Cancer - Causes

Insulin-Producing Tumors: Rare, Often Misdiagnosed

What are the telltale signs of an insulinoma?

What is Hemochromatosis?

Also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, the body absorbs too much iron from foods you eat. The excess iron then gets stored in your organs, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas, which over time can damage them and lead to life-threatening illnesses.

Secondhand Smoke and Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

When it comes to kids and secondhand smoke, is there a safe level? And what does secondhand smoke affect?

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Update

The standard of care for ovarian cancer treatment has changed over time. What's the latest in the battle against this hard-to-diagnose disease?

Can Drinking Milk Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer?

Recall the days of your childhood. Does it involve you drinking a half pint of milk each day at school? If so, it can have a tremendous impact on whether or not you're at risk for colon cancer.

Diagnosing Breast Cancer: Risk Factors and Early Detection

Why are self-breast exams less in favor, and what options do you have now for detecting breast cancer?

How to Treat Swallowing Problems

How can a simple task like swallowing become a difficult mission? You might think this should be easy for your muscles to do, but it takes more just strength.

Your Nontoxic Cleanser Options

Many of the products we use on a daily or weekly basis contain dangerously high levels of toxic chemicals, some of which are linked to increased risk of cancer.

Airport Scanners: Cancer Concerns?

Does radiation from the airport x-ray scanners pose a health risk, including increased risk of cancer? Here are the facts.

Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer Risk

Do they or don't they? The question of whether artificial sweeteners cause cancer has been hotly debated in the medical community.

Do Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer?

After extensive studies to determine whether this concern is founded, the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society have come to a conclusion.

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer

If you're a woman using hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you may be frightened about developing cancer, but even more frightened about giving up your prescription. But hold on things might not be as scary as they seem.

Stomach Cancer: Good News and Bad News

Gastric cancer has become more prevalent among some.

Understanding Thyroid Cancer

The National Cancer Institute predicts more than 44,000 people will develop thyroid cancer in 2010.

Red Meat Linked to Bladder Cancer

New research links the consumption of red meat to an increased risk of bladder cancer, the tenth most common cancer in the U.S.

Childhood Leukemia: Signs and Symptoms

If your child had leukemia, would you know it?

Fructose and Cancer Growth

There's new evidence that fructose, a type of sugar, is associated with pancreatic cancers.

Skin Cancer Myths and Facts

The most common type of cancer in the United States is also widely misunderstood. Take action to keep you and your family safe from skin cancer.

The Link between Asthma, Eczema, and Cancer

It s hard to imagine anything positive about having asthma or eczema. However, a recent study suggested that men who have either immune system disease have a lower risk for common types of cancer.

How to Eat Cleanly to Prevent Colon Cancer

Scientists have been accumulating evidence that a poor diet is a strong risk factor for colon and rectal cancer (colorectal). A new study provides additional, convincing support.

Could Cleaning Products Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

One study stated that women with the highest self-reported use of household cleaning products had twice the risk of developing breast cancer. What should you do?

Does Herpes Raise Your Cancer Risk?

Here's the information you need to know to protect yourself when it comes to the herpes virus.

The Link Between Genes and Testicular Cancer

Doctors and researchers are not clear on what causes this disease, which affects approximately 8,000 new patients each year, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Breast Lumps: Myths vs. Facts

The oft-cited but confusing statistic that one out of eight women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime creates a lot of understandable anxiety among women. The fear of finding a lump, even if it's not cancerous, just adds to the stress. Here are a few of the common myths about breast lumps.

Banishing Dirt and Germs Indoors May Be Safer and Easier Than You Think

Recent findings by the US Environmental Protection Agency found that air inside the home may be more polluted than outdoor air, because of toxins contained in common cleaning solutions.

Melanoma of the Eye: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that can strike in unexpected places, including the eye.

Environmental Factors and Cancer

The National Cancer Institute implicates environmental factors in about two-thirds of cancer cases.

Coping With Sleep Loss After Chemotherapy

Sleep disturbances are common in people who have cancer, especially those undergoing chemotherapy, which makes a challenging situation even more difficult.

The Link Between Processed Meat and Ovarian Cancer

Health experts have long linked processed foods, such as hot dogs, sausages, and most lunchmeats to many forms of cancers, including esophageal, lung, pancreatic, stomach, colorectal, endometrial, and prostate. Now they ve added ovarian cancer to the list.

Evan Handler and Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute Myeloid Leukemia is a form of leukemia in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. There are only about 4,000 new cases each year, although it s the most common leukemia in children.