We all know that little saying, "the only constant in life is change?" People suffering with anxiety don't like this saying very much. Those who suffer from anxiety like routine and consistency. This way, they're comfortable. A certain amount of anxiety in life is normal—moderate amounts of anxiety before an important event may enhance our performance. On the flip side, anxiety can become so severe as to limit our ability to function normally or to enjoy life.

Anxiety feelings come from a response to our environment. Research indicates that five to six percent of people with anxiety are diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD symptoms include persistent worry about many of life's day to day actives and situations. Its intensity is much more elevated than normal worry (i.e. "Will I get the job?" or "Will I have a healthy baby?"). GAD is almost compulsive in nature and uncontrollable. It has been said that there could be a link to a biological or genetic component to GAD, where some individuals are preconditioned to be more sensitive to life stressors.

Anxiety many times stems from stressors. A significant form of stressors are life changes. Life changes can range from dealing with the holidays, changes in residence, pregnancy, to the death of a spouse. While each situation has a different level of anxiety, it is important to look beyond the situation and examine the whole picture. Once you see the whole picture, you can break issues into manageable parts that you can accomplish. In making manageable pieces one can feel in control of the situation and lessen their anxiety because they feel a sense of accomplishment. It can also lead to a better understanding of your current life situation.  

Studies have shown that anxiety does have a link to depression. Most individuals with anxiety do not like the worry that they will often feel hopeless about being able to control their distress which causes depression. Research shows that almost one-half of individuals who have depression also have a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder and anxiety is usually diagnosed earlier than the depression. It is likely that when you get a handle on your anxiety the depression will lesson and lead to better functioning.

Tips for dealing with anxiety from life changes:

  • Slow down. You need time to think and reflect. This way you can see the situation as a whole and make manageable pieces.
  • Be open to change and avoid negative thinking pertaining to the change. Being resistant to life changes might cause mores distress than if you try to look at life changes with a fresh outlook.
  • Participate in what makes you happy. Take the time to find them. What do you think is valuable in life? Pursue it. This can relive stress and also provide a new perspective on life.
  • Seek professional  support. Sometimes a fresh perspective will assist you in lessening anxiety and reliving stress. Moreover, a trained professional can assist you with developing techniques that can help you manage symptomatic concerns.