Men's Health - Healthy Mind

Looking for a Fresh Start? Try This

Take time out to renew. One of these five healthy retreat options could offer just what you need.

Even a Good Job Can Cause Depression

There's no debating the stress of some jobs. But even enjoyable work can encourage mood disorders.

How an Economic Downturn Affects Your Health

When the downturn boosts death rates, it's time to identify the issues and make changes where you can.

Are Mondays Really the Most Depressing Day?

Surprise! A different day might be worse, but you can lighten your load any day of the week.

How Your Relationship Status Affects Your Health

Single? Married? Divorced? Your answer may have a direct impact on your health.

5 Ways to Stay Active as You Age

Here's how to give your body the energy and strength it needs to stay healthy as you get older.

Can You Really Learn to Forgive and Forget?

You've probably heard you should "forgive and forget." But new research shows old standard is flawed logic. Here's a better way to process your emotions.

Sleep Deprivation and Dangerous Consequences

When you're sleep-deprived, you're more likely to take chances and make reckless decisions. What do brain scans reveal about being overtired?

Painkiller Addiction: 6 Myths and the Real Facts

Painkillers are powerful medicines, but with them come the real risk of abuse. Understand the myths and determine how to use painkillers safely.

Finding the Emotional Benefits in Adversity

Persevering through trying times may have long-term benefits, new research suggests. What can you reap from life's difficulties?

It's Valentine's Day, and I'm single and miserable. Is there anyway I can turn it around?

Valentine's Day doesn't just have to be for couples. Include all the other people you care about in your life.

Coping With Today's Work Climate

Work-related stress due to underemployment or workplace competition is taking a toll on men. Don't ignore the symptoms associated with this kind of stress. Here's how to deal with a high-demand job or a non-challenging work environment.

Men, Show More Emotion: It Makes You Healthier

Contrary to popular belief, it's not weak for men to show emotions. As a matter of fact, research found that the more "macho" a man is, the less likely he is to be healthy. Diet and exercise aren't the only parts of overall health. Here's how to sharpen your mental and emotional skills.

Facebook Friends and Brain Function: A Positive Relationship?

The debate rages on as to whether social networking sites isolate people or contribute to global connectedness. One new study's results offer an interesting perspective.

Depression and Physical Insecurities: How to Cope and Overcome

In a society obsessed with beauty, most of us don't want to stand out because of our appearance. Whether you have a physical deformity, or are just unhappy with some aspect of how you look, follow these tips to work toward better quality of life.

Low B12 Levels and Brain Shrinkage: Is There a Link?

A recent study showed that a lack of B12 can not only result in lower scores on tests of cognitive ability; it actually can correlate with smaller total brain volume.

Top 3 Anger Triggers and Ways to Deal With Them

Although the act of men expressing their anger is typically accepted as normal, the truth is that venting one's anger in an unhealthy manner can be a burden on your relationships.

Why Men Have Difficulty Discussing Their Problems

A new observational study uncovered why men seem to struggle when it comes to talking about their problems. Read on to get the scoop.

What a Life Coach Can Do for You

Everyone has life goals and dreams, but many people have no idea how to achieve them. That's where a life coach can help. Life coaches help you create the blueprint to become your best self.

How to Handle National Grief

Here are tips for working through grief in a healthy way when it involves an entire community.

Just Separated? A Step You Must Take

If you're newly single, you may be feeling a whole range of emotions, both negative and positive. Still, assessing yourself honestly is an essential step to avoiding future relationship blunders.

I am newly married to a wonderful man with two children, and I'm embarrassed to admit that I am jealous of the time he spends with his ex. What can I do to get over it?

Remarriages are tough enough, so if your new spouse has children, accept that he or she will probably need to see the children's other parent.

The Link Between the State of the Economy and Suicide Rates

During the Great Depression, suicide rates hit their highest level ever, increasing almost 23 percent over the four years of the depression. Since then, suicide rates have consistently risen during times of economic downturns.

How Your Work Schedule Affects Your Mood

Work in the United States has become a 24-hour phenomenon. Working irregular hours may also lead to a condition characterized by insomnia, excessive sleepiness during work, difficulties concentrating, headaches, and lack of energy.

Stressed Out? Take a Hike

When faced with a 40-plus hour work week, bills to pay, and trekking the kids to-and-fro, how do you let loose? This summer, make it a point to relieve your stress by utilizing the great outdoors.

7 Daily Must-Dos for Retirees

One research team studied older people on the small Greek island of Ikaria, a place where fully one-third of residents live to at least 90, and found that the residents share many healthful habits.

7 Tips for Helping a Partner in Need

Your partner is undergoing a traumatic experience. You want to be supportive, but he's not the easiest person to help. Here's what to do.

10 Signs Your Partner Shouldn't be Trusted

If you're suspicious that your partner has broken your trust, it can be a heavy burden to carry around. Get at the truth by looking for these ten tell-tale signs.

Do This and Keep Your Brain Sharp

There are many reasons to take on this challenge, and mental acuity is probably at the bottom of the list. But that doesn't diminish the brain benefits it can confer.

What's to Blame for Your Bad Habits?

If you've struggled with giving up a bad habit, or trying to create a new one, don't be too hard on yourself; it's not a personal weakness or lack of self-control. Turns out, there's a whole science behind habit formation.