uncontrollable, abusive, or detrimental to your intimate relationship.

Give Your Relationship a Spring Cleanup

If your relationship's been nearly as chilly as the cold, dark winter, warm things up with these tips for a spring relationship cleanup.

My partner and I recently separated. What's the best way to use this time?

Separations are more than just time to date other people. They are opportunities to learn about you.

Could You Possibly Love Yourself Too Much?

If you're always putting yourself first without thinking of your significant other's needs, you're setting up your relationship for failure.

How to Prevent Lapses in Judgment

Has your unconscious come to surface and forced you into a sticky, embarrassing situation? If so, worry not. There are ways to bounce back.

Why do I fall in love with the same kind of people even though they make me unhappy?

If you want to change your love life, focus on changing how you interact with your partner.

10 Sneaky Tips to Get Your Partner Back in Shape

Telling your partner he's gained weight is not easy. Try these 10 tips to help motivate him tactfully.

Do Cheaters Have a Genetic Excuse?

If you partner cheats, and you find out, you re probably expecting a certain reaction like remorse, maybe, or genuine sadness. But how about if he blames his genes? Is this a valid excuse? Find out here.

The Pros and Cons of Online Dating

More people than ever are turning to online dating to make a love connection. While a healthy relationship is a great goal to work toward, here are tips to keep in mind as you navigate your way.

The Physiology of Falling in Love

New lovers attribute their passionate feelings to matters of the heart. However, scientists are unraveling the science of falling in love and linking it directly to the brain.

8 Tips for Effective Compromise

Compromise is the key to any healthy relationship. Here, 8 tips to help you help your partnership.