Stomach and Digestive - Original Articles

5 Hardest Foods to Digest

Plus simple advice to better digest any food you eat.

Chemo Bath Can Extend Life For Some Patients With Abdominal Cancer

Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), commonly referred to as the chemo bath," may offer an alternative option for patients with advanced forms of abdominal cancer.

The Benefits of Mucus in Your Digestive Tract

New research shows mucus may be beneficial in treating chronic digestive disorders. Here's what you need to know.

11 Natural and Homeopathic Ways to Relieve Diarrhea

Sure, you can reach for pink bismuth, the old standby. But if you're interested in a different approach, keep reading.

Too Much Stress May Cause This Digestive Ailment

Stress can magnify minor health problems. Get acquainted with the tools you'll need to combat a certain bothersome stomach condition.

When You Gotta Go, Go. The Dangers of "Holding It In"

When your body sends a signal that it s time to use the restroom, you shouldn t ignore it. Here are some surprising reasons why.

Potential New Treatment for Crohn s Disease

New research gives hope to those struggling with this digestive condition.

4 Foods for a Healthy Colon

Squeamish about the colon cleanse trend? Add these four foods to your diet instead.

Yes, You Can Deal With a Restricted Diet

When a medical condition means you or a loved one must change how you eat, it feels overwhelming. Start here.

8 Ways to Improve Digestion

You are what you eat. Eat well. Be well.

4 Surprising Foods That Contain Gluten

Gluten can lurk where you'd least expect it. Arm yourself with knowledge when it comes to these four common foods.

Fast Fixes for Common Digestive Problems

Is your belly feeling out of whack? These simple tweaks may help.

The Lowdown on Low-Residue Diets

Designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools while prolonging intestinal travel time, low-residue diets typically contain less than 10 grams of fiber per day. Here's more of what you need to know.

Get Relief From Belching, Bloating, and Flatulence

These gastrointestinal issues are sometimes painful and often embarrasing. Fortunately, a few tweaks to your behavior can help keep them under control.

Link Between Digestive Diseases and Migraines?

Studies shed light on the possibility that your migraines are connected to digestive disorders.

Diagnosed With Lactose Intolerance? Tips to Cope

Just because you can't tolerate dairy products doesn't mean you can't find delicious substitutes. Here are five tips for dealing with the digestive woe.

5 Foods That Deserve More Love

Add these too-often-overlooked nutrition powerhouses to your daily diet.

Don't Assume Gluten-Free Is the Answer

People often report feeling more energetic and more focused when they stop eating gluten. But starting a gluten-free diet without consulting your doctor can compromise your health. Here's why.

Got GERD? A Magnetic Implant May Help

If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a promising new treatment may help provide relief from your symptoms.

Got IBS? Lower Your FODMAPs For Relief

GI specialists say 70 percent of people with IBS can reduce their symptoms by following a low-FODMAP diet. What are FODMAPs, and what role do they play in digestion?

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Its Connection to RA

Some research suggests that leaky gut syndrome, or increased intestinal permeability, is implicated in dozens of diseases including arthritis. Could your diet be to blame?

What Dolphins Can Teach Us About Eating for Health

Dolphins may seem like an unlikely model for improving human diets, but these marine mammals can teach us the importance of quality vs. quantity when it comes to food.

Is It Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Something Else?

You ve got the symptoms: Abdominal pain, bloating, changes in bowel habits. But how do you know if it's actually IBS?

IBS: Real Condition, Real Symptoms

An estimated 10 to 20 percent of the population is living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). What may be worse: they may also be living with the mistaken notion that it's all in their head.

The Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

A byproduct of the wine-making process, this supplement possesses powerful antioxidant power.

Should You Do a Cleanse If You Have Cancer?

A cleanse is purported to remove toxins and impurities from the body, but is it compatible with cancer treatment?

Surgery or Drugs to Address GERD?

Although both treatment options may effectively treat GERD, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each.

Alleviating GERD With Surgery: When to Talk to Your Doctor

The type of treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease depends on your symptoms and its effect on your digestive system. But how do you know if surgery should be considered?

Gluten-Free Goodness

Thought your bread-, pasta-, and pizza-eating days were over? You can join in the fun again with these tasty alternatives.

5 Digestive To-Dos

Do chew your food slowly. Do eat a vinegar-dressed salad after your meal. Plus three more stomach-smart ideas.

GERD Without Heartburn? It's Possible

You can still get diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD) without having heartburn. Learn the other risk factors.

Is Heartburn the Same As GERD?

Heartburn is a symptom of GERD. And there s more to know about how these conditions are distinct.

Digestive-Friendly Eating on a Budget

A few shrewd strategies will help you get the nutrients you need without draining your wallet.

NFL Star's Struggle With Digestive Disease

Three-time Super Bowl champion, Matt Light faced a nearly unwinnable fight against Crohn s disease. Find out about his struggle, and how he triumphed with his successful career.

The Best Yogurts for Your Digestive Health

If you're looking to get the health benefits of yogurt, taste matters, but other factors do too.

8 Tips for a Heartburn-Free Thanksgiving

On a day when Americans consume nearly three times the recommended amount of daily calories, staying heartburn-free can be tricky, but it's far from impossible.

Stomach Bacteria Might Be Making You Fat

Scientists found that gut flora can block your weight loss efforts. Here's how.

New Hope for Patients With Metastatic Colon Cancer

By studying how colon cancer cells metastasize, German researchers have uncovered a potential new approach to treating this cancer.

It's Not Stomach Flu, It's Gastroenteritis

Treating a bug the right way depends on knowing what you have. Get the facts.

Going Gluten-Free? Try Green Banana Pasta

There are a bunch of pluses to choosing this gluten-free option. See how it stacks up.

Fad Diets and Your Digestive Health

When it comes to a quick fix, success on the scale may come at the expense of your digestive health.

GERD Without Heartburn, It Happens

It's not just heartburn. Here are the real telltale signs of this digestive disorder.

Have a Digestive Condition? Exercise Smart

If you suffer from Crohn s, IBS, or acid reflux, you can still get a move on, if you do it right.

Could Gut Bacteria Cause Your IBS?

Health experts suspected bacteria played a role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but the research was inconclusive. Until now.

6 Natural Remedies for Nausea

Soothe your stomach with these simple solutions.

Stress and Heartburn: 5 Ways to Find Relief

Stress leads to the behaviors that bring on heartburn, but our tips can quell the flames and help you cope.

Simple Steps to Manage Crohn's

You still need to take your medication, but a holistic approach can help control everyday symptoms and may even bring remission.

Digestive-Friendly Barbecue, It Can Be Done

If your stomach disagrees with typical barbecue favorites, try these best bites.

More Than Just Fiber for Digestive Health

For your best digestive health, there are additional nutrients that can help.

Digestive-Friendly Ethnic Eats

On the menu? Exciting ethnic meals that will please the palate and promote healthy digestion.

How to Take Aspirin the Safe Way

Get the health benefits without upsetting your stomach.

Should You Shake Your Salt Habit?

Studies link sodium to heart disease and hypertension. But now, science shows sodium is beneficial. Here's what to believe.

Gluten Intolerance: Why It's a Growing Problem

Does it seem like everyone's sensitive to gluten these days? Here's why.

The Hidden Dangers of Herbal Supplements

Supplements like bee pollen can seem like a sure road to health, but user beware.

Exercise to Reduce Heartburn

Here are the dos and don'ts to follow when it comes to working out for and with heartburn.

Carcinoid Syndrome: A Silent and Serious Digestive Condition

About two-thirds of carcinoid tumors occur in the GI tract. Learn about symptoms and treatment options.

How Your Gut Protects You From Disease

A strong intestinal barrier may be key to preventing certain cancers and other diseases. Here's how to strengthen yours.

American Idol's Casey Abrams: Health Advocacy and a New Album

QualityHealth talked to Casey Abrams about his new album and a special song he wrote to inspire those living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Risks and Benefits of Raw Dairy

Is raw dairy a cure-all or a danger to be avoided? When it comes to this heated debate, both sides are passionate.

Key Differences Between IBS Symptoms

Abdominal Distension? Bloating? These IBS symptoms are similar, but there are differences you should know.

5 Ways to Kick the Coffee Habit

Whether because of IBS, acid reflux, or anxiety, it might be time to put down your cup of joe.

6 Natural Remedies to Relieve Nausea

Soothe your stomach with these simple solutions.

Cocoa May Prevent Colon Cancer

Popping a piece of chocolate every day may offer protection against colon cancer. Here's why and the best bites for you.

How to Grow Herbs and Veggies in Small Spaces

Don't let a lack of space stop you from growing fresh, flavorful, nutritious foods. Here's how to start.

The Truth Behind Your Indigestion

Indigestion is indigestion, right? Wrong. By knowing the origins of your upset stomach you'll have a better shot at treating it successfully.

8 Digestive Health Myths

We separate fact from fiction for these common digestive misconceptions.

Bowel and Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough

A new test may save thousands of lives by helping doctors diagnose bowel and pancreatic cancers earlier.

When Your Heartburn Outlasts Your Medication

Many different types of medications can be used to treat heartburn. But what works for one person may not work for another.

5 Symptoms Men Ignore

Men can prevent health risks by paying attention to changes in their body and seeing their doctor when something isn't right.

Health by the Numbers: Heartburn

Occasional heartburn isn't dangerous, but if it occurs on a frequent basis, it could indicate a more serious health condition. Here's a look at heartburn by the numbers.

The Real Reason for Your Upset Stomach?

This sneaky bacterium could be the force behind that queasy feeling. Here's how to eliminate it.

Best Food Guide for IBD

Here are the safest food choices for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

Green Tea for Health & Beauty

With a wealth of antioxidants, green tea is used for weight loss, skin care, and for anti-aging. Is it too good to be true?

Heartburn and Cancer: Is There a Connection?

Occasional heartburn is no cause for concern. But chronic bouts can be linked to serious health problems, including cancer.

How Hormones Regulate Your Digestive System

Hormones are key players to keeping your digestive system running smoothly. Here s what you can do to maximize their potential.

Why Do Men Die First?

Recent statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) give women at birth an average life expectancy of 80.4 years compared with 75.4 years for men. So why is there such a gap?

Think You Have Food Intolerance? Test It

Here's how your doctor will determine if you have an intolerance to substances like lactose or gluten.

What Can Aromatherapy Do for You?

Here's how certain natural scents may help improve your health and overall state of mind.

3 Major IBD Risk Factors and What You Can Do

Lifestyle changes can lessen your risk of suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Improved Colon Cancer Detection With "The Mozart Effect"

Why would playing certain music boost a doctor's ability to detect cancer-causing polyps?

Feels Like Heartburn, But Isn't

Heartburn symptoms are common and often not dangerous, but similar symptoms could signal other, more serious health conditions.

The Worst Foods for IBS

When it comes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which foods are most likely to bring on bouts of belly bloat and gassiness?

Apples to Prevent Digestive Disease?

This tart, delicious fruit may have protective properties against diseases like colitis, Crohn's, and even cancer. But it's the part of the apple that might surprise you.

Probiotics: Beneficial Bacteria

These friendly bacteria can do wonders for your digestive system. Learn how your body can start reaping the benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Is It a Super Tonic?

Do you suffer from sinus troubles? Dandruff? Sore throat? Diarrhea? Apple cider vinegar could alleviate all of these conditions.

Eat to Beat Bowel Cancer

Fresh fruits and vegetables help fight disease, but do you know which ones are best to prevent developing bowel cancer?

Gluten Allergy, Gluten Intolerance, Celiac Disease: The Differences

The symptoms you experience after eating a food containing gluten hold the key to whether it's an allergy or intolerance.

How to Use 10 Powerful Herbs

Suffering from anxiety? Stomach issues? A cold that won t quit? There s an herb for you.

Diet Dos and Don'ts for Ulcerative Colitis

There are menu choices that aggravate ulcerative colitis and some that help to ease the symptoms. See what to avoid and what to add to your plate.

Fecal Transplants: New Hope for Severe IBS and C. Diff Sufferers

A not-so-new therapy for treating Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may bring relief through a not-so-pleasant-sounding treatment.

Tummy Trouble? Gastroparesis With Diabetes

If you haven't had a good handle on managing diabetes, be careful. It could cause a digestive condition called gastroparesis. It occurs when your stomach nerves are too weak empty the stomach which makes it more likely for you to regurgitate.

Runner's Diarrhea: Why It Happens, How to Avoid It

For many long distance runners and other athletes, diarrhea is an unwanted workout buddy. It affects up to 80 percent of marathoners and other extreme athletes.

Managing Diabetes Plus Celiac Disease

It can be tricky to eliminate gluten from the diet, and when you must simultaneously manage your blood sugar, eating can get downright complicated. Here are the tips to follow.

Muscle Tone in the Esophagus May Play a Role in GERD

Doctors have discovered that the strength of your esophagus may play a major role in why you have gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The Best Comfort Foods for Digestive Health

Take comfort in knowing that these food favorites are actually healthy for you, just as long as you eat them the right way.

Help for Heartburn Sufferers Who Love Coffee

If your love for coffee has diminished thanks to heartburn, there's good news: it's because you're drinking the wrong kind of brew.

Colon Cleansing Could Cause More Harm Than Good

You've probably heard about the benefits of a colon cleanse, but here's what researchers and scientific evidence have to say about this trend.

American Idol's Casey Abrams: Living Well With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

QualityHealth sat down with American Idol's Casey Abrams to talk about his experience living with ulcerative colitis. Here's what you should know about this chronic, but manageable inflammatory bowel disease.

Your Physical Body Can Determine the Health of Your Digestion

Discover which parts of your body hold clues to how well your digestive tract is functioning.

Digestive Problems Could Stifle Your Weight Loss Goals

If you feel that you've been exercising and no results ensue, it may be time to consider whether digestive problems could be getting in the way.

Best Foods to Prevent Bowel Cancers

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer, but do you know which ones are best for your bowel?

Gassy at Night? 9 Steps to Take

If diet or lifestyle habits are at the root of your bloating or gas overload, there are steps you can take during the day to avoid having problems at night.

The Mechanics of Constipation

Find out the many reasons why you may experience this digestive discomfort and ways you can adjust your diet and your everyday habits to minimize constipation.

How to Combat Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is a common occurrence. Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce or eliminate excess fluids.

How to Live With a Gluten Sensitivity

If you found out that you can no longer eat gluten, that doesn't mean your diet must be filled with dull food items from now on. Learn about your delicious gluten-free options so that your digestive system can function well again.

Why Starchy and Fatty Foods Are Hard to Digest

Starchy foods are essential for energy, and fatty foods can make you feel fuller. But there are a host of health complications that can ensue if you consume too much of both. Learn how eating the right combination of foods can help your digestive system function at its best.

How to Avoid Nighttime Heartburn

Get that overdue good night's rest you need by committing to these essential to-dos. Learn how you should sleep and what foods you should avoid to prevent the burn from ruining your night.

Understand Gastric Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Although gastric cancer is uncommon in the U.S., this serious condition can sometimes go undiagnosed since the symptoms that come with this cancer can be mistaken for a minor digestive problem.

How Flaxseed Can Fix Your Digestion

You've heard of the digestive and nutritional benefits of flaxseed, now learn how you can incorporate this potent grain into your daily menu.

The Link Between IBS and Fibromyalgia

Research shows that as many as 60 percent of IBS patients also have fibromyalgia and as many as 70 percent of fibromyalgia patients have IBS. So what s the connection? Get the answer here.

Do You Really Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

For years now, the conventional wisdom has been to drink eight glasses of water a day if you want to maintain good health. But is that really true? According to one doctor, the answer is no.

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

Why You Crave Sugar

If you're craving sugar, the problem may be more serious than merely trying to satisfy an occasional sweet tooth. You may be addicted to sugar.

What Stomach Pain in Older Adults May Mean

Digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are common occurrences among those over the age of 50. Take inventory of the digestive symptoms you may have and measure them against these potential digestive conditions.

How Proton Pump Inhibitors Work

If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, or gastric ulcers, your doctor may prescribe a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to ease your symptoms.

Can Aloe Vera Ease IBS?

This transparent gel that oozes from the pulp of aloe vera leaves has traditionally been used to treat wounds and skin conditions. But new research suggests that an extract from this succulent, perennial plant may also offer relief from IBS symptoms.

Manage Your Digestive Ailments Digitally

If you're having trouble maintaining a food diary to keep track of certain triggers that could be contributing to your digestive problems, apps for your smartphone and other electronic devices may be able to help.

Is a Cure for Crohn's Disease on the Way?

Although there is no known medical cure for Crohn's disease yet, researchers are getting close. A gene linked to a protein involved in the immunity and the inflammatory process may pave the way.

How Your Body Uses Nutrients

Have you thought about how your digestive system actually converts the meals you eat into fuel? Here's a quick survey of how your organs break down nutrients to keep your body in motion.

Papaya for Digestive Health

This nutrient-powerhouse can aid an assortment of digestive woes, and there are many ways you can enjoy it. Whether you cook it, eat it raw, or put it in a smoothie, incorporate papaya into your healthy digestion plan.

Why Fiber Is Essential to Your Digestive (and Overall) Health

Although dietary fiber is probably best known as a remedy to prevent or relieve constipation, it provides other important health benefits as well, including lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

What You Should Know About Food Expiration Dates

Should you throw out a container of yogurt if you notice that the date on the package is a few days beyond the date you're planning on eating it? Well, it all depends on these factors.

Commonly Misdiagnosed Digestive Problems

Digestive problems tend to disguise themselves as other conditions, and as a result, it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis. But your health depends on it.

Should You Take Digestive Enzymes?

Your body naturally produces digestive enzymes to help your body break down food. So if you have a shortage of those enzymes and you experience not-so-pleasant symptoms, it might be time to turn to these common supplements.

What You Need to Know About Barrett's Esophagus

Although the condition itself doesn't cause symptoms, the acid reflux that causes Barrett's esophagus frequently leads to heartburn and is commonly found in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Naturally Relieve These 3 Digestive Problems

If you find yourself ridden with stomach pain, you may be tempted to search for medications for relief. And although they may work, all you may need to feel better are the following tips.

Natural Solutions to 3 Gas Problems

Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water each day, and refraining from doing things that can worsen digestive problems could be all you need to ease your digestive woes.

Common Antibiotic May Help Relieve IBS Symptoms

A common antibiotic that treats travelers' diarrhea appears to have a benefit for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Here s what studies have found.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

Your Saliva: What's It Really For?

From aiding in digestion to raising a red flag about potential diseases, your saliva plays a pretty big role in your health.

Eating While Standing: How It Can Harm Your Health

What difference does it make if you stand at a counter to eat, sit down at a table, or grab a bite on the run? Well, when it comes to your physical and mental health, it might make all the difference in the world.

What Foods Contain Probiotics?

You may have seen the word "probiotics" trumpeted on the packages of various products on supermarket shelves. Manufacturers want you to believe their foods are good for you, and in fact probiotics do have numerous health benefits. But sorting through what's fact and what are merely inflated claims can be confusing.

What You Need to Know About Dysbiosis

Not all bacteria are bad: They can positively contribute to the digestive process. But too much good bacteria can also be unhealthy. That's why, when your bacteria balance gets out of whack, you can develop dysbiosis. Discover the symptoms, causes, and treatments for this condition.

Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? How to Tell the Difference

After finishing a delicious meal, you suddenly feel itchy and your stomach hurts. Could the problem be caused by a food allergy or a food intolerance? It can be difficult to tell at first, but there are signs that can help you get to the root of the problem.

Can a Mediterranean Diet Ease Your Digestive Troubles?

Because one of the key components of this diet includes eating lots of fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables, following the Mediterranean diet may keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Could You Have an Intestinal Parasite?

If you've been experiencing stomach pain, diarrhea, and fatigue, you may have an intestinal parasite. Intestinal parasites are fairly common and can be serious, especially in the elderly, people living in undeveloped countries, and those who have other health problems.

Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome

This condition is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, which allows larger-than-normal particles such as undigested food, microbes, wastes, and toxins to get into the lymphatic system or bloodstream, triggering an immune response that causes inflammation.

Living with Dumping Syndrome

If you've had surgery to remove part of your stomach or had gastric bypass surgery to help you lose weight, you may be susceptible to this condition.

Understanding Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis is the final phase of chronic liver disease when the liver begins to function poorly due to scarring. Get familiar with how this disease affects your liver, know the symptoms, and learn what you can do to treat and prevent this incurable disease.

What is Hemochromatosis?

Also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, the body absorbs too much iron from foods you eat. The excess iron then gets stored in your organs, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas, which over time can damage them and lead to life-threatening illnesses.

C. Difficile: Risks and Complications

Clostridium difficile (more commonly known as C. diff) is a serious bacterium that can wreak havoc on your digestive system, causing a range of ailments from severe diarrhea to life-threatening colon inflammation.

Worms May Fight Bowel Diseases

The very idea of using worms to treat intestinal diseases may be enough to turn your stomach. But studies, in which parasitic worms are used to battle disorders like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are showing promising results.

Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer

It turns out that these sweet little berries may play a key role in preventing colon cancer. And there are creative ways you can incorporate this super fruit into your daily menu.

Acidy Feeling in Your Mouth? 9 Tips to Feel Better

Chances are you've experienced that unpleasant feeling of a sour, acid-like taste in your mouth. And what's worse is that it can happen at the most inconvenient times. Learn how this happens and what you can do to get rid of that sour taste in your mouth.

Can Drinking Milk Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer?

Recall the days of your childhood. Does it involve you drinking a half pint of milk each day at school? If so, it can have a tremendous impact on whether or not you're at risk for colon cancer.

Frequently Ignored Cancer Symptoms

Many people only discover they have cancer when something turns up on an x-ray, ultrasound, or other routine test. Unfortunately, the disease may then be in its later (and more difficult-to-treat) stages.

Food Poisoning is on the Rise

Because society depends so heavily on mass food production, we have less insight into our food and how it was handled before it ended up on our plate. Unfortunately, less attention to these rules is resulting in an increase in food poisoning cases.

Delayed Heartburn: Why Does it Happen?

Ever eaten something you knew would ignite heartburn or acid reflux, but afterwards were surprised to find that you didn't experience symptoms? If so, don't be relieved, the burn can plague you within hours or even days.

Zinc: Can It Stop Your Heartburn?

This small study might prove that a supplement can be the next breakthrough treatment to your worst heartburn symptoms.

Should You Take Fiber Supplements?

Fiber supplements have become all the rage, helping weight-conscious people to feel fuller so they eat less. And fiber is also an efficient stool softener and eases irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)and constipation. But keep in mind: It s possible to misuse fiber supplements.

Charcoal Capsules for IBS: Help or Hype?

Can diet, stress-reduction, and change of lifestyle be our only hope to remedy IBS or can charcoal capsules be the next cure?

How to Treat Swallowing Problems

How can a simple task like swallowing become a difficult mission? You might think this should be easy for your muscles to do, but it takes more just strength.

Does Aspirin Prevent Cancer?

While cancer researchers have often come to conflicting conclusions in their studies, to date the results are encouraging.

Ulcerative Colitis: Understanding the Physical and Emotional Pain

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation of the digestive tract, often resulting in stomach pain and bloody diarrhea.

The Pros and Cons of Juicing

Juicing is a practical way to get in your vitamins and minerals in a tasty and easy-to-digest way. See if this will be what it takes to finally get the amount of fruits and vegetables your body needs to function at its best.

Foods That Aid in Digestion

Some of these foods provide a natural source of important enzymes. Others speed up the movement of food from your stomach to your small intestine. But all deliver big perks to your digestive system in one way or another.

Drink More Water, Be More Regular

When your body doesn't get enough fluids, especially water, the result can be hard, dry stools and chronic bouts of constipation.

Finding Relief From Frequent Nausea

Here, find out common causes and treatments for nausea.

Side Effects of Gallbladder Removal

Down the road might you notice some not-so-nice symptoms from getting rid of this organ?

4 Actions to Take After a Crohn's Diagnosis

While receiving a diagnosis of Crohn's disease can be scary and overwhelming, there are steps you can take to cope with this chronic condition and regain a sense of control.

How Smoking Affects Your Digestive System

By now, you're probably aware of the many dangers of smoking, including life-threatening diseases such as cancer and emphysema. What you may not know, though, is what smoking does to your digestive system.

Coping with Celiac Disease While on Vacation

It's one thing to have to manage your disease while on your home turf. But when you're traveling, it can be a whole other story. Here's how to stay on track despite the many roadblocks.

The Link Between Diabetes and Celiac Disease

Nearly 10 percent of Type 1 diabetics also have celiac disease. Here's how to eat well when you have both of these conditions.

Beauty Products May Aggravate Celiac Disease

If you have celiac disease, it's not just the gluten in foods you need avoid. Some dermatologists believe that gluten-containing lotions, deodorants, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, and even lipsticks and facial foundations are absorbed by the bloodstream and can adversely affect people with this disease.

5 Ways to Avoid Heartburn This Holiday Season

Heartburn can be difficult to avoid this time of year, what with heavy meals and heavy stress at every turn. Fortunately, by making some simple adjustments, you can help put out the fire and enjoy the excitement of the season.

Holiday Stress Aggravating Your IBS?

The holiday season is a joyful time, but the anxiety of facing crowded malls, planning family festivities, and making the rounds at parties can cause an already sensitive digestive system to act up. Here's how to regain your calm when the stressors just keep on coming.

4 Yummy Gluten-Free Treats

Do you live for the satisfying taste of a decadent treat? Here are four safe gluten-free foods that can add some extra flavor into your week.

Holiday Foods that Won't Aggravate Your IBS

Facing the upcoming holiday celebrations and the inevitable food frenzy can be difficult if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

How to Cope with Bowel Incontinence

While it may be embarrassing to talk about, don't hesitate to tell your doctor about any symptoms of bowel incontinence you may be experiencing. Good treatments are available to improve, if not completely correct, the problem.

Using Massage to Ease Digestive Ills

Massage therapy may be helpful in relieving stress, which can disrupt the digestive process and aggravate IBS symptoms. It may also help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with other digestive disorders.

Pancreatitis: What You Should Know

Pancreatitis begins as a sudden and painful attack that is usually resolved within a few days with treatment. However, the condition can sometimes be life-threatening.

Stomach Cancer: Good News and Bad News

Gastric cancer has become more prevalent among some.

How Antibiotics Affect Your Digestive Health

While these medicines are necessary to kill the "bad" bacteria that make us sick, they often kill the "good" bacteria in the large intestine, resulting in upset stomach and diarrhea.

Understanding Enteropathic Arthritis

Enteropathic arthritis, a chronic illness that is one of a family of diseases known as spondylarthritides, is associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

How Your Digestive System Works

Every day your body performs a digestive feat: seamlessly breaking down the foods you eat into small molecules of nutrients that are then absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout your body, providing you with the energy you need to perform.

Broccoli and Plantain Fibers May Prevent Crohn's Disease Relapse

Scientists have found that broccoli and plantain fibers may significantly prevent E.coli movement within the bowels.

Can You Outgrow Lactose Intolerance?

Being lactose intolerant means that you cannot digest the milk sugar (lactose) in dairy products. While the condition isn't serious, the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable. So, is it possible to outgrow it?

New Camera Technology Improves Colonoscopy Screening Results

A new type of camera is making it possible for doctors to get a better look at colorectal polyps and other lesions that may be missed with the current colonoscope alone.

Celiac Disease: Is Your Child At Increased Risk?

Did you know that if your child was born by caesarean section, she could be at increased risk for celiac disease?

All About Anal Fissures and Fistulas

Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Understanding Ischemic Colitis

Although there isn't a clear cut reason why people suffer from ischemic colitis, there are health issues and medications that can increase your chances of getting this arduous and agonizing condition.

Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber: What's the Difference?

Both types of fiber are good for your health, but each serves a distinct purpose and can be found in specific foods. So, are you getting enough of each?

How to Find Help for Hemorrhoids

If you're noticing bright red blood when you have a bowel movement, don't be alarmed just yet. There's a good chance you have a case of hemorrhoids.

5 Common Causes of Bloody Stools

Blood in the stools can be a frightening to see. Some causes of bloody stools are harmless, while other causes can lead to colon cancer. If you notice blood or color changes in your stool, it might be time to see a doctor.

Can Chia Seeds Help You Lose Weight?

Can the same seeds that sprouted hair on your childhood chia pet also promote weigh loss, suppress appetite and provide a host of health benefits?

What You Need to Know About Capsule Endoscopies

This procedure is an innovative way of detecting stomach conditions that may cause you discomfort. Here's what you need to do to prepare for the test and what happens once the test is over.

Hemorrhoids: A Real Pain in the Rear

If you're experiencing pain and burning in your backside, you may have a case of hemorrhoids. Rarely considered serious, hemorrhoids usually go way on their own within a few days.

What to Do About "Nervous Stomach"

Whether it's the result of a problem at home or the anticipation of an upcoming event, we've all had the feeling of about 100 butterflies making their home inside our stomach. Fortunately, you don't have to live with this feeling that you're going to lose your lunch.

The Causes and Treatments of Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis occurs when the diverticula, small pouches lining the digestive tract, become inflamed or infected. The problem usually affects people ages 40 and older. Although most people with diverticulosis don't experience any symptoms, others may have severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Get Your Fiber without the Gas

Maintaining a fiber-rich diet is a great way to shed unwanted pounds, lower your cholesterol, and keep your bowels functioning normally. Unfortunately, foods high in fiber can also cause increased gas (flatulence). Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate this problem without eliminating the fiber from your meals.

Understanding Appendicitis

Although there is no known essential purpose that the appendix serves, if the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus causing appendicitis, the consequences can be deadly unless treated quickly.

3 Common Digestive Conditions

Millions of people each year see their doctor because of digestive problems and, often, there are simple fixes. Talking to your doctor about any problems you may be having can help alleviate worry, reduce your symptoms, and keep your condition in check.

How to Eat Cleanly to Prevent Colon Cancer

Scientists have been accumulating evidence that a poor diet is a strong risk factor for colon and rectal cancer (colorectal). A new study provides additional, convincing support.

Nausea and Vomiting: What You May Not Know

We've all experienced the terrible feeling of nausea...and of throwing up. Here, the not-so-pretty facts.

How to Maintain a Gluten-Free Diet

Currently, the only available treatment for celiac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet. This means the complete elimination of wheat, rye, barley and possibly oat grains from your meals. But sticking to a gluten-free diet doesn't have to be difficult or boring.

How to Cope with Diarrhea-Predominant IBS

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are all too familiar with its symptoms: Cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. But for people with diarrhea-predominant IBS, or IBS-D, diarrhea is the primary symptom. Here, tips to cope.

4 Common Age-Related Pains

While most people of a certain age are healthy and living full, productive lives, growing older often comes with a few aches and pains. Not surprisingly, many older adults go through the same changes.

Understanding Short Bowel Syndrome

Short bowel syndrome refers to a group of problems associated with the poor absorption of nutrients that usually occurs in people who have had half or more of their small intestine surgically removed. So can people with this short bowel syndrome live normal lives?

Can a Urine Test Detect Colon Cancer?

That's the question a team of researchers at the University of North Carolina are trying to answer. If it proves accurate, it may provide a cheaper, less invasive alternative to the colonoscopy.

Olive Oil May Protect You Against Ulcerative Colitis

Olive oil has always been known to be protective for heart health, but here is another added benefit.

Pouchitis 101

Diarrhea. Abdominal pain. Fever. Dehydration. If you've ever suffered from something called pouchitis, you're all too familiar with these symptoms. Here, learn how to manage this painful condition.

7 Ways to Banish Bloat

No matter how dedicated you ve been to your diet and exercise routine, bloating can still strike. Here, seven ways to banish it.

Could Fluctuating Hormones Be the Cause of Your Bloating?

Bloating is never pleasant, but uncomfortable and irritating. Not only is bloating caused by foods and stress, but can also be induced by hormones. Find out how this happens and what you can do to prevent it.

Aspirin May Boost Crohn s Disease Risk

See why you should be cautious of aspirin intake and how it my heighten your risk of Crohn's Disease.

How Much Gas is Too Much?

It may be embarrassing to talk about gas, but how much gas is too much is important to keep in mind. Find out when is it normal and healthy and when does it indicate that your stomach health is at risk.

5 Foods That Cause Constipation

If your plumbing is clogged and you don't know why, take a good look at your diet. If it's low in fiber and fluids, or high in dehydrating ingredients like salt and alcohol, you may have found your answer.

Debunking Some Common Myths about Celiac Disease

Gluten sensitive enteropathy or celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disorder that can weaken your body's ability to retain nutrition. See why these common myths about celiac disease have been proven wrong.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning from Ruining Your Barbecue

Read these tips on how to prevent food poisoning from ruining your barbecue. Find out how these precautions can help you avoid food borne illnesses.

Gastroparesis 101

Gastroparesis, also known as delayed gastric emptying, is a stomach disorder. Find out the causes, symptoms, and signs and what you can do to treat it.

Polyps and Colon Cancer

The statistics are sobering: According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 145,000 people each year are diagnosed with colon cancer, and nearly 50,000 people die from the disease. But most cases can be caught before they turn into full-blown cancer.

What You Probably Don't Know About Male Asthma and Cancer

Men who have asthma are less likely to be diagnosed with common forms of cancer than their healthier counterparts. Common asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and chest discomfort can play an important role to ward off cancer.

Does Your Stomach Talk to You?

If there are rumbling and grumbling sounds coming from your stomach, they're most likely just the normal cacophony of noises your gastrointestinal system makes as it processes food. In some instances, however, a change in the normal pattern of your bowel sounds can signal a health problem.

High-Fat Diet Linked to Increased Colon Inflammation

A new study published in The Journal of Nutrition is adding to a growing body of scientific evidence showing a connection between a diet rich in fat and low in fiber and an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.

What You Should Know About Gallstones

Gallstones are small, hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can develop in the gallbladder. They can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. But how dangerous are they? And who's most at risk?

Is a Virtual Colonoscopy Right for You?

The colonoscopy exam may have just gotten easier. In the new "virtual" colonoscopy, images of the colon and rectum are taken via a CT scan, which the doctor can then examine for polyps or other precancerous changes.

Gut Bacteria May Be Making You Fat

Did you know that the composition of bacteria in your intestines may determine how easily you lose or gain weight? It's all about what you eat.

The Digestive Benefits of Yogurt

Not all yogurt is created equal. Some types don't contain enough of the bacteria you need for a healthy digestive system. To be sure that you're getting plenty of the good stuff, be sure to take certain information into consideration.

Bacteria in the Digestive System May be Linked to Disease

A group of international scientists have found that some of the hundreds of types of bacteria in the digestive system may be linked to diseases such as cancer and Crohn's.

Early Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is more prevalent than you might realize, although it does not get as much public attention as breast and other types of cancer. Fortunately, bladder cancer is highly treatable when caught early so it pays to be familiar with its common symptoms.

Mangoes May Ward off Colon and Breast Cancer

Studies suggest the mango may be effective in preventing the growth of colon cancer cells. An added benefit? It may ward off breast cancer, too.

Are Too Many Laxatives Harming Your Health?

While taking an occasional laxative isn't harmful, overuse of laxatives (as well as suppositories and enemas) can lead to some pretty serious complications.

Drinking Warm Water May Ease Colonoscopy Discomfort

A new study suggests that drinking warm water prior to this procedure can help ease any pain and discomfort.

5 Cures for Constipation

Here's what to do if irregularity has become a regular thing.

Prone to Heartburn? Avoid these 6 Drinks

Read on for a list of six drinks that are most likely to burn a fire in your chest.

Are Colon Cancer Rates Declining?

Amidst gloomy reports about the rates of cancer, there is a ray of good news. Over the past several decades, the incidence of colon and rectal cancers (colorectal, or CRC) has declined significantly.

6 Ways to Ease a Queasy Stomach

Here are six ways to stop that unpleasant churning--fast.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Increases Risk for Blood Clots

Scientists are saying that those with IBD may be 16 times more likely to suffer from dangerous blood clots.

Chronic Diarrhea May Be Caused by a Hormone Deficiency

According to a recent study, your constant bouts of diarrhea may be the result of something surprising.

Gene That Helps Control Acid Production is Discovered

Read on to learn more about their findings and how you may be able to start benefiting from their research.

Probiotics May Fight IBD Symptoms

A recent study may be shedding light on a new remedy for IBD.

Antibody Test Boosts Celiac Disease Diagnoses

Results from a recent study may give physicians new ammunition in accurately diagnosing celiac disease in kids.

4 Signs Your Diet Lacks Fiber

Fiber is essential to your overall health. But how can you tell if you're getting enough? Find out here.

How Exercise Can Ease Your Crohn's Symptoms

While there are no known cures for Crohn's disease, there are many therapies available to help reduce symptoms and even prompt long-term remissions. One of the most effective options? Exercise.

5 Ulcerative Colitis Food Rules

If you suspect that certain foods are triggering an episode, keep a food journal to spot potential triggers. These suggestions could also help.

5 Life-Threatening Dangers of Peptic Ulcers

While most ulcers can be cured without complications, if left untreated, some can lead to potentially life-threatening complications.

Is Crohn's Affecting Your Appearance?

Learn why Crohn's affects your appearance, plus get tips on how to look like a picture of health.

Peppermint Oil May Ease IBS Symptoms

An analysis of more than a dozen of trials suggests that peppermint oil may be the key to relief.

How Exercising Can Ease Your IBS Pain

Research is showing that exercise can also help relieve some of the painful symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Crohn's and Pain Medications: A Dangerous Mix

Aspirin and certain other pain medications can actually make Crohn's symptoms worse.

Using Ultrasound to Diagnose Crohn's Disease

Several studies are showing that bowel ultrasound is more accurate than X-ray in identifying the complications, location, and extent of Crohn's disease.

The IBS and Brain Connection

If you have IBS, you know you're well-aware that your stomach isn't like everyone else's. Now, research is showing that your brain may be a little bit different, too.

The IBD and MS Connection

Researchers have discovered that those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have an increased risk of developing conditions such as arthritis, chronic renal, disease, and even multiple sclerosis.

What Causes Stomachaches?

Who hasn't had a stomachache? Find out what causes them.

What You Didn't Know About Diarrhea

Read on for some surprising causes of this common condition, plus get plenty tried-and-true treatments.

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight with Crohn's

Here you'll find tips on what foods to eat (and avoid) so that you can get the nutrition you need to stay healthy.

Fruits and Veggies May Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk

There's more reason than ever to get your daily five servings.

The Long-Term Dangers of Food Poisoning

Food-borne diseases result in approximately 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths each year.

Can Vitamin B Benefit Celiac Sufferers?

A recent study has found that vitamin B supplements can increase vitamin B6, B12 and folate levels in celiac disease patients, thus reducing their homocysteine levels.

Diet and Colon Cancer Risk

Find out what links your diet and your risk for developing this form of cancer.

What Can a Gastroenterologist Do for You?

Find out how a visit to this specialist can put you on the road to relief.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Cut Your Colorectal Cancer Risk?

Learn about a surprising side effect of this common therapy.

What is a Sigmoidoscopy?

How can this procedure help you? Find out here.

Can Hypnosis Ease Your IBS?

Studies are showing that this mind-body technique may ease the cramping and bloating associated with IBS.

Can Your Genetic Profile Determine Your Crohn's Treatment?

Learn more about a scientific discovery that may change the face of treatment for patients with certain bowel diseases.

Colon Cleansing: Help or Hype?

Is this process really as beneficial as proponents claim it to be? And could it even be dangerous?

Non-Colonoscopy Colon Screening Procedures

Colonoscopy isn't the only way to screen for colon cancer.

What Do Your Bowel Movements Say About Your Health?

While what's considered normal will vary for everyone, knowing what's normal for you can help spot potential problems early on.

Could You Have Celiac Disease?

If left undiagnosed, Celiac Disease can result in potentially serious complications.

Signs of a Hiatal Hernia

If you've been experiencing chest pain, bloating, and difficulty swallowing, it's possible you have a hiatal hernia.

Could You Be at Risk for Esophageal Cancer?

If you frequently suffer from acid reflux, your health could be paying the price.

Recently Diagnosed with Crohn's? Next Steps to Take

Learning you have a chronic disease can be frightening, and overwhelming. Fortunately, arming yourself with the right information and action steps can help you feel more at ease.

Foods That Ease Crohn s Symptoms

Read on for the full list of foods you should be eating.

Crohn s: Myths vs. Facts

Don t let myths about Crohn s hamper you from doing the things you love or making sound health decisions.

Foods That Aggravate Your Crohn's

Although there s no one-size-fits-all diet for Crohn s, there are foods that are more likely to aggravate your condition.

Black Raspberries May Help Prevent Barrett s Esophagus

Learn how you could prevent this potentially deadly complication.

The Asthma and GERD Connection

If you have asthma, your odds of having GERD may be significantly increased.

5 Fruits That Fight Disease

The next time you re in the produce aisle or the local farmers market, don t pass the following fruits by.

Preventing Crohn s in Kids

There are steps you can take to protect your child from this chronic condition.

New Developments in Crohn s Disease Treatments

New latest in Crohn's research is offering alternatives to millions of Crohn s sufferers.

5 Digestive System Myths

When it comes to the digestive system, there are plenty of of myths and misconceptions. Here, we present five.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy with Crohn s Disease

If you have Crohn s disease, you are probably already familiar with what it s like to have a colonoscopy. Physicians use this procedure to diagnose bowel disease and it s invaluable in screening for colon and rectal cancer.

Identifying Genetic Markers for Crohn's

Identifying genetic markers for Crohn s disease blazing way for new treatment options.

Should You Exercise with Crohn's?

If you have been using Crohn s disease as an excuse not to exercise, you will have to find a new excuse. Studies show that appropriate exercises are beneficial, even if you have Crohn s.

Depression and Crohn s Disease

Depression--it s not all in your head and it does matter.

Do Probiotics Really Help Crohn's?

Is there proof behind the theory? Find out here.

Living with an Ostomy

If your doctor has recommended an ostomy, here s what you need to know.

Living with a J Pouch

There are many types of surgical procedures physicians can perform to treat people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Here s what you need to know about J pouch surgery.

The Importance of Crohn s Support Groups

You don t have to go it alone.

Crohn's Meal Planning Tips

Planning meals does not have to be a complicated or onerous task.

Genetic Screening: Discovering Your Cancer Risk

Are you at higher risk for cancer because of your genes?

Alternative and Complementary Medicine for Crohn's

Alternative medicine increasingly popular with Crohn s and other diseases

Crohn's Affect on Muscles

Those achy muscles are not all in your head.

Clostridium Difficile (CDF) and Crohn s: What s the Connection?

This microbe could pose a problem for your condition.

Crohn s Disease: Complications You Can Avoid

Managing disease complications eases symptoms

The Link between Celiac Disease and Crohn's

Although they are different diseases, Celiac and Crohn s share similar symptoms and characteristics.

Crohn s Affecting Your Love Life?

Don't let your chronic illness ruin your love life.

Is Crohn's Making You Exhausted?

Feeling fatigued? If you have Crohn s disease, you re not alone.

How Much Does Crohn's Increase Your Colon Cancer Risk?

You may be at higher risk, but there are ways you can protect yourself.

Do You Know the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

If caught early, colon cancer has a very high cure rate. Learn what signs to look for.

Statins May Help Control Crohn's Symptoms

Learn more about how cholesterol-lowering drugs (known as statins) may be beneficial to Crohn's patients.

Why You Need Prebiotics

Learn more about prebiotics can do for your digestive health.

Stomach Ulcers and Crohn's: Does One Cause the Other?

Find how out these two stomach conditions are related.

Could a Raw Food Diet Ease Your Crohn's?

Raw food diets may be more than just a passing trend.

The Crohn's-Psoriasis Connection

Studies suggest a strong link between Crohn's disease and psoriasis.

Crohn's and Fibromyalgia: What's the Connection?

Crohn s disease shares symptoms, treatment and possibly causes, with many other illnesses, including fibromyalgia.

Eat This Spice To Improve Your Crohn's

Relief for Crohn's disease may be as near as your kitchen cupboard

Could You Have a Magnesium Deficiency?

Many Crohn's patients are deficient in magnesium. If this is the case for you, find out what this could mean for your health.

Do Vaccines Cause Crohn's?

Learn about the connection between vaccines and this prominent bowel disease.

Crohn's May Be Weakening Your Bones

Osteoporosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease often go hand in hand.

Do You Have a Gluten Allergy?

If you suffer from a range of uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms every time you eat foods containing wheat, rye, malt, barley and oats, a gluten allergy could be to blame for your distress.

Don't Let Your Crohn's Get Out of Control

Here are some realistic steps you can take to help keep your symptoms at bay.

FDA Warns About Dangers of Bowel Cleansing Drugs

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)recently issued warnings about bowel cleansing formulas commonly used before medical procedures, such as colonoscopies.

5 Take-Out Horror Stories

You might want to think twice before steering towards the drive-thru of your favorite take-out restaurant.

The Food, Exercise, and Digestion Connection

Learn about the important link between the three.

Can Crohn's Be Prevented?

Find out if certain behaviors can help ward off the disease.

What Are the Symptoms of Crohn s?

Recognizing the symptoms can lead to a quicker diagnosis and more effective treatment.

The 411 on Crohn s Nutritional Deficiencies

The disease can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Learn how a balanced diet can help you better manage this.

The Lowdown on Natural Digestive Remedies

Don't turn to meds just yet; these natural alternatives may do the trick.

Snapshot of Common Digestive Ailments

Learn about symptoms and treatments of some familiar digestive problems.

Can Growth Hormones Help Kids with Crohn s?

See what the studies are showing.

Crohn s and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

The majority of women with the disease can successfully start families.

Inside Crohn's Clinical Trials

Learn more about this vital part of the drug development process.

Crohn s and Sleep: What s the Connection?

Getting enough z s at night can have therapeutic effects.

Tips to Ease Crohn s-Related Pain

You don t have to suffer unnecessarily. A few small steps can make a big difference.

Tips to Manage Crohn s at Work

With the right preparation, you can enjoy a smooth workday.

Heartburn: When Is It Time to See the Doctor?

Read on determine when your condition requires medical attention.

Tips to Ease Medication-Induced Heartburn

Follow these steps to help find relief.

Fish Oil & Relapse: What's the Connection?

Early studies of the effectiveness of fish oil in maintaining remission in Crohn's patients have been quite promising. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains and Crohn's is an inflammatory disease.

Are You at Risk for Crohn s?

Environment, eating habits, and genetics all play a key role.

Understanding Crohn s in Kids

The incidence of Crohn s in children under 16 is increasing. But why?

Is Surgery an Option for Crohn's?

Find out if surgery may help ease your symptoms.

Taking Crohn's on the Road

With some careful preparation, you can enjoy a successful and stress-free time away from home.

Dietary Guidelines for Crohn's: Complete and Balanced

Vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients must be included

How to Stop an Embarrassing Gas Crisis

Learn how diet and lifestyle changes help eliminate this common problem.

Heartburn-Friendly Recipes

Some simple dietary changes can help ward off heartburn symptoms.

GERD-Friendly Recipes

A big part of managing your condition is avoiding certain trigger foods.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Seeds

They may be small, but they have big benefits.

Radio Waves: A New Treatment for GERD

Learn more about this new, non-surgical option.

Can Smoking Cause Heartburn?

Learn more about cigarettes' negative effects on your digestive health.

Managing Heartburn While on the Road

Learn simple strategies for controlling your condition while away from home.

New Treatments for Heartburn

Find out about the new and innovative treatments available to help you better control your condition.

How to Avoid Heartburn While Exercising

Follow these tips to stay heartburn-free while on the move.

Surprisingly Safe Foods for Heartburn

These good eats get the thumbs-up for heartburn sufferers.

Alcohol and Heartburn: What You Need to Know

Follow these tips to prevent alcohol from aggravating your condition.

How to Manage Heartburn During Pregnancy

Approximately 50 percent of pregnant women will experience heartburn. Learn how to find relief.

How Can Women Achieve Optimal Digestive Health?

A few simple changes can make a big difference.

How to Control Your Heartburn Naturally

Sometimes medication isn't the only answer.

Stress and Heartburn: What's the Link?

Learn more about this undeniable connection.

Sleep and Heartburn: What's the Link?

There may be more of a connection than you think.

A Guide to Eating Out with Crohn's Disease

Dining out doesn't have to be difficult. Just follow these simple tips.

Foods That Make Heartburn Worse

Beware: the following foods may exacerbate your condition.

Types of Heartburn Medications Available

Learn more about different types of treatment options.

Crohn's Disease and Stress: Is There a Connection?

Learn how relaxation can help you better manage your condition.

Making Wise Carb Choices

There's no need to abandon carbs completely. It's all a matter of selecting the right ones.

Report Card: Health of the Nation

While medical advancements are constantly being made, Americans continue to fall behind on some basic health measures.

Disgust - Can't Live Without It

Disgust is a powerful emotion shared by all people across all cultures, yet its triggers are very different. Where did the sense of disgust come from, and why do we have it?

10 Shocking Speed-Eating Records

Mom always said to eat slowly to avoid getting a stomachache. Apparently, these people weren't listening.

10 Tips to Help Manage IBS

Follow these steps to help ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

6 Worst Home Remedies of All Time

Want to get rid of freckles? A hangover? A burn? Don't try these methods at home...or anywhere else, for that matter.

Could You Have Crohn's Disease?

Learn about the symptoms and methods of diagnosing this gastrointestinal disorder.

Lactose Intolerance 101

Millions of people have difficulty digesting milk and other dairy products. Find out how to identify and diagnose lactose intolerance.

Star Jones, Al Roker, Carnie Wilson: Is Gastric Bypass the Solution?

Every year, more than 100,000 people undergo this popular weight-loss procedure. Is it right for you?

10 Weirdest Facts About the Human Body

Think you know everything about the human body? Check out 10 bizarre facts you didn't learn in anatomy class.

Tummy Tuck Basics

Tired of flabby abs or love handles? If diet and exercise haven't worked for you, abdominoplasty may be the solution.

Understanding Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. Here, a guide to the disease, from screening to treatment.

Understanding IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome affects up to 20 percent of the U.S. adult population, and the disorder has no known cause. Here, a look at IBS, from symptoms to treatment.

The 10 Worst Foods in America

Pizza and doughnuts and burgers, oh my! These all-American treats top the nutritional hall of shame.

Easing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Follow these tips to minimize nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and hair loss.

Understanding Heartburn and GERD

Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), if it occurs regularly is a common digestive disorder that affects about 15 million Americans. Learn about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.