Eating and Nutrition - Men's Needs

How to Indulge Without Overdoing It

Too much food and drink is bad for your health and can even shorten your lifespan.

5 Heart-Healthy Ways to Use Garlic

It's tough to beat the health benefits of garlic—it fights inflammation, cancer, hypertension, and even has anti-coagulating properties. Read on for delicious ways to incorporate more garlic into your diet.

5 Heart-Healthy Ways to Enjoy Kale

Kale is a versatile, nutrient-packed powerhouse that may be the healthiest food in your fridge. Learn how to enjoy this dark green oxidant-fighting machine.

Healthy Kitchen: What's in, What's Out?

As nutritional research evolves, the list of recommended staples to stock in your kitchen changes. Here's an updated list.

What Type of Body Fat Is Most Dangerous?

More than one third of adults and nearly one in five children are obese. However, not all fat is created equal.

Bigorexia: A Dangerous Pursuit of the Perfect Body

Learn more about this little-known, mental-health issue that can lead to harmful eating and exercise habits.

Top 5 Diet Mistakes

Have you changed your eating habits to shed some pounds but find the numbers on the scale are going up?

Green Product Reviews: Behind the Scenes of a Site

Sites that do their own in-house reviewing are useful tools for consumers. But what steps do sites like these take to reach their conclusions? We went ahead and found out.

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Beer

Beer gets a bad rap. But it can be a healthy beverage as long as it's enjoyed in moderation.

Breakfast Recipes to Jump-Start Your Day

Skipping breakfast is the wrong way to cut calories. Packing your first meal with the right amount of nutritious food won't pack on weight; it's fuel for your day. Here are three healthy breakfast ideas from top nutritionists.

Secondary Eating a First-Rate Problem

What is secondary eating? It's consuming foods outside of your primary, or regular, meals. And here's how it can harm your health.

How to Reset Your Food Clock

Thanksgiving. Super Bowl. Summer barbecues. It seems there's always a reason to celebrate with extra calories and when we do, it's hard to get back on track again. Why? Blame the body's food clock.

Creative Cocktails With a Nutritious Twist

Many bars and restaurants around the country are turning to ingredients such as apples, beets, carrots, berries, and ginger to help make drinks healthy (and delicious)!

Can Red Wine Help Cure Prostate Cancer?

Raise a glass to this recent finding: A compound in red wine may make prostate tumor cells more responsive to radiation treatment.

Best Foods for Men

For every meal and even snacks, investigate the very best choices for the men in your life.

What Causes Impotence in Men?

Thanks to TV ads erectile dysfunction is no longer under the covers. Still, misconceptions remain. Learn what causes impotence and ways to reduce your risk.

Every year I drop my New Year's resolutions by February. What can I do to keep them?

Sustaining success in New Year's resolutions requires you to alter your brain's pleasure map, but if you plan correctly, you can succeed.

10 Best Foods for Men

While the quickest way to a man's heart may be through his stomach, the easiest way to prevent chronic conditions and improve longevity is through his diet. These 10 foods are particularly beneficial for those with the Y-chromosome.

For Heart Health, Eat Plenty of This

Recent research shows it's not only how much of it you eat, but also what kind, and when in your life you eat it. Get the low-down on one path to better heart health.

"Balanced Diet": What Does It Mean for You?

Following a balanced diet can help you lower your blood sugar and cholesterol, and it ensures you'll enjoy lots of delicious and healthy options. Here's how to do it.

6 Ways Men Can Live Longer

Taking care of your health is the single most important way to extend your life. And even though, in general, men tend to have a lousy track record, there are simple ways you can turn that around.

Can Eating This Prevent Vascular Disease?

A new study shows that there may be added heart benefits to including these foods in your daily diet.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are Prevention Powerhouses

The evidence is overwhelming that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, deliver compounds that help prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer.

Taking Antioxidants May Boost Male Fertility

Researchers have a hunch that antioxidants long touted to decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease may also help fertility-challenged couples to conceive.

The Truth behind "You are What You Eat"

You've heard it a million times, but the next time you hear "you are what you eat," you can be sure that the statement has been validated by numerous studies.

Fit in Fruits and Vegetables

Eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables can feel a bit daunting, especially for busy families on the go. The good news is that it's a lot easier than you might imagine.

What Vitamins Are Best for Men?

Vitamins keep your body in top working order. And while everyone needs a variety of vitamins, there are a few nutrients that are particularly necessary for men.

5 Heart-Smart Fall Foods

Take advantage of the bounty of autumn with these healthy, hearty, heart-smart foods.

All about Male Muscle Dysmorphia

In response to the male muscular ideal, research suggests that male muscle dysmorphia is on the rise.

Junk Food That's Good for You

While eating junk food might be quick, easy and pleasurable in the moment, it can be dangerous for your future. There are some junk foods, however, that are better for you than others. Knowing what junk foods are good for you may make all the difference in your life.