Breast Cancer - Management

Dan Doty

Cancer is very scary condition. Whether it happens to you or a loved one, it is always difficult to deal with. Here is Dan's story, an ex-Marine who was able to take this on, in addition to other health scares.

Should You Exercise When Treating Cancer?

For cancer patients and survivors, exercise can help improve physical functioning, fatigue, and quality of life and may improve chances of survival.

Does Alcohol Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

Alcohol consumption is a significant risk factor for cancer, but the headlines may be a bit misleading.

The Perfect Fit: Choosing the Right Mastectomy Bra

You might expect bra shopping after a mastectomy to be a different experience, but it's still all about comfort and fit.

"Cold Caps" May Prevent Hair Loss From Chemo

One of the most psychologically and socially devastating side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss. Although not yet FDA-approved, cold caps have helped many women hold onto their locks.

High Cholesterol May Promote the Growth of Breast Cancer

New research from Duke University Medical Center finds a byproduct of cholesterol may be linked to the growth and spread of breast cancer. But are cholesterol-lowering drugs the answer?

Can Honeybees Detect Cancer?

Research shows bees can be trained to sniff out early-stage cancer.

10 Ways to Avoid Job Stress When You Have Cancer

While there are many benefits to working while sick, you ll still have to cope with job stress and the side effects of treatment. Here s help.

Divorce Rates Among Cancer Patients

A cancer diagnosis may raise a woman's risk of divorce. Here's why.

Consider Becoming a Platelet Donor

Many patients undergoing chemotherapy are in need of platelets. Here's how you can help.

What's Your White Blood Cell Count?

In addition to knowing your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol numbers, you should also know your white blood cell count. Here's the lifesaving reason why.

Nanomedicine: New Options for Cancer Patients

Nanometer, nanotechnology, nanomedicine. You may have come across these terms, but what do they mean? And how can they help you?

Chemo Brain: What You Need to Know

The brain fog experienced by people with cancer can be controlled. Here's what it is, and what you, or a loved one, can do about it.

Staying Headstrong During Your Fight With Cancer

Cancer is hard on your body and can impact your mind as well. Learn what you can do to gain a sense of control.

Keeping Cancer a Secret

Planning to keep your diagnosis to yourself? Read this first.

Breast Cancer Surgery: What Are the Options?

Approximately 12 percent of women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime but when it comes to surgery, there's no simple formula. Here, a rundown of the most common surgeries performed after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Telling Your Kids You Have Cancer

Revealing your diagnosis to your kids can be frightening, for you as well as for them. Here are some guidelines for healthy family communication.

Chromosomal Disorders: Get the Facts

By understanding the science behind chromosomal disorders, researchers have a better chance of preventing certain genetic disorders. Here's a cheat sheet for the rest of us.

Diagnosed With Cancer? Take Care of Your Mental Health

When you're dealing with a condition such as cancer, caring for your mental health is key. Here are some helpful pointers.

Get Smart About Health Info in the Media

Here's how to understand the latest health news and what it means for your diagnosis.

Young Women Get Breast Cancer, Too

Though most cases of breast cancer occur in women over 55, thousands under the age of 40 are diagnosed each year. Find out if you're at increased risk and what you can do to protect yourself.

Why Cancer Insurance May Not Pay Off

If you were diagnosed tomorrow, would you be prepared financially? If the answer is "no," you may be tempted to invest in cancer insurance. But read this first.

Living With Cancer? 10 Healthy Habits to Follow

Don't let cancer cramp your style. These hints will help you thrive during treatment.

Are You Covered? The Case for Cancer Insurance

Think you're covered in case of cancer? You might need to think again.

Living With Cancer? How to Help Others Help You

After disclosing your cancer diagnosis, you may find friends and family behaving differently toward you. Here's how to put an end to the awkwardness.

Harness Your Immune System to Fight Cancer

Your body's own immune system is a germ-fighting machine. Scientists see promise in directing these powers toward eradicating cancer. Here's how.

False-Positive Mammogram Results

It happens. It's scary. Here's what you need to know about when a mammogram shows an abnormal area that looks like cancer but is not.

The Gray Line Between Breast Cancer and Abnormal Cells

Determining what should be treated aggressively and what would do better to watch and wait is not always clear-cut. Understand the debate around ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS.

Health by the Numbers: Breast Cancer

Breast cancer death rates have been declining, thanks to increased prevention and improved treatments. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Marijuana for Cancer Care

This drug seems to offer relief from pain, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and loss of appetite, which are common side effects of cancer and cancer treatments. And there are other possible benefits as well.

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