Diet and Weight Loss - Original Articles

5 Ways to Boost Your Willpower

Whether your a healthy eater who has fallen off the wagon or someone who has never dieted a day in your life, there's no reason resign yourself to extra pounds. With a mind to improve your eating habits and a few tips to boost your willpower, you can tweak your diet enough to make a significant difference.

The Low-Down on Low-Carb

Remember: not all carbohydrates are created equal.

10 Ways to Curb Your Carb Cravings

Read on for 10 ways to help ensure your cravings don't get the best of you.

Overweight? Blame Your Kitchen

How your kitchen is organized can affect your weight, according to recent research.

The Link Between Weight and MS

Did you know that your teenager s weight today could affect her risk of getting multiple sclerosis (MS) later in life?

Junk Food That's Good for You

While eating junk food might be quick, easy and pleasurable in the moment, it can be dangerous for your future. There are some junk foods, however, that are better for you than others. Knowing what junk foods are good for you may make all the difference in your life.

The Health Dangers of Bulimia

If you're caught up in a cycle of binge-eating and vomiting, you could be seriously damaging your health.

Are You Lacking Vitamin B12?

If you're feeling weak, shaky, and irritable you may be lacking this essential vitamin.

4 Signs Your Diet Lacks Fiber

Fiber is essential to your overall health. But how can you tell if you're getting enough? Find out here.

5 Winter Dishes Lightened Up

Winter brings with it delicious and hearty meals. The downside, however, is that much of this fare is high in carbs and fat. Read on to find out how you can lighten some winter favorites.

Smart and Creative Desserts for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, these terrific treats will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Preventing Childhood Obesity

If you're worried about your child's weight, you may already know that a few extra pounds of baby fat on your toddler can increase over the next few years to become a full-blown weight problem. Since overweight kids often grow up to become overweight adults, the sooner you make some changes at home, the less likely your child is to suffer this fate.

Are you Iron Deficient?

While iron is plentiful in many foods, some people don't get enough. This can lead to fatigue, paleness, and problems concentrating.

8 Ways to Burn Off Holiday Pounds

Here, 10 strategies to help you burn calories and shed unwanted pounds.

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Innocent Behaviors That Lead to Death

Innocent behaviors such as social drinking, dieting, and relieving back pain through a doctor-prescribed medication can unsuspectingly be a gateway to harmful behavior for some people and ultimately death.

Could Partial Fasting be the Solution?

It can be extremely difficult to cut enough calories on a daily basis to really lose weight. Researchers at the University of Illinois may have found a way to make it easier.

Dark Chocolate for Stress

A new study shows that enjoying a little dark chocolate on a regular basis may lower your stress level.

Ladies' Night Out: Don t Let it Wreck Your Diet

While it may relieve stress, give you a few hours away from the kids, and help you stay in touch with good friends, an evening out with the girls could also turn your diet on its head.

Do Calorie Counts on Menus Alter Food Choices?

Menu labeling laws are popping up across the country in chain restaurants in effort to improve public health and curb obesity. But is it working?

Gum May Help You Shed Pounds

Researchers have stumbled onto some real physiological benefits to the popular dieting distraction of chewing gum.

Share Your Story. Become a Health Hero.

Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!

Mexican Food: Best and Worst Diet Picks

It's possible to make sensible selections at a Mexican restaurant. Here's a rundown of the best bets and the poorest picks.

Can Food Allergies Lead to Weight Gain?

If you've got a few extra pounds that won't seem to bulge no matter how much you diet and exercise, food allergies could be to blame.

The Importance of Breakfast for Diabetics

Start the day off right with a nutritious eye-opener.

Can Vinegar Help You Drop Weight?

It dresses up your salads, puts the pucker in your pickles and now, researchers say, vinegar may help you fight body fat.

Diet and Colon Cancer Risk

Find out what links your diet and your risk for developing this form of cancer.

6 Most Disgraceful Diet Myths

If you can't figure out why the weight won't stay off, perhaps you've been following bad advice.

5 Most Effective Diet Tips

Here, get tried-and-true advice that really works.

7 Stomach-Slimming Selections

For flatter abs, bring these foods and drinks into your daily diet.