Depression - Treatments

Depression by the Numbers

The facts and the stats on a condition that afflicts millions of Americans.

Treating Seasonal Depression: A New Option

Can vitamin D ease seasonal affective disorder?

Beating the Holiday Blues

Tis the Season to Be Sad? 10 Tips to Help You Cope

Two New Natural Depression Treatments

Can these inflammation fighters have an effect on symptoms of depression?

How Good and Bad Events Can Trigger Depression

For some, even positive life changes can bring on bouts of severe anxiety or depression. But there is good news.

America s Mental Health Crisis

Not only is access to mental health care declining, a new study finds the majority of psychiatrists don t accept health insurance.

Caffeine: The Good, The Bad And The Unhealthy

Many of us start our day with a cup, but when we start relying on coffee to feel awake and energized, we're addicted to the caffeine it contains.

Establishing a Routine to Better Manage Bipolar Disorder

Sticking to a regular routine can help balance the ups and downs of bipolar disorder, but for some, establishing a routine can be a major challenge.

The Long Shadow of Child Abuse

Why victims of child abuse can find themselves struggling with mental health issues decades later.

Is There a Connection Between Creativity and Mental Health?

There's a common belief that writers and artists are more likely to have mental health issues than the general population. We explore if there is any truth to this relationship.

5 Ways to Fight Fear

What are you afraid of? We ask a few pros for their top tips on working through what scares them.

Can Drinking Wine Make You Happier?

One study has found that moderate consumption of wine may improve your mental health. But don't uncork that bottle of Chardonnay just yet!

What Are Your Depression Treatment Options?

Both talk therapy and medication can help with persistent sadness. Here's how to get started.

How to Cope With Trauma

It's not only life-threatening incidents that can lead to persistent feelings of helplessness, depression, grief, or extreme anxiety. Learn more about how to move through trauma.

Meditation's Effect on Depression

Depressed? Adding meditation to your treatment plan may help. Here's why.

How to Comfort Someone With Bipolar Disorder

Though efforts are underway to raise awareness, you can do your part by acting compassionately toward those living with this condition.

Nervous Breakdowns: What You Need to Know

While some people are at higher risk, nervous breakdowns can happen to anyone. Here's what to look for.

The Facts About Depression

Recognizing the symptoms and seeking treatment for this mental illness can help keep it under control.

Could Motherhood Cause OCD?

Find out why new moms are at increased risk and how to get help.

Grapefruit Juice and Meds: A Dangerous Combo

Grapefruit juice can increase the potency of certain drugs, converting them to life-threatening doses. Here's what you need to know.

Key Treatments for PTSD

Here are five common therapies that have shown promise for those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Chiropractic Care: Benefits Beyond the Back

Spinal manipulation is a helpful element of ongoing pain treatment for many. Learn what to expect from your visit to the chiropractor.

Can Overthinking Lead to Depression?

Stop the replays and hit "pause". Ruminating over a problem may lead to an even bigger one: depression.

Neurofeedback Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

With this therapy, brain waves are "trained" to keep mood more stable.

How Blood Sugar Affects Your Mood

Don't let your blood sugar swings result in mood swings. Use these preventative tips to keep an even keel.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Myths and Truths

With so many stigmas surrounding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it's especially important to separate fiction from fact.

Can Worrying Lead to PTSD?

In small doses, worrying can keep you in check. But in excess, it can be downright debilitating.

Can You Erase Fear From the Brain?

A new study has zeroed in on a promising approach to erasing painful memories from the mind. This research may lead to improved treatments for anxiety disorders.

Could Ketamine Treat Depression?

Discovering new treatments for mental health diseases is a complicated endeavor with plenty of dead ends. Sometimes, however, an impractical finding opens the door to new possibilities.

Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Secret to Happiness

In a time of high-tech medicine, can a simple technique involving nothing more than the power of your own mind be the key to health and happiness?

Dysthymia: The Other Depression

Dysthymia is a depressive condition that isn t quite as severe as full-blown depression, but lasts longer and can affect your life in many of the same ways.

Could You Be Bipolar?

We all have our ups and downs; however, if they're too extreme, it may be indicative of a larger issue.

The Emotional Benefits of Mindful Breathing

Paying attention to your breath could put you on the fast track to stress relief.

Are You Neurotic?

While some symptoms of neurotic behavior are natural, displaying too many could have a negative effect on your relationships.

Phobias: Who Has Them and Why?

There are five main categories of intense, unrealistic fears about certain things and situations.

Signs Your Loved One Has Bipolar Disorder

While bipolar disorder symptoms are similar to signs of regular depression, they are more likely to involve irritability, guilt, unpredictable mood swings.

Feng Shui Your Way to a Better Mood

Making small, inexpensive changes to your personal environment can go a long way toward improving your quality of life.

Dealing With Regret and Remorse

New research reveals that how you handle such emotions can make a big difference in your well-being.

Adult ADHD: 3 Treatment Options

Combining education, medication, and psychotherapy shows promise.

Living With Invisible Pain

You look well. What are the challenges when you feel anything but on the inside?

Key Depression Risks as You Age

Depression is not a normal part of aging, but it is common. Be aware of these triggers.

When to Seek Help for Anxiety

Some anxiety is healthy. But these signs mean it's time to get support.

When a Loved One Threatens Suicide

Approach this sensitive situation with these steps.

Eccentric or Mental Health Issue?

Distinguish the signs of mental illness from other behaviors that may seem odd.

Stress Solutions From Head to Toe

You probably already know that stress can have a big impact on your health. Here's how to release and let go for the sake of your health.

Would You Try Hypnosis for Anxiety?

It's more than just a party trick. Hypnosis has been shown to deliver real mental health benefits for some.

How to Find Mental Health Resources for a Loved One

If someone you care about is struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition, helping them find the support they need can be frustrating, complicated, and necessary.

Is Depression Hereditary?

By looking at patterns of mental illness in families with twins and those who have experienced trauma, researchers have uncovered new answers.

Is Depression a Looming Crisis for Baby Boomers?

Statistics paint a worrisome picture when it comes to aging Americans and mental illnesses like depression.

Pain Medication Addiction: Have You Crossed the Line?

This medication can be a blessing and a curse. Here's how to tell if you, or a loved one, have crossed the line into addiction.

Your Adult Child With Disabilities: A Caregiving Guide

Here's how to find helpful resources and know the right questions to ask.

Depression Doubters: How to Deal With Non-Believers

Your condition is real. Here's what to say and do when people say your depression is "all in your head."

Nomophobia: 2 out of 3 Adults Have it, Do You?

Do you recognize these telltale signs of the fear of being out of cell phone contact? Here's how to manage your obsession.

Back Pain Could Be a Sign of Depression

One startling example of the mind-body connection is the link between back pain and depression.

Could Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Also Prevent Depression?

Commonly used to prevent coronary heart disease, statins may also lower the risk of major depression.

How Does Anxiety Differ for Women and Men?

When it comes to mental health disorders such as anxiety, there are big differences between the genders.

The Link Between Peripheral Artery Disease and Depression

Psychosocial factors like stress and depression can have an adverse effect on cardiac health. Here's what you can do.

Can Loneliness Be Deadly for the Elderly?

It's a real and hidden danger among the older generation. Here are ways to combat isolation.

Could a Blood Test Reveal Depression?

Typically diagnosed based on questions and answers, it's possible that the blood holds the truth about who is depressed.

Why Sleep Apnea Can Be a Road to Depression

This sleep disorder can do more than interrupt your rest.

A Depression Treatment Now Used for Pain

Typically a treatment for patients suffering from depression, transcranial direct current stimulation shows benefits for those coping with chronic pain.

Low Testosterone: Causes and Treatments

"Low T" or hypogonadism can cause undesired changes. Here's what you can do.

Why Does Time Outside Boost Your Mood?

It's now a proven fact. Being in and around nature makes people feel good.

How Is Mental Illness Tested and Diagnosed?

How do doctors measure and diagnose conditions from anxiety to personality disorders, especially when there is more than one condition involved?

Even a Good Job Can Cause Depression

There's no debating the stress of some jobs. But even enjoyable work can encourage mood disorders.

Health by the Numbers: Depression

For millions of Americans, depression is more than just a bout with "the blues"; it's a serious psychiatric disorder. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Help Your Teen Cope With Anxiety

As many as 25 percent of teens suffer from a form of anxiety. Use these tips to help your child cope.

Grow a Therapeutic Garden in Your Yard or Window Box

Boost your well-being with a fragrance garden. It's easy to grow therapeutic herbs and flowers with these tips.

How Grief Affects the Body

Not only is it emotionally painful, grief takes a toll on your physical health as well.

Why Do Headaches and Depression Go Together?

People who live with depression often also suffer from headaches. What's the link?

Psychotherapy: The Myths and the Facts

Strip away the stigma and misconceptions. Here are four common myths debunked.

Antidepressant Fears and Facts

What are common concerns about these highly-prescribed drugs?

What Can Aromatherapy Do for You?

Here's how certain natural scents may help improve your health and overall state of mind.

Should Your Broken Heart Be Treated Medically?

Broken Heart Syndrome can be harmful to your mind and body, and it can be treated.

Understanding Depression

Get the real story on America's most prevalent mental illness from symptoms and diagnosis to treatment.

Wide Awake in America

Insomnia affects more than 70 million Americans. Find out more about what's keeping you awake at night.

ADHD in the Classroom

For students, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can present a host of unique challenges and opportunities.

Depression in Older Adults

It's common for seniors to experience sadness and grief, but when these feelings are persistent, they may be a sign of depression.

Can You Really Learn to Forgive and Forget?

You've probably heard you should "forgive and forget." But new research shows old standard is flawed logic. Here's a better way to process your emotions.

7 Tips to Prevent Depression Relapse

Although depression is treatable, some patients, especially those with more severe cases, can suffer a relapse.

Bipolar Disorder: One Man's Story

An estimated 5.7 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. Here's one man's story of despair, diagnosis, treatment, and hope.

Full Spectrum: Bipolar Disorder

Not so black and white: study concludes bipolar disease is more of a spectrum disorder.

Nap the Right Way for Emotional Healing

Studies demonstrate that proper napping techniques can relax your mind and focus your thoughts. What's the right way to catch some z's?

What Do Your Dreams Say About Your Personality?

Strange, wild, passionate, frightening. Your dreams may provide insight into who you really are.

Finding the Emotional Benefits in Adversity

Persevering through trying times may have long-term benefits, new research suggests. What can you reap from life's difficulties?

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Treat Pain

Mind over matter: You've heard it so many times, it may seem meaningless. But new research shows how emotional therapy helps to make pain symptoms easier to bear.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Could Your Child Have This?

While some disobedience is a normal part of a child's development, overly troubling behavior is not. Watch out for these signs.

How Pets Can Help Your Chronic Pain Symptoms

Bringing a pet into your home is a big commitment, but it can come with serious rewards including a potential reduction of your pain.

Treating OCD and ADD With Medicinal Marijuana

What do the experts say about using medicinal marijuana to alleviate symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD)?

5 Tips to Combat Depression-Related Lethargy

Depression related lethargy is frustrating and can interfere in your daily activities. Here are simple steps you can take to lessen the impact.

How to Combat Pain-Related Depression

Chronic pain doesn't just affect your body but your emotions as well. In fact nearly 30 percent of pain patients suffer from depression.

Depression Treatment: How to Tell It's Working

The goal of depression treatment is to put patients in remission so they are free depressive symptoms. But how can you tell if your treatment is working? Read on to find out.

How Genetics Affects Your Decision Making

Neuroeconomics, a relatively new branch of science, is slowly unraveling how specific gene variations influence how we make decisions. Read on to find out how your may be affected.

Could You Have Depression Without Sadness?

Sadness is the most widely recognized symptom of depression. But it is possible to be clinically depressed without being sad. Could you or someone you know be suffering and not know it?

Caffeine and Depression: Does It Help or Does It Hurt?

For many adults, there's nothing like a good, hot cup of coffee to get you going in the morning. Few people, however, know the profound effect caffeine has on their mood.

Why You Should Get Along With Coworkers

A recent study provides more evidence for what most of us know intuitively--getting along with people at work is good for you. The study reports that having a positive relationship with coworkers has long-term mental and physical health benefits.

Overcoming the Depression Stigma

Despite the prevalence of mental health disorders and society's increasing awareness of them, stigmas about mental illness persist. Follow these tips to get past the misnomers.

Is Depression Inevitable During Old Age?

Depression is particularly prevalent and overlooked in older adults. Despite the high incidence among seniors, it's definitely not a normal part of aging.

Do You Have Diabetes and Smoke? Read This

It's a life-threatening habit for anyone, but for individuals with diabetes, smoking is even more lethal and could be tied to another dangerous condition.

Depression Fallout: Managing Depression in Your Relationship

If you're the partner of someone who is depressed, it can take a toll on your relationship and your own mental health. Here, a guide to keeping your relationship intact in the face of mental illness.

Could You Be in a Codependent Relationship?

A healthy dependency is a two-way relationship; both parties contribute to it in positive ways. A codependent relationship, in contrast, is an unhealthy, dysfunctional, perhaps even abusive, one-sided relationship.

Suspect a Loved One Is Suicidal? 6 Essential Steps

Being confronted with a loved one who is considering suicide is frightening and distressing, and you may be at a loss as to what to do. By responding with these six steps, you might actually save someone's life.

The Link Between Your Relationship and Your Health

Research shows that people in stable, supportive marriages are generally mentally and physically healthier than couples in relationships fraught with conflict.

Learning to Cope After the Death of a Child

Everyone copes with loss in his or her own way. If you've lost a child, you can find a multitude of organizations, books, blogs, and support groups to help you. Behind them all, you'll find parents who have also suffered the same loss.

The Link Between the State of the Economy and Suicide Rates

During the Great Depression, suicide rates hit their highest level ever, increasing almost 23 percent over the four years of the depression. Since then, suicide rates have consistently risen during times of economic downturns.

Hugging, Touching, Kissing: The Key to Happiness?

Sure, there may be a laundry list of activities that make you happy, but when it comes to reconnecting with your partner, these are key (and the reason is chemical).

The Emotional Toll of Social Networking

Some mental health experts believe social networking can increase stress and anxiety, and they've have even coined names to describe this phenomenon, such as Social Media Anxiety, Social Networking Anxiety, and Facebook Depression.

Can Sunshine Make You Depressed?

Does summertime make you sad? While most people welcome the warm weather, long days, and opportunities for outdoor activities, a small percent of the population feels depressed instead.

Is It OCD or Something Else?

One of the challenges in diagnosing mental health disorders is that symptoms of different diseases tend to overlap. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) are two related conditions that are easy to confuse.

The Truth About Cyber Support Groups

While talking to a trained mental health professional can be invaluable for many patients, nothing compares to talking to others who are going through the same experience. But can the Internet substitute quality interpersonal dialogue?

How to Adjust to Life Without Antidepressants

Antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed medication in the country, so mental health experts are trying to understand if, when, and how patients should cease taking them. Here, a guide to the transition to life without depression medication.

How Your Work Schedule Affects Your Mood

Work in the United States has become a 24-hour phenomenon. Working irregular hours may also lead to a condition characterized by insomnia, excessive sleepiness during work, difficulties concentrating, headaches, and lack of energy.

How Depression Affects Your Sleep

Although a few short nights can make us cranky and irritable, generally our mood returns to normal once we've resumed our regular sleeping routine. For individuals who struggle with depression, however, insomnia can be a chronic problem.

How Does Stress Affect Your Brain?

You're a smart person. So why, when you're under the most stress, does it seem your brain shuts down and your intelligence disappears?

Could the Alexander Technique Work for You?

Is it possible that your pain is caused by the way you walk and sit? If so, the Alexander Technique might be for you.

Don't Let Chronic Pain Result in Social Isolation

When it hurts to be active, it's hard to stay connected. Read on to break free from pain's captivity.

How to Manage Your Chronic Illness-Related Depression

Depression is one of the most common complications in people with chronic illness, occurring in up to one-third of chronically ill patients. Learn how to manage your symptoms with these tips.

The Link between Mom's Symptoms and Her Child's Depression

Having children is an exciting, rewarding experience for most parents. For women suffering from depression, however, parenting is especially difficult and untreated depression can have long-lasting effects on their children.

Could You Be a Hoarder and Not Know It?

The topic of hoarding might make good fodder for TV program ratings and mindless entertainment for viewers. But it's a real problem that affects real people. Is it possible that you're among the 15 million who suffer from it?

No More Depression Symptoms? Are You in the Clear?

Just because your symptoms are gone, doesn't mean your depression is. In fact, many relapse as soon as six months after treatment. Read on for triggers and preventative measures.

Exercise Away Your Panic Attacks

You know physical activity is good for you, and that lack of exercise is associated with negative physical and mental outcomes. However, did you know exercise is also an effective way to stop a panic attack in its tracks?

Could You Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe and chronic mental health condition that disrupts a person's ability to regulate their emotions. Read on to get the comprehensive information you need to navigate the condition.

4 Avoidable Depression Complications

Mental health disorders such as depression permeate every aspect of your life, and may cause a multitude of other complications, some of which are even life threatening. Most, however, are easily avoided.

Mood Disorders: Are They Caused by Vitamin Deficiencies?

Vitamins play a critical role in mental health. And insufficient intake of certain vitamins have been linked to mood disorders. So, which deficiency is resulting in your symptoms? Find out here.

Could You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression?

While medication generally provides significant relief from depression, many patients find their symptoms persist. A variety of factors can contribute to treatment-resistant depression; however, with a bit of know-how, you can find a treatment regimen that works.

Building Relationships After Depression

Many things can temporarily derail a relationship, including an episode of depression. It is possible, however, to get relationships back on track after treatment.

Can Music Help Treat Emotional Pain?

Using music as a tool to heal dates back to Aristotle and Plato. But can the right tunes address modern day emotional woes? Read on to find out.

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Many symptoms of mental illnesses overlap and can fluctuate from day to day, or week to week. This problem often occurs with two common mental health conditions: bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.

5 Myths about Panic Disorders

Panic attacks are frightening and disruptive enough, and you don't need the additional stress of worrying about whether common misconceptions about panic disorders are true.

Utilizing Yoga to Improve Your Mood

Although yoga advocates have long championed the physical and mental health benefits of yoga, the scientific community is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

The Link between Chronic Pain and Obesity

Chronic pain and obesity are epidemics in the United States and new research is shedding some light on why. A new study that obesity and pain are also linked to each other as well as other conditions.

The Expert's Take: "Cluster A" Personality Disorders

Does a loved one suffer from a Cluster A Personality Disorder? If so, coping with his actions may not always be easy. Here, a guide to help you understand and cope with the condition.

The Link Between Depression and Parkinson's Disease

Forty to 50 percent of Parkinson s patients also suffer from depression. Not only does it cause poorer quality of life for patients, depression is associated with faster progression of physical symptoms and greater cognitive decline.

7 Ways to Ensure You're Getting the Help You Need

Appropriate treatment not only makes you feel better and improves the quality of your life, it helps prevent a relapse in the future. Read on for 7 tips to guarantee you're receiving the treatment you need.

What Has the Biggest Impact on Your Happiness?

What's the key to happiness? While some believe it's a genetic trait shared by a lucky few, recent studies find that true happiness comes as a result of the choices we make.

Are Eating Disorders Genetic?

Genetics play a significant role in mental health disorders. Individuals who have one or more family members with a mental health disease are more likely to develop a brain disorder than those without a family history. This link holds true for eating disorders as well.

An Expert Overview on Personality Disorders

Personality is a combination of thoughts and behaviors that are unique to each individual. It is the way everyone views the world and yourself. In general, individuals with personality disorders have different perceptions of life and thought processes.

7 Tips to Control Your Mood When You're in Pain

Mood and pain are strongly connected. We've got tips for how to control mood when you're in pain.

Can Quitting Smoking Help Treat Depression?

In fact, a new study found an inverse relationship over time between quitting smoking and a reduction in depressive symptoms.

Treat Depression and Lose Weight

While it's difficult to determine the exact reason, one thing is becoming increasingly clear: Treating depression helps patients lose weight.

How to Help a Loved One Through a Traumatic Time

If a friend or relative has gone through a tough situation recently, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Can anything you say or do really make a difference? Yes, if you take the time to understand the different ways in which people react to trauma.

What to Do About the Body Blues

Millions of women go undiagnosed with an extremely common mood disorder called the Body Blues. Instead of showing up as sadness or depression, Body Blues are often signified by weight gain, fatigue, and a low sex drive (among other symptoms).

Overlooked Antidepressant Risks for Seniors

There's no question that antidepressants can be a tremendous help to depressed seniors. However, antidepressants, in combination with other medications, can cause adverse reactions, or drug-drug interactions.

Polysubstance Dependence

In discussing substance dependence, most individuals focus on the use of only one substance at a time. On the other hand, some individuals do not have a drug of choice and will use any substance in order to achieve intoxication.

Psychodynamic Therapy for Depression

Psychodynamic therapy is one of the oldest forms of psychological treatment, and one that some psychologists and social workers still use

Could Light Therapy Cure Seasonal Affective Disorder?

If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), there may be a way to ease your symptoms.

6 Ways to Make This New Year's Eve a Cheerful One

Although many people enjoy New Year's Eve parties and festivities, if you find them a bit depressing, you're not alone. New Year's doesn't have to be a dreary occasion, however. Here are a few ideas to tip the scales and make this New Year's Eve a cheerful one.

4 Surprising Facts about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps patients understand their illnesses and gives them strategies and tools to deal with stress.

Could Neurofeedback Retrain Your Brain?

Although the procedure may sound complex, the intended results are not. NFT seeks to teach a brain with a particular abnormality how to behave normally.

How Anxiety Affects Your Pain Symptoms

Many patients report pain several months or more after having surgery and scientists are developing clues as to why. Several studies have focused on understanding the interlinking roles of genetics, anxiety and pain.

Could Magnet Treatment Cure Depression?

There's a potential new treatment for depression that is showing promising results in studies and clinical trials, especially for patients who don't respond to traditional therapy.

Which Therapy is Best for Substance Abuse Treatment?

Psychotherapy is noted to be very beneficial for individuals struggling with substance abuse. The delivery model can be individual or group.

How Testosterone Affects Your Mood

We generally equate testosterone with male characteristics, such as a deep voice and facial hair. However, testosterone is responsible for a host of other body functions and may even affect a man s mood.

Don't Let Depression Ruin Your Sex Life

People with depression typically lose interest in many activities they once enjoyed, including sex. This can significantly reduce their quality of life. Because many patients are reluctant to discuss sexual problems with their physician, the problem often goes unidentified and untreated.

How to Overcome Social Phobias

Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, is a debilitating mental health condition that affects about 15 million Americans each year and is the third largest psychological illness in the world.

5 Reasons Antidepressants are Not the Best Choice

Antidepressants are one of the first lines of treatment for depression. While antidepressants are invaluable for many depression sufferers, they re not always the best choice for some people.

How Ragweed Allergies Can Affect Your Mood

Ragweed allergies can consist of never ending itchiness and a terrible time of coughing and sneezing. But did you know it can also depress you?

How to Overcome the Medication Weight Gain Cycle

Medications for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health disorders can be lifesaving for people who need them. However, they come with potential risks and side effects including weight gain.

Are You Paranoid or Just Cautious?

Do you or does someone you know feel distrustful of others, suspecting their motives and finding hidden meanings in their comments? This persistent and unfounded mistrust is the cornerstone of paranoia disorders.

How can I feel happier?

Don t let your moods get the better of you. Here are some ways to increase your feelings of happiness.

Do Supplements Really Promote Mental Health?

For every news report touting the mental or physical health benefits of a supplement, there is another discrediting it, or, worse, warning that it is dangerous. With so many conflicting reports and persuasive marketing promotions, how do you know if what you read is true or just hype?

Could Lithium Work for Depression?

Mental health professionals have used lithium for years to treat people with bipolar disorder, especially to prevent the major depressive episode so characteristic of that disease. But is lithium also effective for depression without bipolar disorder?

The Truth About Binge Eating

You ve probably heard of anorexia and bulimia, two widely recognized eating disorders. However, binge eating disorder is far more prevalent.

How to Trick Yourself into a Better Mood

Believe it or not, there s scientific evidence that forcing a smile, even when you don t feel like smiling, can really change your mood for the better.

Could Phone Therapy Work for Depression?

There is good news for these patients: a new study shows that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by phone seems to provide the same therapeutic benefits.

Music and Massage for Anxiety

A recent study found that massage reduces anxiety to the same degree that listening to music does.

What to Do When Anxiety Keeps You Awake

People with anxiety have a significantly higher incidence of insomnia, and insomniacs are at much greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

Are Your Antidepressants Working?

Antidepressants don t work the same way for everyone. The effectiveness can vary over time and from person to person. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your antidepressant is working.

6 Strategies for Coping with Sobriety

The stigma of alcohol and substance addiction is lifting as scientists learn more about the biology behind addiction. Understanding what drives people to become addicted can help you develop strategies for staying sober.

Will Ecstasy Work for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

You know it as the club drug. However, ecstasy may also play a role in treating a prevalent anxiety disorder called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Massages for Depression

Depending on the severity of your depression, massage therapy alone may control your symptoms, or it may be one component of a multi-pronged approach to treating your depression.

Can Acupuncture Cure Pregnancy-Related Depression?

Pregnancy is normally a time of joy and anticipation. For women who suffer from depression, it can also create confusion and concern about how antidepressant medications might affect their baby s health. Fortunately, acupuncture may be a good alternative for treating pregnancy-related depression.

The Expert's Take: Adult vs. Child Hoarding

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 2 of her weekly series.

Breast Cancer and Depression: Two Habits That Help

Unfortunately, there is a link between breast cancer and depression. In fact, about 25 percent of women with breast cancer suffer from significant depression.

Is Stress Causing Your Insomnia?

We all experience the occasional night where we can t seem to fall asleep or we toss and turn all night. It s frustrating, but generally, not detrimental. However, chronic insomnia can be harmful to our health, and stress is often the behind-the-scenes culprit.

The Expert's Take: Hoarding Part 1

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 1 of her weekly series.

How to Use Weather to Boost Your Mood

Temperature, sunshine, humidity, and barometric pressure influence how we feel physically and how well we perform mentally. Despite skeptics, many scientists believe weather is an important factor in mood and mental functioning.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, teaches patients strategies, and provides tools, for dealing with stress and unhealthy thoughts. Unlike traditional therapy, which can last for years, CBT is generally a short-term treatment.

Coping Skills: When a Loved One Self-Medicates

It s difficult to watch someone you care about hurting. Here are a few tips to help you cope when a loved one is self-medicating.

Are SSRIs Safe during Pregnancy?

Recent studies have raised concern about the safety of antidepressants in women who are, or hope to become, pregnant.

Kava for Anxiety

Many people suffering from depression or anxiety seek alternative treatments such as herbal remedies. The root of the Kava plant is an example of an herb used to treat anxiety disorders.

Could You Have OCD?

As its name implies, individuals with this mental health disorder alternate between obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and compulsive rituals to try to control the obsessions. This cycle is disruptive and causes stress and anxiety. In many cases, OCD interferes in an individual s ability to engage in work, school or other daily activities. Approximately 2.2 million Americans suffer from OCD.

Should You Stay on Your Antidepressants?

If you're prescribed antidepressants, you may have a few questions concerning how long you should keep taking them. Here, the answers to your most pertinent questions.

The Dangers of Self-Medicating

Sometimes you know what you need to feel better and other times you think you know. Find out when you need to rethink you treatment habits.

One of my family members seems to be severely depressed. What could/should I do if anything at all?

Forensic psychologist Debra Warner answers a reader's question about how to help a loved one that suffers from severe depression.

Depression Treatment Options

If your doctor recently diagnosed you with depression, you probably have many questions about what to expect from treatment. Here s what you need to know about the most frequently used treatment options.

How Much Sadness is Normal?

Experts talk about the blurring of the distinction between normal sadness and depression.

Are You Anxious All the Time? 10 Tips for Relief

While it's normal to feel anxious from time to time, if you have ongoing anxiety that's interfering with your work, relationships, and daily activities, it's time to do something about it. Try out 10 tips to get relief.

Better Health Results in a Better Sex Life

Good health ups the odds that you and your partner will have a better time in bed.

Dark Chocolate for Stress

A new study shows that enjoying a little dark chocolate on a regular basis may lower your stress level.

Should You Use Antidepressants?

Antidepressants are a common choice of treatment for adults with moderate to severe depression. Studies show that although antidepressants may not cure depression, they can reduce depression symptoms. But are antidepressants right for you?

Share Your Story. Become a Health Hero.

Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!

Multicultural Issues in Therapy: How It Can Affect Your Care

Culture is a defining aspect in many people's lives. Sometimes one's culture can have a profound effect on the type of treatment one receives.

10 Natural Stressbusters

Stress affects millions of people in the US every year. If untreated, stress can cause serious health problems and speed-up the aging process. Health professionals encourage patients to integrate natural stress busters into their daily routine to reduce stress and improve their quality of life.

Depression Dulls Brain s Pleasure Center

New treatment for depression may be possible based on study that shows how this mood disorder affects areas of brain involved in pleasure.

Fibromyalgia and Depression

Suffering from fibromyalgia? Learn more about the risks of depression and what you can do to protect yourself from this mood disorder.

Depression During Menopause: Causes and Solutions

Here's what you can do to stay emotionally healthy during this important period of your life.

Electric Shock Therapy and Depression Treatment

Once widely considered an inhumane practice, electric shock therapy finds increasing support as a treatment for depression.

Is a Social Stigma Holding You Back from Seeking Care for Your Depression?

People aren t judged for having cancer or multiple sclerosis or any other number of diseases. But depression is a different story.

Can Green Tea Relieve Your Depression?

Can a few cups of green tea each day actually cure your mental woes?

Recently Diagnosed with Depression? Next Steps to Take

Coping with a diagnosis of depression could certainly be difficult. Here, tips to get you moving in the right direction.

Depression and Crohn s Disease

Depression--it s not all in your head and it does matter.

Can Deep-Brain Stimulation Cure Depression?

Learn more about this controversial treatment.

SAMe for Depression: Legitimate or Not?

Learn more about this over-the-counter dietary supplement.

Aromatherapy: Help or Hype?

Learn what to expect from aromatherapy treatment.

Can Therapy Alone Cure Depression?

Find out if simply expressing your feelings with a professional can help alleviate depression.

Can a Pet Help You Defeat Depression?

Learn how a furry (or scaly) friend can help lift your spirits.

The Facts About Workplace Depression

More than 200 million days of work are missed each year due to employee depression. Get the whole story here.

Battling Depression When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to a study conducted at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), people with rheumatoid arthritis are twice as likely to suffer from depression.

Understanding Depression in Men

The disease can wear a very different face on men than it does on women.

Take a Pill or Talk it Out?

When it comes to treating depression, is there a better option?

Can A Simple Blood Test Predict Postpartum Depression

A service of The National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health reports that a study has been published suggesting that measuring the levels of hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy may predict whether a woman is likely to develop postpartum depression or not.

Depression: Antidepressants vs. Therapy?

Is medication necessary, or is talking it out enough?

Can Exercise Banish Your Bad Mood?

Learn how fitness can have a positive effect on your mind.

Natural Remedies for Depression

Some simple lifestyle changes can significantly improve your mood.

10 Most Expensive Medical Conditions

The nation's costliest conditions rack up a combined tab of more than $500 billion a year.

6 Signs You're a Shopaholic

Find out how to control your excessive spending.

A Guide to Antidepressants

Learn about the four classes of antidepressants, from their indications and efficacy to possible side effects.

Are You Obsessed With Revenge?

When you've been wronged, can you forgive and forget, or do you need to exact revenge?

How Colors Can Boost Your Mood

Some shades are calming, others inspire conversation. Find out how colors can improve your surroundings and your mood.

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Follow these tips to start improving your self-worth.

Dispelling the Top 10 Depression Myths

Nearly 7 percent of Americans suffer from depression, but the disease is often misunderstood. Here, we separate fact from fiction.

5 Ways to Boost Your Body Image

The way you view your body can affect your health. Follow these tips for an instant body-image boost.

As This Year Ends

Follow these basic strategies to manage your time more efficiently in the coming year.

Beating the Holiday Blues: Understanding SAD

An estimated 10 million Americans, or about 6 percent of the U.S. population, experience these feelings in their most extreme form--a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

The Top 5 Schizophrenia Myths

Schizophrenia affects millions of Americans, but the illness and its causes are often misunderstood. Here, we dispel the disease's most common myths.

Can a Pet Boost Your Health?

According to some researchers, a four-legged friend can add years to your life.