Incontinence - Treatments

Enlarged Prostate and Transurethral Microwave Therapy

Excessive bathroom trips could be solved by this treatment option that's less invasive than surgery.

Get the Facts About Urinary Incontinence

What are the types, causes, risk factors, and treatments of this hard to control, and sometimes embarrassing, condition?

Running to the Bathroom During Workouts? What to Do

If urges to go to the bathroom when exercising are keeping you from getting a good workout, here are some tips to keep in mind.

Nighttime Bathroom Trips: Causes and Concerns

Nocturia, a condition that causes you to take several trips to the bathroom during the night because of an excessive need to urinate, not only disrupts your sleep cycle but could be a sign of a more serious medical problem.

4 Common Causes of Bladder Issues

Here, some common causes of bladder trouble and typical treatment methods.

An Innovative Approach to Bladder Health

The FDA has recently approved Gelnique , the first and only topical gel to treat overactive bladder. Learn more about this new advancement, and find out how it can help you to manage your most pressing bladder challenges.

Fish Oil & Relapse: What's the Connection?

Early studies of the effectiveness of fish oil in maintaining remission in Crohn's patients have been quite promising. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains and Crohn's is an inflammatory disease.

Is Surgery an Option for Crohn's?

Find out if surgery may help ease your symptoms.

Taking Crohn's on the Road

With some careful preparation, you can enjoy a successful and stress-free time away from home.

Bladder Infections 101

Men, women, and children can all develop a bladder infection. Here, a look at the condition, from symptoms to treatments.

Bladder Leakage: Why the Embarrassment?

As common as the condition is, many women insist on keeping quiet about it. Here, we explore the reasons why.

Dispelling the Top 8 Bladder-Leakage Myths

When it comes to bladder leakage, many myths abound. Here, we separate fact from fiction.

The 8 Most Embarrassing Health Problems--Fixed

From head to toe, we explore symptoms and solutions for some of the most awkward health conditions.

The Importance of a Voiding Schedule

Implementing a schedule for going to the bathroom is an important part of treating urge incontinence.

7 Lifestyle Tips For Better Bladder Control

Simple lifestyle changes can help you to better manage your condition.

Understanding Prolapse

As many as 30 percent of women suffer from this pelvic condition. Here, a look at prolapse, from symptoms to treatments.