Diet and Weight Loss - Original Articles

How to Eat Healthy at the Airport

There's always something to eat at the airport, especially if you're at one of the larger "hub" airports. Unfortunately, where there are more food vendors, there are more opportunities for unhealthy options and food safety violations.

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

5 Easy Tips to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

You can take a vacation from day-to-day living without forfeiting daily exercise and healthy eating. These practical tips will help you stave off the extra pounds without needing to give up festive foods and unforgettable fun.

All About Egg Yolks, Whites, and Substitutes

Whole or separated, in recipes or on their own, eggs are an important part of most people's diets. But if you're concerned about heart disease, shouldn't you worry about the fat and cholesterol in eggs? Not when you know which parts of the egg to use, and when to use them.

High Altitudes May Lead to Weight Loss

New research suggests you can lose weight and keep it off just by spending a week in the mountains.

Is Asthma Piling on the Pounds?

If you have asthma and find yourself struggling with your weight, you may wonder if asthma is to blame. And according to many researchers, there could be a link.

Could Your Family Use a Personal Chef?

For a growing number of families (couples and singles, too), personal chefs are becoming as common and indispensable as housekeepers. They're the answer to "What's for dinner?"

12 Best Bets for Healthy Beer Options

If you're looking for a "healthy" beer, unfortunately, you won't find one. But that doesn't mean you should skip out entirely. If you choose to indulge in a beer, make the best choice for your health.

How to Choose a Safe and Reusable Water Bottle

Drinking plenty of water is among the best things you can do for your health. Switching from a disposable water bottle to a reusable one is among the best things you can do for the planet.

Why Fiber Is Essential to Your Digestive (and Overall) Health

Although dietary fiber is probably best known as a remedy to prevent or relieve constipation, it provides other important health benefits as well, including lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

"Balanced Diet": What Does It Mean for You?

Following a balanced diet can help you lower your blood sugar and cholesterol, and it ensures you'll enjoy lots of delicious and healthy options. Here's how to do it.

4 Ways to Dine Out Without Damaging Your Diet

To make the most of your restaurant experience while making sure you're not undoing a week's worth of exercise, follow these tips.

8 Summer Party Tips for Diabetics

Live it up at all the backyard barbecues and casual al fresco get-togethers this season has to offer, but keep these eight tips in mind so your blood sugar and your waistline won't reflect poor choices later.

What You Should Know About Food Expiration Dates

Should you throw out a container of yogurt if you notice that the date on the package is a few days beyond the date you're planning on eating it? Well, it all depends on these factors.

Ghrelin: The Hunger Hormone

Here's what researchers know about this mysterious chemical messenger that appears to have such a profound and direct effect on one's ability to lose weight.

Is the Western Diet to Blame for Type 2 Diabetes?

What and how you eat could be hazardous to your health.

Could Tangerines Prevent Obesity?

This juicy little fruit contains a substance that may help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Build a Heart-Healthy Meal at the Salad Bar

What could be more convenient for lunch on the go than a quick stop at the salad bar? But the choices you make can make the difference between a fat-laden, calorie-heavy meal and a satisfying, good-for-your-heart lunch.

New Food Plate Guidelines: Healthy Eating Made Easy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has unveiled a new icon that it hopes will make choosing nutritious foods easier for Americans.

5 Worst Diets for Diabetes

As a part of diabetes management, taking off excess weight is important, but it's essential to do it the right way.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

The Dirty Truth Behind Body Mass Index

The formula behind body mass index (BMI) can be tricky. It can help you know if the number on the scale is where it's supposed to be. However, BMI can't provide useful information about this.

Eating While Standing: How It Can Harm Your Health

What difference does it make if you stand at a counter to eat, sit down at a table, or grab a bite on the run? Well, when it comes to your physical and mental health, it might make all the difference in the world.

Heart Disease: Is "Apple" Really Worse?

Are you an "apple"? Are you a "pear"? And what does that really determine anyway?

5 Reasons to Say "Yes" to Salad

The right kind of salad mix can help you stay healthy, fight aging, stave off chronic disease, and keep your weight in check.

Belly Fat: Could Plant Oil Help?

New research suggests that a particular plant oil might be a powerful weapon in the fight against obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Breaking the Fast-Food Cycle

Experts warn that our national eating habits come at a price. Here, a guide to healthy eating on the go.

Take the Diabetes Risk Test Today

Twenty-five percent of people with diabetes don't even know they have it and that means they're not getting the treatment they need or taking the important steps necessary to keep the disease in check.

Whose Heart Health Is Ideal?

Nearly 2,000 people were evaluated against seven heart-healthy criteria set by the American Heart Association. The results may surprise you.

Employee Fitness Programs: A Win-Win

It's hard to find time for fitness, a sensible diet, and health screenings, especially when you work full time. That is, unless health and fitness opportunities come directly to you.