Healthy Aging - Original Articles

Top 5 Supplements for Men

The key to effective supplementation is to know what you're taking and why you're taking it.

"Rotten Egg" Gas May Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammation

Can this horrible smelling toxic gas secreted by the body and produced by factories actually reduce arthritis inflammation? Some studies are saying so.

Just Hit 40? 7 Tune-Up Tips

Steps you can take to help ensure your health well into your golden years.

Age or Asthma: What's Making You Short of Breath?

When you find yourself suddenly short of breath, do you wonder where your symptoms are coming from? Knowing the difference can be difficult not only for you but for your doctor, as well.

Alzheimer s Disease and Head Size

Larger head size may be an advantage to people with Alzheimer s disease.

The Health Boosting Benefits of Vitamin K

Already a nutritional superstar, Vitamin K may be even more beneficial than we think. Find out how to get your daily dose.

DHEA Supplements: Do They Work?

Produced naturally by our bodies, the hormone DHEA has been touted as the key to longevity. And some people have begun to supplement their bodies' own DHEA with a synthetic version of the hormone. But are they effective?

The Proper Way to Wear Your Seatbelt

Seat belts save more than 13,000 lives every year in this country, but they can do so only if you wear them the right way.

Dementia Risk Higher if Spouse Has It

You may always have believed that dementia was an internal process, triggered by unknown changes in the brain and perhaps genetically determined. But external factors can contribute as well. For instance, did you know that people who care for spouses with dementia are at significantly higher risk of developing dementia themselves?

4 Common Age-Related Pains

While most people of a certain age are healthy and living full, productive lives, growing older often comes with a few aches and pains. Not surprisingly, many older adults go through the same changes.

Startling Statistics About Baby Boomer Drug Abuse

With all the talk in the media about teenagers and substance abuse, it's easy to overlook the fact that people of all ages can abuse drugs and alcohol. In fact, the surprising truth is that substance abuse among baby boomers has been increasing in recent years.

The Link Between Belly Fat and Dementia

Middle-age adults with excess belly fat now have yet another reason to reduce their waist circumference. Research shows that abdominal obesity nearly triples their risk for dementia.

How Elders Can Stay Safe When Temperatures Soar

The dog days of summer are officially here. And while steamy hot days can be difficult for anyone to endure, very warm temperatures pose particular dangers to the elderly. And so, it's important to take special precautions when temperatures soar past the point of comfort.

How to Conquer Fatigue as You Age

While you may not have quite the energy you did when you were younger, there's no reason for you to go crawl through your days just because you've passed your 40th (or 50th or 60th) birthday.

The Vitamin D and Diabetes Link in Seniors

Seniors who don t get enough Vitamin D in their diets could be putting themselves at risk for developing diabetes.

8 Bad Skin Habits to Break

If your skin looks duller, older, and more uneven than it should, bad choices could be to blame. Break these common habits to bring out big improvements from head to toe.

First Letter of Your Name Linked to Longevity

A group of scientists have published an article claiming that your longevity is linked to the first initial of your first name. So what's the very worst initial to have?

The Short- and Long-Term Benefits of Exercise

Exercise does a body good. Not only is it the key to losing weight, it's also the key to healthy, happy golden years. But how exactly will it help you today and many years from now?

Gene Sequencing: What it Can Reveal

Genomics can map out the exact sequence of a person's DNA to come up with a comprehensive picture of that person's future health risks.

The Truth about Suicide Risk in Senior Facilities

Of the 35 million Americans 65 and older, roughly seven million suffer from either major depression or a less severe form of depression.

The Personality and Longevity Connection

Genes aren t only about physical characteristics. Science now says that specific personality traits are inherited, and those personality traits may be what help people reach a ripe old age.

6 Steps to Slow the Aging Process

Smoking, drinking, poor diet and inactivity can age you by 12 years, study shows.

How to Live Long like Betty White

Everybody's talking about Betty White. And for good reason. At 88 years old, the comedic actress has experienced a career resurgence and shows no signs of stopping. What's this golden girl's secret to longevity?

Overweight Seniors May Live Longer

How many times have you heard that being overweight can contribute to disease and early death? Now, flying in the face of that knowledge are the results of a new study that may turn conventional wisdom on its head.

Men and Depression: Overcoming the Stigma

About six million men in the United States suffer from depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. While the stigma of mental health disorders is fading, some men are still reluctant to talk about, or seek help for, depression.

Sex Remains a Part of Seniors' Lives

If you believe lovemaking is reserved just for the young, have we got news for you. Find out what a recent study has revealed about the frequency of sex among seniors.

Having Shingles Raises Stroke Risk

Read on to find out what a diagnosis of shingles means for your heart health.

Blueberry Juice May Boost Your Memory

Scientists have convincing evidence that this delicious drink may boost your memory into high gear.

Fish Oil May Protect Against Cellular Aging

New research is shedding light on exactly why a diet rich in fish can help your heart-and all your cells--stay young.

Want to Stay Young? Keep Exercising

New studies suggest that working out may help prevent white blood cells from aging. The result? A healthier, more youthful body--both inside and out.