Having a morning when your hair won't cooperate? Before you reach for a hat, try these tips from Slope Suds Salon stylist Jocelyn Dunnavant to tackle your particular problem.

  • Bed-head and cowlicks: Use a spray bottle filled with water to re-wet the problem areas, comb it into place, and re-dry it.
  • Dry, frizzy-hair: Re-wet your hair in the shower and apply a leave-in conditioner to soften it.
  • Flat or limp hair: Turn your hair upside-down and apply a volumizing hairspray to the roots. Rub them vigorously with your fingers, then flip it right side up for a fuller look.
  • Greasy or dull hair: Apply a dry shampoo to problem areas to soak up excess oil. Keep a can of it in your purse for afternoon touch-ups, especially if you have bangs that get greasy in the afternoon.

Dunnavant's favorite recommendation for dealing with a bad hair day: "Embrace what it's doing." Flat, limp locks? Use a lightweight serum and go for a sleek look. Crazy hair that won't calm down? Use hairspray or a volumizer to make it even bigger. Hair that can't make up its mind what it's doing? Spray hair with water, then follow with a sea salt spray for a casual, beachy look. 

She also recommends you keep a stock of bobby-pins, headbands, and pony-tail holders close at hand. For medium- to longer-length hair, pin back the side that's giving you trouble. Buns can also be beautiful, but go for a finished look or you may as well wear a sign that says "bad hair day." Not sure what kind of bun to create? If it's looking untidy, move the bun high on your head and rub the hair around it with your fingers to soften the look. Greasy hair will style well into a low, tight bun that looks polished. Hair accessories can also work with shorter styles, but choose neutral, understated options to keep it looking professional.

Find yourself suffering several bad hair days in a row? You probably need a haircut. Visit your stylist every 6-8 weeks to keep your hair healthy and easy-to-style. And keep an eye on the weather. If your hair wilts in high humidity, don't walk out in a thunderstorm and expect it to look the same by the time you reach the office. Consider pulling it back on days when the weather will interfere with your style.


Jocelyn Dunnavant, Slope Suds Salon, Brooklyn