Crohn's Disease - Prevention

What Are the Symptoms of Crohn s?

Recognizing the symptoms can lead to a quicker diagnosis and more effective treatment.

The 411 on Crohn s Nutritional Deficiencies

The disease can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Learn how a balanced diet can help you better manage this.

The Lowdown on Natural Digestive Remedies

Don't turn to meds just yet; these natural alternatives may do the trick.

Crohn s and Sleep: What s the Connection?

Getting enough z s at night can have therapeutic effects.

Tips to Ease Crohn s-Related Pain

You don t have to suffer unnecessarily. A few small steps can make a big difference.

Fish Oil & Relapse: What's the Connection?

Early studies of the effectiveness of fish oil in maintaining remission in Crohn's patients have been quite promising. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties because of the omega-3 fatty acids it contains and Crohn's is an inflammatory disease.

Are You at Risk for Crohn s?

Environment, eating habits, and genetics all play a key role.

Dietary Guidelines for Crohn's: Complete and Balanced

Vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients must be included

How to Stop an Embarrassing Gas Crisis

Learn how diet and lifestyle changes help eliminate this common problem.

Could You Have Crohn's Disease?

Learn about the symptoms and methods of diagnosing this gastrointestinal disorder.

Understanding Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. Here, a guide to the disease, from screening to treatment.