Pain Management and Chronic Pain - Treatments

An Overview of Common Arthritis Medications

Be in the know when it comes to arthritis medication.

Understanding Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common in children. Here, a guide to their symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

Bladder Leakage: Why the Embarrassment?

As common as the condition is, many women insist on keeping quiet about it. Here, we explore the reasons why.

Coping With Arthritis on the Job

Working and arthritis can be challenging, but these tips can help make it easier.

Understanding Exercise-Induced Asthma

Millions of Americans are living with exercise-induced asthma. Here, a guide to the condition, from symptoms to treatment.

Gout: 3 Risk Factors and 10 Foods to Avoid

This painful arthritic condition affects approximately eight out of every 1,000 Americans. Learn about symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options.

Understanding Hip Pain

Hip pain is an increasingly common phenomenon that tends to occur with age. Find out what causes hip pain and what you can do about it.

Understanding IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome affects up to 20 percent of the U.S. adult population, and the disorder has no known cause. Here, a look at IBS, from symptoms to treatment.

The Benefits of Breast Reduction

From chronic back pain to poor self-esteem, large breasts can present a host of health problems. Find out whether surgery could ease your discomfort.

Understanding Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease affects an estimated 1.5 million Americans. Here, a guide for patients and their loved ones.

6 Shape-Up Secrets for Fitness-Phobes

Even the biggest couch potatoes can learn to love exercise.