Men's Health - Videos

The Doctors Get Vaccinated: The Importance of Adult Immunizations

To demonstrate how quick and relatively painless adult immunizations can be, ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon receive recommended vaccinations on stage.

Summer Bug Bites: What to Look For

When summer bug bites swell, it's usually an allergic reaction, but there are times when a visit to the emergency room is necessary. WSJ's Sumathi Reddy and Dr. Richard Lockey discuss on Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero.

Hotter Temperatures Linked To Kidney Stones

Here's one more reason to avoid the summer heat: a recent study found a link between kidney stones and hotter weather.

Twitter and Your Relationship

Too much time on Twitter may lead to conflict, infidelity and divorce, new study finds.

Is Crossfit Really Worth It?

From CrossFit to spinning to marathon running, we're pushing our bodies to the limits. But how we exercise can have long-term effects on our body. We discuss the risks and healthy alternatives.

Outrageous Beauty: The Colonic

What's the deal with colonics? Shannon Ray gets in the trenches and gets all the details on this notorious procedure by getting her own colonic.

Dr. Karen Latimer's Tips for Avoiding Pool Electrocution

Pool electrocution is more common than you might think! Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from minor issues that can lead to deadly results with AOL Health and Parenting Expert, Dr. Karen Latimer.

Outrageous Beauty: The Colonic

What's the deal with colonics? Shannon Ray gets in the trenches and gets all the details on this notorious procedure by getting her own colonic.

This Man Plans To Run Across America Barefoot

Alex Ramsey joins HuffPost Live to share his plan to run across the country, completely barefoot.

Is Going Barefoot Best For Your Health?

Daniel Howell, PhD and Sierra Larson join HuffPost Live to discuss the health issues surrounding going barefoot.

Why This Man Hasn't Worn Shoes In A Decade

Daniel Howell, PhD joins HuffPost Live to reveal why he hasn't worn shoes in ten years.

Is Cannibalism A Healthy Diet?

A lecturer on human origins at a University in England told Popular Science that eating an entire human body would probably supply you with 81,500 calories.

Doctor to the Stars Says: Protect Your Eyes and Ears

Tips to help you live longer from 'A Short Guide to a Long Life' by Dr. David Agus, doctor to the stars, bestselling author, and one of the world's leading cancer researchers.

The Scary Truth About What's Really Making You Sick When You Fly

The sound of the guy sneezing behind you three rows back is pretty gross, but he's probably not the reason you're getting sick from flying. With Summer in full swing and travel plans on the horizon, this video is a must see if you want to protect yourself from all the germs and viruses that are stowing away on your plane.

Natural Sun Protection Tips

Sarah Nagel of Holistic Habits shares natural tips on how to protect your skin in the summer.

How Breakups Affect Your Health

We know breakups can be emotionally draining, but are they bad for your health? From stress levels to pain perception, get the details about what actually happens to your body when you're nursing a broken heart.

Amputee OT: A Youtube Phenomenon!

Two million Americans are living without a limb. Now one woman is using YouTube to help them face everyday challenges and she's becoming an internet star while doing it.

The 4th of July Could Kill You

Being patriotic is a good thing...until you blow yourself up.

Why the Lazy Days of Summer Are Good for Your Health

Finally, after the winter that simply wouldn't quit, summer is here! The season of sunshine isn't just a mood booster, though. Summer can actually be good for your health!

Body Stress Release: The Healing Power of Touch

Carey sees a stress release specialist to soothe the tension in her muscles.

How a Horse Named Buddha Can Help You Live in the Moment

Can equine therapy help Carey find her focus and live in the moment again?

Sound Healing: Can It Lead to More Positivity in Your Life?

Carey explores sound healing and tries to tap into the universe's frequencies.

Is Hypnotherapy a Fantastic Voyage Through the Unconscious Mind?

Carey explores her unconscious mind with a hypnotherapist as her guide.

Why Do We Believe In Magic Little Pills?

This week Dr. Oz testified before Congress and admitted to using "flowery" language to promote products that would be a "magic weight loss cure for every body type." There is no such thing as a magic little pill, but why do we still believe?

Weight Loss Pills: Too Good To Be True?

Marc is joined by a panel to discuss the legitimacy of the diet pill phenomenon.

Family Claims Hospice Facility Kept Relative Sick To 'Bill More Money'

David and Tracy Dunn claim VITAS hospice didn't treat David's grandma, Evelyn Maples, properly and accuse them of billing fraud.

The Business Of Dying: Hospice Care's Booming $17 Billion Industry

Prof. Josh Perry explains the history and rise of the for-profit hospice care industry's over the past decade.

Former For-Profit Hospice Nurse: I Saw Patients Not Treated Properly

Julia Golden, a former nursing assistant at hospice care facility VITAS, says she witnessed questionable business practices.

Is Hospice Care Leaving Patients Behind?

America's hospice industry has exploded over the last 15 years and for-profit companies are raking in much of the $17 billion industry. But with increasing claims of fraud and mistreatment, why are many hospices putting patients last?

8 Everyday Things That Are Bad for You

Here are 8 everyday things dangerous for your health.