Depression - Treatments

Could Magnet Treatment Cure Depression?

There's a potential new treatment for depression that is showing promising results in studies and clinical trials, especially for patients who don't respond to traditional therapy.

Which Therapy is Best for Substance Abuse Treatment?

Psychotherapy is noted to be very beneficial for individuals struggling with substance abuse. The delivery model can be individual or group.

How Testosterone Affects Your Mood

We generally equate testosterone with male characteristics, such as a deep voice and facial hair. However, testosterone is responsible for a host of other body functions and may even affect a man s mood.

Don't Let Depression Ruin Your Sex Life

People with depression typically lose interest in many activities they once enjoyed, including sex. This can significantly reduce their quality of life. Because many patients are reluctant to discuss sexual problems with their physician, the problem often goes unidentified and untreated.

How to Overcome Social Phobias

Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, is a debilitating mental health condition that affects about 15 million Americans each year and is the third largest psychological illness in the world.

5 Reasons Antidepressants are Not the Best Choice

Antidepressants are one of the first lines of treatment for depression. While antidepressants are invaluable for many depression sufferers, they re not always the best choice for some people.

How Ragweed Allergies Can Affect Your Mood

Ragweed allergies can consist of never ending itchiness and a terrible time of coughing and sneezing. But did you know it can also depress you?

How to Overcome the Medication Weight Gain Cycle

Medications for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health disorders can be lifesaving for people who need them. However, they come with potential risks and side effects including weight gain.

Are You Paranoid or Just Cautious?

Do you or does someone you know feel distrustful of others, suspecting their motives and finding hidden meanings in their comments? This persistent and unfounded mistrust is the cornerstone of paranoia disorders.

How can I feel happier?

Don t let your moods get the better of you. Here are some ways to increase your feelings of happiness.

Do Supplements Really Promote Mental Health?

For every news report touting the mental or physical health benefits of a supplement, there is another discrediting it, or, worse, warning that it is dangerous. With so many conflicting reports and persuasive marketing promotions, how do you know if what you read is true or just hype?

Could Lithium Work for Depression?

Mental health professionals have used lithium for years to treat people with bipolar disorder, especially to prevent the major depressive episode so characteristic of that disease. But is lithium also effective for depression without bipolar disorder?

The Truth About Binge Eating

You ve probably heard of anorexia and bulimia, two widely recognized eating disorders. However, binge eating disorder is far more prevalent.

How to Trick Yourself into a Better Mood

Believe it or not, there s scientific evidence that forcing a smile, even when you don t feel like smiling, can really change your mood for the better.

Could Phone Therapy Work for Depression?

There is good news for these patients: a new study shows that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by phone seems to provide the same therapeutic benefits.

Music and Massage for Anxiety

A recent study found that massage reduces anxiety to the same degree that listening to music does.

What to Do When Anxiety Keeps You Awake

People with anxiety have a significantly higher incidence of insomnia, and insomniacs are at much greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

Are Your Antidepressants Working?

Antidepressants don t work the same way for everyone. The effectiveness can vary over time and from person to person. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your antidepressant is working.

6 Strategies for Coping with Sobriety

The stigma of alcohol and substance addiction is lifting as scientists learn more about the biology behind addiction. Understanding what drives people to become addicted can help you develop strategies for staying sober.

Will Ecstasy Work for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

You know it as the club drug. However, ecstasy may also play a role in treating a prevalent anxiety disorder called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Massages for Depression

Depending on the severity of your depression, massage therapy alone may control your symptoms, or it may be one component of a multi-pronged approach to treating your depression.

Can Acupuncture Cure Pregnancy-Related Depression?

Pregnancy is normally a time of joy and anticipation. For women who suffer from depression, it can also create confusion and concern about how antidepressant medications might affect their baby s health. Fortunately, acupuncture may be a good alternative for treating pregnancy-related depression.

The Expert's Take: Adult vs. Child Hoarding

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 2 of her weekly series.

Breast Cancer and Depression: Two Habits That Help

Unfortunately, there is a link between breast cancer and depression. In fact, about 25 percent of women with breast cancer suffer from significant depression.

Is Stress Causing Your Insomnia?

We all experience the occasional night where we can t seem to fall asleep or we toss and turn all night. It s frustrating, but generally, not detrimental. However, chronic insomnia can be harmful to our health, and stress is often the behind-the-scenes culprit.

The Expert's Take: Hoarding Part 1

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 1 of her weekly series.

How to Use Weather to Boost Your Mood

Temperature, sunshine, humidity, and barometric pressure influence how we feel physically and how well we perform mentally. Despite skeptics, many scientists believe weather is an important factor in mood and mental functioning.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, teaches patients strategies, and provides tools, for dealing with stress and unhealthy thoughts. Unlike traditional therapy, which can last for years, CBT is generally a short-term treatment.

Coping Skills: When a Loved One Self-Medicates

It s difficult to watch someone you care about hurting. Here are a few tips to help you cope when a loved one is self-medicating.

Are SSRIs Safe during Pregnancy?

Recent studies have raised concern about the safety of antidepressants in women who are, or hope to become, pregnant.