Can Eggplant Cure Skin Cancer?

Scientists have discovered that a phytochemical called solasodine glycoside, found in common fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and eggplant, has cancer-fighting properties. These properties have been discovered in natural substances before, but when extracted and developed into treatment therapies, they often prove ineffective. In 2006, Bill E. Cham, Ph.D., published a book in which he proposed that he was able to isolate this compound and develop it into the cream Curaderm BEC5. The cream could treat pre-cancerous lesions and the most common kinds of skin cancers: Basil Cell Carcinoma and Squanomous Cell Carcinoma.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) affects one million Americans each year. UV exposure is the most common cause, though exposure to toxins like arsenic or radiation can also be blamed. Squanomous Cell Carcinoma, which affects 250,000 Americans each year, is also caused by UV exposure and often develops in damaged areas, like scarred or burned skin. Both cancers are traditionally treated with a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and occasionally topical medications.

Cham claims that Curaderm BEC5, which was inspired by Australian farmers' folk remedies, is a safe, effective topical medication that can kill diseased cells without harming healthy ones. If he is correct, this could be a landmark discovery for cancer research. One of the biggest battles medical researchers face is figuring out how to isolate and treat only unhealthy cells. Traditional radiation and chemotherapy treatments can have such damaging side effects because they target all cells. Compared to potentially disfiguring surgical procedures-the standard treatment for Basil- and Squanomous-Cell Carcinomas-this cream seems like a dream come true.

But here's the problem: Clinical trials of this drug have supposedly been conducted in Britain and Australia, but reports of these don't seem to be published in traditional publications or medical journals. The results posted on the Curaderm's website claim an amazing 78 percent success rate. But if this treatment is so miraculous, why is it not generally embraced by the medical community? It's because the cream is not FDA-approved. In fact, in 2008 the FDA warned Dr. Cham that his claims were in violation of U.S. labeling laws and ordered him to remedy this or cease selling Curaderm in the U.S. FDA approval can take quite awhile, so it may still be in process. But none of the major medical societies like the Skin Cancer Foundation, American Academy of Dermatology, or the Skin Disease Education Foundation suggest this as a treatment option. Despite the rumors and testimonials, this miracle-worker is probably too good to be true.


Eggplant Cancer Cure


Food and Drug Administration Royal London Trials