Cancer - Original Articles

The Truth About False Positives for Cancer

A positive result on a cancer screening test means you have cancer, right? Not necessarily.

Are You at Risk for Endometrial Cancer?

Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer in women over 45, and the fourth most common cancer in women. When detected and treated early, however, endometrial cancer patients have extremely good survival odds.

Is a Virtual Colonoscopy Right for You?

The colonoscopy exam may have just gotten easier. In the new "virtual" colonoscopy, images of the colon and rectum are taken via a CT scan, which the doctor can then examine for polyps or other precancerous changes.

5 Ways your TV is Slowly Killing You

Research suggests that your TV-viewing habit can be a deadly pastime.

Celebrities Who Battled Cancer and Won

Cancer is an equal-opportunity disease. It strikes Olympic athletes, celebrities, and people who hold some of the highest positions in government. Happily, many famous cancer victims are also long-time cancer survivors.

3 Lifestyle Risks for Breast Cancer Recurrence

You can significantly reduce your risk for breast cancer recurrence by addressing three lifestyle-related risk factors: being overweight, smoking, and drinking excess alcohol.

Aspirin and Breast Cancer Survival

An easy way to help prevent breast cancer and increase survival in breast cancer patients may be as close as your medicine cabinet. Two new studies add to the growing body of evidence that aspirin could possibly play a role inhibiting the development and recurrence of breast cancer.

How to Cope with Nicotine Withdrawal

Dizziness. Depression. Anxiety. Headache. Weight gain. If someone suggested you do something that might cause these, and other, unpleasant symptoms, you d likely run the other way. But what if a few days of discomfort could have a profound affect on your health?

Breast Cancer and Depression: Two Habits That Help

Unfortunately, there is a link between breast cancer and depression. In fact, about 25 percent of women with breast cancer suffer from significant depression.

Leukemia Diagnosis: What's Next?

Have you or a loved one recently been diagnosed with leukemia? Chances are you're overwhelmed with information and wonder: what's next? Here's what you need to know.

Bacteria in the Digestive System May be Linked to Disease

A group of international scientists have found that some of the hundreds of types of bacteria in the digestive system may be linked to diseases such as cancer and Crohn's.

Early Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is more prevalent than you might realize, although it does not get as much public attention as breast and other types of cancer. Fortunately, bladder cancer is highly treatable when caught early so it pays to be familiar with its common symptoms.

Mangoes May Ward off Colon and Breast Cancer

Studies suggest the mango may be effective in preventing the growth of colon cancer cells. An added benefit? It may ward off breast cancer, too.

How to Test for Cancer at Home

With all the emphasis on early cancer screening, it s no surprise that at-home screening tests are becoming widely available. However, just because you can screen yourself for some cancers, does that mean you should?

Marijuana for Pain Relief

Recent study confirms pain relief benefits of marijuana.

Does Soda Raise Cancer Risk?

Soda has become ubiquitous and the rate at which we drink these sugared beverages continues to rise. Many health experts are concerned about a link between soda consumption and increased risk for cancer.

Massage Therapy for Cancer Patients

Massages are a great way to relax, rejuvenate, and pamper yourself. However, did you know massage also has therapeutic benefits for cancer patients?

How to Control Cancer Pain

Pain management is an integral part of cancer treatment, so it's important to tell your doctor if you're in pain or if your discomfort changes.

Breast Cancer Myths Debunked

Misconceptions about breast cancer are widespread. Here are a few of the most common breast cancer myths and the truth behind them.

Urine Test for Cancer

Physicians routinely use the simple urine test to monitor patients health and diagnose disease. Recently, however, scientists have discovered that urine tests may be helpful in detecting cancer as well.

Milk Thistle for Chemotherapy-Induced Liver Damage

Researchers have found that milk thistle may prevent or reduce chemotherapy-induced liver damage.

Can Eggplant Cure Skin Cancer?

What are the chances that this popular vegetable could be a potential cure for skin cancer? Read on to find out.

Soy and Breast Cancer

Does soy prevent breast cancer or does it contribute to breast cancer? Find out here.

Are Colon Cancer Rates Declining?

Amidst gloomy reports about the rates of cancer, there is a ray of good news. Over the past several decades, the incidence of colon and rectal cancers (colorectal, or CRC) has declined significantly.

Sex Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Sex has innumerable benefits, and growing evidence is proving that improved heart health is one of them.

A New Cancer Treatment May Improve Asthma

You probably don't associate asthma and cancer, but researchers may now have reason to believe that a new form of cancer treatment may also help improve your breathing difficulties.

Fertility Drugs and Uterine Cancer

There are numerous causes of infertility and almost as many treatments. Some women are concerned that pursuing infertility treatments may increase their risk for uterine cancer. If you ve taken, or are considering, infertility treatments, here s what you need to know.

A New Treatment Regimen for Ovarian Cancer

Women with ovarian cancer often have a poor prognosis because they aren t diagnosed until the cancer is advanced and difficult to treat. Now, a new treatment regimen prolongs the life of women with certain types of advanced ovarian cancer.

7 Common Cancer-Causing Agents

Americans are exposed to about 100,000 chemicals daily, and scientists have linked at least 220 of them to the development of cancer.

Is Electrosmog Harming Your Health?

Electrical pollution from cell phones and WiFi known as "electrosmog" is hazardous to our health, according to recent research.