By now, you probably know all about WiiTM bowling, yoga, and other exercise games. But if you've played those to the point of boredom, here are other games out there that can keep you engaged, energized, and fit.

What is Exergaming?

Exergames are video gaming systems that incorporate fitness into their activities. For the last few years, WiiTM has been a big player in the exergame market, which has been proven in studies to provide as much exercise as walking on a treadmill. Parents, who invested in gaming systems to get their kids off the couch and exercising, discovered it was a great way to fit a little fitness into their own lives. Exergaming is like playing, only better. It's fun and it provides great opportunities for families to work out together.

Most exergames include cardiovascular activities, simple stretches and strengthening exercises. They usually require a handheld device, remote, mat, pad, or other apparatus to clue the game into the player's activities. Many exergames allow for two or more players and a wide variety of skill levels.

Check out these popular exergaming systems:

  • Dance, Dance Revolution is a classic game that gets frequent updates. It combines balance, coordination, eye-foot control, endurance, patterns, and overall cardio fitness. It's a fun way to build social skills.
  • IDance 2 provides players with a combination of physical, social, and cognitive benefits. It accommodates up to 32 players at once in up to three levels. This game is becoming popular in gyms, schools, and community centers.
  • WiiTM Fit Plus Basic Step is like an at-home step class.
  • Gaming Bikes are interactive cardio bikes. Players pedal along with interactive technology that simulates a variety of outdoor trails, terrains, and spinning classes. The Exerbike Pro is American-made and designed to combine fun, fitness, and competition.
  • Kick Boxing exergames like the 3Kick system uses interactive foam pads that can be punched, kicked, slapped, or tapped with shoes or bare feet, a fist, or an open palm. Players can choose different skill and fitness levels to work on full-body and hand-eye coordination, improved reaction time, foot work, balance, mental acuity, and cardiovascular fitness.

With just a little research, you'll find all kinds of exergaming systems to help you and your family have fun and get in shape in the comfort of your own home. Don't be surprised, however, if a fitness facility near you offers exergame classes to their schedule. This is a trend that's guaranteed to be around for years.