Men's Health - Videos

Managing Bladder Leakage

Family medicine physician Dr. Rachael Ross offers three tips to help manage bladder leakage so it won't prevent you from participating in the activities you love.

Heart Palpitations: When It's Time to See the Doc

Your heart skips a beat...or at least it is a little 'off." It isn't something romantic, it is a heart palpitation. Are your beats 'normal' for you or something of concern? When you need to see a doctor and symptoms you shouldn't ignore.

How Sunlight Affects Your Health

One of the best known benefits of sunlight is its ability to boost the body's vitamin D supply, but what happens when you can't get outside in the sun? George Washington University's Dr. Michael Irwig explains how sunlight, or lack of it, can affect a person's health.

5 Animals That Are Better Than Doctors

Just when you thought that holistic healer on Craigslist was the pinnacle of natural medicine, here are 5 medical breakthroughs that are so natural... they're actually animals.

5 Animals That Are Better Than Doctors

Just when you thought that holistic healer on Craigslist was the pinnacle of natural medicine, here are 5 medical breakthroughs that are so natural... they're actually animals.

Six Easy Stress Busters

Dan and Laurie share six easy ways for you to alleviate daily stress.

Easy 'Rise and Shine' Tips

Having trouble getting out of bed? Try these tips to get you up and going.

AOL On Call - Vaccinate! Don't Procrastinate!

Dr. Karen Latimer answers important questions about kids' vaccinations.

Shocking Anti-Obesity PSA Sparks Huge Debate

An anti-obesity campaign video "Rewind the Future" featuring a 300-pound man having a heart attack in the ER as his life of overeating flashes before his eyes is sparking a debate with critics saying it does more harm than good.

'The Talk' Co-Host Sheryl Underwood LIVE

Comedian and "The Talk" co-host Sheryl Underwood sits down with Nancy Redd to discuss an issue that many face but don't discuss: bladder leakage. She shares her personal story and talks "Underwareness."

Harboring Hearts CEO's Advice On Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Michelle Javian joins HuffPost Live to share some tips that'll help keep your heart healthy.

Harboring Hearts CEO On Helping Families Hit With Cardiac Disease

Michelle Javian joins HuffPost Live to talk about Harboring Hearts.

Patient Details Living With First Portable Artificial Heart In NYC

Daquain Jenkins joins HuffPost Live to reveal how Harboring Hearts helped save his life.

Helping Families Hit By Heart Disease

Heart disease affects families, not just individuals. Michelle Javian co-founded Harboring Hearts to help cover transport, lodging and childcare for families dealing with the disease. She joins us live.

'The Talk's' Sheryl Underwood Lets Suitors Know She's Wearing 'Depends'

Sheryl Underwood joins HuffPost Live to reveal why she informs suitors that she wears Depends.

Pot-Smoking New Mom Fights to Breastfeed Preemie

Crystal Cain, a new mom in Oregon, says the hospital wouldn't allow her to breastfeed her premature daughter because she uses medical marijuana.

4 Must-Have Medical Tech Devices for Senior Care

There are almost 40 million Americans over the age of 65. Seniors want independence and now new technology is allowing them to live at home longer than ever. We'll introduce you to four high-tech devices that you need to know about.

Is The #IceBucketChallenge Taking Money Away From The ALS Cause?

Ben Kosinski joins HuffPost Live to shed some more light on the #IceBucketChallenge.

Prescription Advertising Has Created a Nation of Hypochondriacs

Join Dr Koplow's discussion with Steven Sussman, Ph.D, child & adolescent psychologist, about the amount of prescription drugs on offer.

Widow of Ebola Virus Victim Speaks Out

Decontee Sawyer joins The Doctors to remember the work of her husband, the first American citizen to die from Ebola. Patrick Sawyer was working in Liberia, where he likely contracted the virus from his sister.

Why Tourette's Is Often Misdiagnosed

For many Tourette's sufferers, the stigma keeps them from being able to overcome their condition and feel welcome in society. We speak to those experiencing this firsthand about what most don't know about Tourette Syndrome.

This Is What Sleep Deprivation Does to You

The effects are startling.

Billion Dollar 'Manopause'

If you've got low testosterone, a new industry wants to help you get your manpower back. Low-t replacement therapy fights fatigue and low sex drive for aging men -- but with little long-term information on its effects, is it worth it?

Are The Benefits Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Being 'Oversold?'

If you've got low testosterone, a new industry wants to help you get your manpower back. Low-t replacement therapy fights fatigue and low sex drive for aging men -- but with little long-term information on its effects, is it worth it?

'Biggest Loser' Host Alison Sweeney Praises Italians With This Health Tip

Alison Sweeney joins HuffPost Live to discuss the importance of cooking.

'Biggest Loser' Host Alison Sweeney's Biggest Health Tip

Alison Sweeney joins HuffPost Live to talk about the importance of sleep.

'Human Dolphin' Can Hold Breath For More Than 20 Minutes

Known as "the man who doesn't breathe," Stig Severinsen holds the world record for holding his breath longer than anyone else: 22 minutes.

Members Of This Religion Live Longer Than Most Americans

Dan Buettner joins HuffPost Live to reveal which religion's members have a longer life expectancy than most Americans.

These Big Mistakes Are Costing Americans Years In Life Expectancy

Find out what mistakes Americans are making that's costing them years in terms of how long they can expect to live.

How To Live Over 100 Years

The lifespan of Americans is around 79 years. Best-selling author Dan Buettner found pockets around the world where people reach age 100 at rates 10 times greater than in the United States. He and those he found share their stories.