Depression - Prevention

What Causes Impotence in Men?

Thanks to TV ads erectile dysfunction is no longer under the covers. Still, misconceptions remain. Learn what causes impotence and ways to reduce your risk.

Don't Let Work Stress Cause You to Overeat

Stress can stir up an emotional appetite that can lead to overeating. The best solution is to find something other than food to take the edge off.

Help Your Teen Cope With Anxiety

As many as 25 percent of teens suffer from a form of anxiety. Use these tips to help your child cope.

How Grief Affects the Body

Not only is it emotionally painful, grief takes a toll on your physical health as well.

Why Do Headaches and Depression Go Together?

People who live with depression often also suffer from headaches. What's the link?

Psychotherapy: The Myths and the Facts

Strip away the stigma and misconceptions. Here are four common myths debunked.

Antidepressant Fears and Facts

What are common concerns about these highly-prescribed drugs?

What Can Aromatherapy Do for You?

Here's how certain natural scents may help improve your health and overall state of mind.

Should Your Broken Heart Be Treated Medically?

Broken Heart Syndrome can be harmful to your mind and body, and it can be treated.

7 Bipolar Disorder Myths—Busted

When it comes to bipolar disorder, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Here, we debunk the biggest myths surrounding the disease.

8 Ways to Prevent Manic Episodes

Follow these tips to help reduce the likelihood of a manic episode.

Are You in a Toxic Relationship?

Learn how to spot the warning signs and break the vicious cycle.

Are You Too Nice For Your Own Good?

Learn how to find the middle ground between being accommodating and being stepped on.

7 Tips to Prevent Depression Relapse

Although depression is treatable, some patients, especially those with more severe cases, can suffer a relapse.

Nap the Right Way for Emotional Healing

Studies demonstrate that proper napping techniques can relax your mind and focus your thoughts. What's the right way to catch some z's?

What Do Your Dreams Say About Your Personality?

Strange, wild, passionate, frightening. Your dreams may provide insight into who you really are.

Finding the Emotional Benefits in Adversity

Persevering through trying times may have long-term benefits, new research suggests. What can you reap from life's difficulties?

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Treat Pain

Mind over matter: You've heard it so many times, it may seem meaningless. But new research shows how emotional therapy helps to make pain symptoms easier to bear.

How Pets Can Help Your Chronic Pain Symptoms

Bringing a pet into your home is a big commitment, but it can come with serious rewards including a potential reduction of your pain.

Emotional Benefits of Being a Working Mom

Balancing office and home life can create conflicts between demands and stress from both sides. But there may also be healthy benefits to working outside the home.

5 Tips to Combat Depression-Related Lethargy

Depression related lethargy is frustrating and can interfere in your daily activities. Here are simple steps you can take to lessen the impact.

How Genetics Affects Your Decision Making

Neuroeconomics, a relatively new branch of science, is slowly unraveling how specific gene variations influence how we make decisions. Read on to find out how your may be affected.

Caffeine and Depression: Does It Help or Does It Hurt?

For many adults, there's nothing like a good, hot cup of coffee to get you going in the morning. Few people, however, know the profound effect caffeine has on their mood.

Overcoming the Depression Stigma

Despite the prevalence of mental health disorders and society's increasing awareness of them, stigmas about mental illness persist. Follow these tips to get past the misnomers.

Is Depression Inevitable During Old Age?

Depression is particularly prevalent and overlooked in older adults. Despite the high incidence among seniors, it's definitely not a normal part of aging.

3 Ways to Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder

The changing of the seasons brings cooler temperatures and shorter days. For many people, fall and winter also triggers depression. It may help to know you're not alone and the blues are not all in your head.

How to Manage Your Chronic Illness-Related Depression

Depression is one of the most common complications in people with chronic illness, occurring in up to one-third of chronically ill patients. Learn how to manage your symptoms with these tips.

Exercise Away Your Panic Attacks

You know physical activity is good for you, and that lack of exercise is associated with negative physical and mental outcomes. However, did you know exercise is also an effective way to stop a panic attack in its tracks?

Mood Disorders: Are They Caused by Vitamin Deficiencies?

Vitamins play a critical role in mental health. And insufficient intake of certain vitamins have been linked to mood disorders. So, which deficiency is resulting in your symptoms? Find out here.

Can Music Help Treat Emotional Pain?

Using music as a tool to heal dates back to Aristotle and Plato. But can the right tunes address modern day emotional woes? Read on to find out.