Once you decide to get fit, don't let your game get sidelined by injury, burnout, or boredom. Too many people start out over-eager or end up in a rut.  Avoiding exercise mistakes is crucial to any fitness plan.  Here are 12 blunders to bypass:

  • Skipping it. Don't skip exercise when you're short on time. Short workouts provide important health benefits and are better than no exercise at all.
  • Passing up the warm up.  When you exercise you're asking your body to perform strenous tasks that, in most cases, you haven't performed all day. That's why it's essential to get in a stretch and a ten minute walk to warm up the muscles before diving in.
  • Using incorrect form. This is a quick route to injury and poor results. Whether it's on a yoga mat or weight machine, proper body mechanics are key. Ask a professional trainer for guidance.
  • Being unrealistic. Unrealistic goals are frustrating, hard to achieve, and cause people to five up. Set goals that are appropriate for your fitness level.
  • Going overboard. Exercising too much, too hard, or too often can lead to injury and burnout. Rest and gradual progression are important components of safe, effective exercise programs.
  • Keeping it the same. Make your workouts more interesting and effective by changing your routine, activities, and weights.
  • Having the wrong equipment. Exercise using proper footwear, equipment and surfaces. Improper equipment or rough or slippery surfaces increases risk for injury.
  • Leaning or slouching. Support your back when using gym equipment like treadmills and elliptical trainers. If you're leaning or slouching, you're working too hard.
  • Foregoing the weights. Aerobic exercise is crucial, but so is weight training. You need both to achieve total health benefits.
  • Rushing. Suddenly increasing speed, distance, or duration in any sport is a ticket to injury. Use a more gradual approach. Don't do weight-lifting repetitions too fast. This can elevate blood pressure, cause joint injury, and may indicate the weight is too light. Keep repetitions slow, steady, and use proper form.
  • Not drinking enough. Stay hydrated and drink water. Unless you're doing extreme sports, sport drinks like Gatorade are unnecessary and add calories.
  • Skipping the cool down. Taking a few minutes to slow down your heart rate and stretch increases flexibility and reduces injury.


Sources:(The American Council on Exercise and Weight Watchers)