Arthritis - Prevention

12 Best Travel Tips for Arthritis

You've got places to go and people to see. Don't let arthritis aches, pains, and limitations get in your way.

What You Need to Know About Chronic Pain Syndrome

Are aches your constant companion? You re not alone. Learn more about coping with chronic pain.

You Can Live Well With a Musculoskeletal Disease

If you know how your bones, joints, and muscles operate, and what stops them from functioning properly, you'll be better able to treat your symptoms so you can live with less pain.

Comedian Matt Iseman Doesn t Let RA Stifle His Laughter

Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't define this funny guy. Learn how Matt is continuing to follow his dreams.

An Introduction to Scoliosis

Simply defined, scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. Here's how the condition is treated.

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Its Connection to RA

Some research suggests that leaky gut syndrome, or increased intestinal permeability, is implicated in dozens of diseases including arthritis. Could your diet be to blame?

Rheumatoid Arthritis: 8 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Infection

Rheumatoid arthritis can increase your chances of infection, especially if you're taking certain medications. Here's how to protect yourself.

The Link Between Sugar and Osteoarthritis

Curb your sweet tooth, and you just may notice an improvement in your symptoms.

Knee Replacement: Your Pressing Questions, Answered

How long in the hospital? How long until recovered? How do they actually replace a knee? Get straightforward answers to these and other questions.

Hip Replacement: Your Pressing Questions, Answered

How is a hip replaced? What are symptoms after? What's the recovery time? Get straightforward answers to these and other questions.

What Can Iron Supplements Do for Men?

Learn how this multi-functional mineral can help support men's health.

Prepare for and Manage Post-Surgical Pain

Some pain is to be expected, but some of the best doctor advice on how to handle it will come as a surprise.

Arthritis Is Not Just for the Elderly

It's important to know arthritis can strike at any age because early treatment is key.

Living With Invisible Pain

You look well. What are the challenges when you feel anything but on the inside?

Why Does the Body Feel Pain?

Pain is a communication system, but what is it trying to say? Focus on the different types of pain to uncover its secrets.

Everyday Aches or Diagnosed Chronic Pain?

The rigors of daily living make the occasional ache commonplace. But when have you crossed the line to chronic pain?

Can the Paleo Diet Help Your Arthritis?

When it comes to arthritis, what are the benefits of eating meat, fish, nuts, and produce, and avoiding anything processed?

Is Alcohol Good for Arthritis?

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, moderate alcohol consumption could reduce symptoms and even lessen one's risk of developing the disease.

Massage Therapy for Pain

How could this therapy help you manage your worst pain symptoms?

Can Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Fix Your Back Pain?

If you have ongoing back pain, OMT offers a holistic approach to pain relief that addresses a variety of physical conditions.

Arthritis 101

Learn about the most common forms of arthritis, from causes and symptoms to treatment.

Painkiller Addiction: 6 Myths and the Real Facts

Painkillers are powerful medicines, but with them come the real risk of abuse. Understand the myths and determine how to use painkillers safely.

How Pets Can Help Your Chronic Pain Symptoms

Bringing a pet into your home is a big commitment, but it can come with serious rewards including a potential reduction of your pain.

The Risks of Long Term Over-the-Counter Painkiller Usage

If you live with chronic pain, you may need painkilling medications to help you make it through the day-to-day grind. However, if you rely too heavily on over-the-counter (OTC) medications, you may run the risk of developing long term and potentially deadly health risks.

Get More Vitamin C to Lower Gout Risk

One study of nearly 47,000 men found that for every 500 mg daily increase of vitamin C consumption, the risk of gout declined by 17 percent.

What Your Muscle Pain Is Telling You

Typically when you have muscle pain it's equated to soreness from working out or maybe an injury. But what most don't consider is how muscle pain is often associated with chronic health conditions.

5 Ways to Avoid Cold Weather-Related Pain

Patients who experience joint, bone, and muscle pain really know what it means to be "under the weather." Many patients experience increased pain and stiffness during cold weather. But is there anything you can do about it? Read on to find out.

Exercise: Just What the Doctor Ordered?

Physicians and fitness experts are teaming up to help patients exercise their way to wellness.

Can Vitamin D Prevent Arthritis?

What if you could take a pill that would stop you from ever developing rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis? Research suggests there may be such a pill, and it's widely available and easy to obtain.

The Benefits of Strength Training for Chronic Pain

It's perfectly normal to be skeptical of lifting weights, especially if you never have or if you've always been told that you couldn't. Here, we outline how strength training can benefit those suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and common injuries.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pain-Related Sleep Problems

Poor sleep and chronic pain often go hand-in-hand. While there are a variety of treatments to help you through the night, could Cognitive Behavioral Therapy be the best bet? Find out here.

7 Ways to Protect Your Joints

While arthritis may be unavoidable for some, many of us could be doing more to keep our joints safe. Whether you've been diagnosed with arthritis or are looking for ways to prevent it, here are some simple ways to be good to your joints.

Does Anxiety Cause Joint Pain?

Joint pain may seem to naturally result from purely physical ailments such as arthritis, but there's significant evidence that joint pain can be caused or exacerbated by mental distress.

10 Ways to Prevent Joint Stress

If you have pain in your joints, hear popping or creaking sounds when you move, or feel stiff after sitting for a while, your joints may be under too much stress.

Rheumatoid Arthritis May Help Fight Alzheimer s Disease

While a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis can be scary, new research suggests that there's a silver lining to this inflammatory joint disease.

5 Ways to Ward Off Knee Arthritis

When it comes to osteoarthritis, the knees are particularly vulnerable to osteoarthritis because they bear so much of your body weight. In fact, researchers say that almost half of all people will develop osteoarthritis of the knee by age 85. But there are ways you can prevent or at least slow the progression.

Top 5 Supplements for Men

The key to effective supplementation is to know what you're taking and why you're taking it.

Green Tea May Protect Against Rheumatoid Arthritis

Green tea has been touted as a miracle beverage for years, helping with everything from weight loss to longevity to cancer prevention. But can it help protect against rheumatoid arthritis as well?

Obesity Increases Risk of Fibromyalgia

As if there weren't enough reasons to keep yourself at a healthy weight, researchers now say that being obese is a risk factor for fibromyalgia.

Treating Gum Disease Can Help Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sure, brushing your teeth can lead to a healthy mouth and even a healthy heart...but healthy joints. Quite possibly, according to a recent study.

How to Prevent Post-Surgical Pain

By taking the right preemptive steps, you don t have to endure severe pain after surgery.

Moderate Drinking May Slow Rheumatoid Arthritis

A new study suggests that it just might keep your arthritis at bay, at least for a while. Scientists in Switzerland have found that people who are light to moderate drinkers experienced a slower progression of joint damage than either teetotalers or those who hit the bottle hard.

A Lower Level of C-Reactive Protein Means Less Inflammation

One of the markers of bodily inflammation is a blood protein known as C-reactive protein. Basically, the higher your level of C-reactive protein, the more inflammation there is somewhere in your body.

Vitamin C Lowers Gout Risk in Men

Scientists in Canada believe they may have found the key to preventing this extremely painful condition.

9 Diet Commandments for Pain Patients

Many of the foods that you eat may be making your pain worse. Knowing what foods to avoid and what other dietary changes you can make to eliminate your pain could be the key to changing the quality of your life.

The Immune System s Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis results from an immune system being in overdrive. Found out how this works.

Too Much Exercise Can Cause Arthritis

Athletes seem to be getting older and older, but while their hearts may be benefiting, their joints could be at risk.

Childhood Abuse and Adult Osteoarthritis

It may seem hard to believe, but recent studies have shown a link between these seemingly unrelated factors.

Share Your Story. Become a Health Hero.

Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!

Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis? The Differences You Should Know

Five factors that separate fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fight Fever in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fever is one of the many symptoms that can occur in rheumatoid arthritis. Learn why it may happen and ways you can treat it.

The Link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes

Having rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes can be an autoimmune double whammy.

The Link between Gum Disease and Arthritis

Find out how your mouth can affect your arthritis.

Childless Women Diagnosed with Arthritis Earlier

Here, how reproductive capabilities can affect your diagnosis of this common condition.

Common Fibromyalgia Misdiagnoses

Other illnesses have similar symptoms to fibromyalgia, which can lead to misdiagnosis and treatment. Learn how to tell the difference.

Lack of Sleep Increases Inflammation in Arthritis

Trouble sleeping decreases overall quality of life in patients with chronic pain and diseases and can even aggravate disease symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Abatacept May Protect Against Flu

A new study suggests that abatacept (Orencia ), a rheumatoid arthritis drug, could fight different strains of the flu.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers: How Food Can Protect Your Bones

When you have arthritis, ensuring that your bones remain healthy is a top priority. Here are some common foods that will help keep your skeleton strong.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy: 8 Things You Need to Know

Information and tips about rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis

An overview of the link between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Plus, how to build healthy bones and reduce your risk of this bone-thinning disease that increases your risk of fractures.

Turmeric and Arthritis: Curcumin Helps Fight Inflammation

Turmeric's ingredient, curcumin, blocks inflammation and protects bones from arthritis.

Diagnosed With Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis? 5 Facts You Should Know

The news could be hard to swallow. Here, what to expect after a diagnosis of RA.

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables and Arthritis

This natural supplement helps fight osteoarthritis.

5 Tips for Healthier Bones

Bone damage is common in arthritics. Find out how to increase your bone strength.

The 411 on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Information and coping tips for parents and caregivers

Arthritis and Alcohol: A Bad Mix

Learn how those cocktails can make your arthritis worse and safer ways to drink

How to Lower Your Arthritis Risk

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, arthritis is the most common cause of disability, affecting nearly 50 percent of all Americans at some point in their lives. Each year, millions of workers skip work or leisure activities to cope with the debilitating symptoms such as chronic pain, swelling and stiffness.

Understanding Hip Pain

Hip pain is an increasingly common phenomenon that tends to occur with age. Find out what causes hip pain and what you can do about it.