Caregiving - Original Articles

Different Caregivers: How to Choose

What kind of help is needed, and who is the best caregiver for a particular situation? Do you need a nurse or can you get by with someone with less formal training? Here's a rundown of different types of healthcare providers you may encounter so you can make an informed choice.

In Utero and Infant Exposure to X-Rays

What precautions should you consider when it comes to these radiation risks?

Aromatherapy for Cancer Symptoms

Could it be the smell of relief? Here's how to use essential oils to address pain and anxiety associated with cancer treatment and recovery.

Take the Diabetes Risk Test Today

Twenty-five percent of people with diabetes don't even know they have it and that means they're not getting the treatment they need or taking the important steps necessary to keep the disease in check.

Health Concerns: How to Keep Family Updated

The Web offers many options for staying connected and keeping loved ones updated on your or your family member's health issues. These methods are fast, easy, and efficient, and you'll know your support network is right there with you as a part of your journey.

Radiation from Japan: How Much Is Unsafe?

All eyes have been on Japan as residents struggle to recover from the earthquake and tsunami. Fears of nuclear radiation leaks persist, raising questions and concerns whether radiation will reach the U.S. and how much of a potential danger it would pose.

Potty Training 101: What's Normal and What's Not?

What to expect when you're expecting your little one to get out of diapers and onto the potty.

Hospice Care: When Is it Time?

What exactly is hospice care and how does it differ from hospital care? And how do you make the decision to place your loved one into hospice?

When Should You Keep Them Home?

It's never fun when your child has to stay home sick, but here are some interesting findings about when it might be better to build up immunity. And a cheat sheet for when they need to be home.

How to Keep Track of Multiple Medications

Are your daily doses making you dizzy? Handy help is here.

How Do You Know If You're Having a Stroke?

It's the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Learn the warning signs and symptoms for you and for those you love.

Just Got Over Being Sick? What to Keep and What to Toss

Germs thrive in saliva, mucous, stomach acids, and other body fluids. Regardless of how good you are about personal hygiene when you're sick, chances are you're going to spew a few germs.

How to Make End-of-Life Decisions

It's important to take control and define the type of medical care we want, or don't want, at the end of our life.

The Sandwich Generation: Balancing Your Kids and Parents

Does a typical day for you include work, shepherding children to activities, overseeing homework, and taking your parents to the doctor? You're part of the so-called sandwich generation, "sandwiched" as you are between the responsibilities of kids and elderly relatives.

How to Eat Enough While on Chemotherapy

Cancer treatment side effects can make it difficult for cancer patients to consume sufficient calories and adequate nutrition, but there are ways to make it easier to get the nutrition you need.

Key to Better Balance in Elderly: Move to the Music

A program of "eurhythmics" shows results in promoting physical coordination and mental acuity in older adults.

Overlooked Antidepressant Risks for Seniors

There's no question that antidepressants can be a tremendous help to depressed seniors. However, antidepressants, in combination with other medications, can cause adverse reactions, or drug-drug interactions.

Diabetes: Possible Long-Term Consequences

Educate yourself on what can happen so you can take the steps now to change your outcome for the better.

Celebrate Being a Cancer Survivor

From the moment you are diagnosed with cancer, you become a survivor. And you are in good company. In 2010, the number of people in the U.S. living with cancer exceeded 11 million.

4 Tips for Caring for a Depressed Senior

Have you noticed changes in your aging parent or another elderly adult you care for? It may be depression. Depression in seniors is prevalent and often overlooked.

How to Cope When You Have No Health Insurance

If you've lost access to insurance, you may be wondering how you'll survive. Is there a way to get good health care even if your finances are unstable?

Measuring Physician Quality

The Internet has made it possible for us to weigh in and share our opinions on just about everything. It makes sense then that we'd expect to also rate our healthcare providers.

Does Spanking Leave Emotional Scars?

While a high percentage of U.S. parents admit to regularly spanking their children, this practice is actually illegal in 24 countries. What's in the best interest of kids?

How to Save a Child's Life

Here is choking first aid that everyone should know.

Coping When Your Child Has Cancer

The news that your child has cancer can be overwhelming. Here's where to start.

Help Your Child Deal with a Critically Ill Sibling

When one of your children is critically ill, his sibling may need some extra love and attention, too.

Palliative Cancer Care versus Hospice Cancer Care

You may be familiar with hospice, which supports people with life-limiting illnesses. However, you may not be as familiar with palliative care, a related concept that is invaluable to people with cancer or other serious illnesses.

Reiki Healing: Benefits for Cancer Treatment

There is considerable anecdotal support of the value of Reiki for cancer patients. Scientific support for Reiki as an adjunct therapy for cancer and other serious diseases is also accumulating.

How Diabetics Should Treat Cuts and Bruises

Have diabetes? Simple measures can keep your skin fresh and beautiful.

How Is the Recession Affecting Your Health?

When the downturn boosts death rates, it s time to identify the issues and make changes where you can.