Cancer - Original Articles

How to Interpret Cancer Study Results

When you read the headlines about the latest advancements in cancer treatments, do you find yourself wondering, "What does this really mean?" Here's a guide to understanding the meaning behind the numbers.

Well-Done Meat Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Sorry grill-lovers, there's some bad news: New research supports the connection between consuming grilled, well-done red meat and an aggressive type of prostate cancer.

Are Stylists Your Best Line of Defense Against Skin Cancer?

Your scalp can be a hidden zone for skin cancer, but a new study and advocacy campaign gets behind an innovative solution.

Cancer Care Guide: Who Are the Doctors?

The diagnosis and treatment of cancer is complex, and multiple healthcare professionals play key roles in providing comprehensive care. Here's who might be on your team.

How to Use 10 Powerful Herbs

Suffering from anxiety? Stomach issues? A cold that won t quit? There s an herb for you.

Can Coffee Keep Skin Cancer Away?

Learn what researchers have found about caffeine's effect on skin cancer prevention.

3 Alternative Cancer Treatments

Cancer patients may wonder if there are other, less toxic options than the traditional paths of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. There are, but, it can be difficult to separate and evaluate legitimate alternative therapies from shams.

Why Cancer Is More Dangerous in Men

When it comes to getting regular checkups, men have a poor track record. But many health conditions can be better treated if detected early. Here's a list of the four deadliest cancers that affect men, plus useful tips on how to recognize the early signs.

The Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lymphoma Connection

One of the biggest worries for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, aside from the symptoms, is the heightened risk of cancer. What do these two conditions have in common, and what causes the increased risk?

Best Foods to Prevent Bowel Cancers

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer, but do you know which ones are best for your bowel?

Why Men Are More Likely to Die of Cancer Than Women

While cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women, there are particular factors unique to men that make them more susceptible of ending the battle against cancer sooner than in women.

10 Best Foods for Men

While the quickest way to a man's heart may be through his stomach, the easiest way to prevent chronic conditions and improve longevity is through his diet. These 10 foods are particularly beneficial for those with the Y-chromosome.

Cancer Trends Today

While cancer treatments continue to become more effective and targeted, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is on the rise. Understand the high-level trends and how they could affect you.

The Healing Powers of 5 Everyday Spices

Cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves do more than flavor some of your favorite foods. These and others have medicinal properties and are most effective as healers when used on a regular basis. Here's how to get more of them into your diet.

Personalized Cancer Treatment, A Promising Future

Predictive models and biomarkers are two of the ways cancer medicine is becoming ever more specific. Learn about what they do and get the oncologist-recommended questions related to personalized treatment.

The Risks of Cell Phone Obsession

The typical smartphone user checks his phone an average of 34 times per day. What s more, many people who compulsively check their cellphones are unaware that they are doing it.

Mammograms vs. Treatment: What's Working?

Mammograms save lives. Or do they? Breast cancer deaths have declined over the past two decades. Is this due to routine screenings or better treatment techniques?

Can Asthma Lead to Lung Cancer?

Scientists from the University of Missouri have found that asthma could increase your risk for lung cancer. However, other experts say you don't need to panic. But there is consensus that asthma can cause damage to your lungs. Avoid these offenders to keep your lungs strong.

Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer? Your Treatments Options

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. In 2011, almost 241,000 men will be diagnosed with this disease. Before you make decisions about treatment, it's important to understand your options.

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

How Could Cancer Ever Be "the Best Thing"?

No one would choose cancer and face the uncertainty, treatment side effects, and disruption in their lives. Yet, despite all the downsides of cancer, some survivors say cancer was one of the best things to happen to them. Here's why.

Cancer Support Groups: Why and How They Help

One study found that support groups improved cancer survivors' mood, pain, symptom control, and social functioning. Here's what to consider in order to find a support group that works for you.

Men Get Breast Cancer, Too

Many men may find this to be startling news, but breast cancer doesn't happen only in women. Although men don't have breasts in the sense that women do, they do have breast tissue and enough of it to make breast cancer possible.

What Can Reiki Do for You?

While acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic garner most of the attention, Reiki quietly benefits patients in its own gentle way.

How to Handle Unexpected, Abnormal Test Results

Have you ever had an imaging test and the results showed something abnormal or inconclusive that was unrelated to the purpose of your test? If so, you are not alone. Overall, one in every 7.3 asymptomatic persons scanned will have an incidental finding.

Improve Prostate Cancer Recovery

When you have prostate cancer, you want to get better as quickly as possible. Fortunately, you can improve your chances of a successful recovery.

How to Successfully Donate Blood

Giving blood is straightforward, safe, and infinitely helpful to those in need. So if you want to join the effort, here are six steps you can take to ensure the process is as easy as possible.

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

You've heard they do. You've heard they don't. So, what are the experts saying about the real risk?

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

In Remission From Cancer? Add Exercise

One of the ways you can make the most of being cancer free is by incorporating exercise into your regular lifestyle. The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability says that people recovering from treatment or in remission have the most to gain from rehabilitation and exercise training.