Using Omalizumab to Treat Allergic Asthma

Looking for a better way to control your allergic asthma symptoms? If corticosteroid therapy isn't effective enough to treat moderate to severe allergic asthma, it may be time to talk to your doctor about adding Subcutaneous Omalizumab. This injection is administered once or twice a month by a doctor so you can head off your allergic asthma.

How Omalizumab Controls Allergic Asthma

During an allergic response, your body creates an increased amount of a protein called IgE, which leads to inflammation and related symptoms. Omalizumab attaches onto the IgE protein and blocks it from creating an allergic reaction.

Research on Omalizumab

According to an article published in the CHEST journal in January 2011, taking Omalizumab along with inhaled corticosteroids can lessen the occurrence and severity of allergic asthma symptoms. In a review of 8 placebo-controlled studies, researchers discovered that patients using Omalizumab had significant improvements in their conditions compared to those who used the placebo. Many patients taking Omalizumab were able to stop using other asthma medications without a worsening of their symptoms.

Although there's been some concern about the potential dangers of using Omalizumab, most people in these studies were able to tolerate it without ill effects.

What This Means for You

If your asthma is allergic in nature, ask your doctor if you could be a good candidate to try Omalizumab along with your other medications. If you're worried about this medication's potential allergy-causing components, your doctor will most likely monitor you very closely after each injection to be sure you don't have any problems.

Take Control of Allergic Asthma

Other steps you can take to control your allergic asthma include minimizing exposure to your triggers, allergy-proofing your home and work environment, and taking allergy control medications. If you're not sure what sparks your reaction, you can undergo allergy testing to get to the root of the problem.

You should also work with your doctor to develop or update your Asthma Action Plan. This will include detailed steps you can follow on a daily basis to monitor your symptoms, control your condition, and use medications to treat short-term asthma and allergy flare-ups as needed.

Omalizumab Provides Long-Term Relief

Keep in mind that Omalizumab injections won't provide any immediate help in the midst of an asthma attack, but when it's used as part of your broader long-term strategy, it may certainly provide the allergic asthma relief you need.



"Allergen immunotherapy - Where is it Now?" American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. AAAAI, 15 May 2007. Web. 9 Jan. 2011.

Lai, Chris. "Asthma in 2008: What have We Learned from Epidemiology and Clinical Studies?" The Hong Kong Medical Diary, Volume 13, No. 12. The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong, Dec. 2008. Web. 9 Jan. 2011.

Rodrigo, Gustavo J., Neffen, Hugo, and Castro-Rodriguez, José A. "Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Omalizumab vs Placebo as Add-on Therapy to Corticosteroids for Children and Adults With Asthma: A Systematic Review." CHEST, vol. 139 no. 1 (Jan. 2011): 28-35.Web. 9 Jan. 2011.

Van den Berge, Maarten, et al. "Beneficial Effects of Treatment With Anti-IgE Antibodies (Omalizumab) in a Patient With Severe Asthma and Negative Skin-Prick Test Results."  CHEST, vol. 139 no. 1 (January 2011): 190-193. Web. 12 Jan. 2011.