Men's Health - Videos

How the Live Donor Transplant Exchange Program Works

Watch as Eric and Grace, and Bob and Diana meet for the very first time, and learn how the live donor transplant exchange program works.

Dr. Oz: 3 Tips To Start Living Healthy Today

Dr. Oz gives his top three tips on how we can start leading a healthier lifestyle today.

Myth or Reality: Bee Sting Relief

Is a common baking ingredient the answer to a painful sting? Pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears sets the record straight.

Myth or Reality: Mosquito Bite Relief

Are you a mosquito magnet during the summer? Can meat tenderizer bring relief for that annoying itching?

In The Mirror: A Look Into Male Body Image & Body Dysmorphic Disorder

It doesn't matter if you're watching television, going to a movie, reading a magazine or even walking down the toy aisle...the proliferation of the 'perfect' female image is everywhere in our culture. But with the rise of larger than life action heroes, more men and boys are falling victim to the pressures of negative self-image. Impossible ideals of strength, weight, and brawn leave many men feeling weak and emasculated.

Three Secrets to Happiness

Nataly Kogan, CEO and "chief happiness officer" of the new app, Happier, joins The Doctors to share three secrets to boost your happiness. Try them today!

Stars' Strange Secrets: Eating Clay Vs. Sun Tanning Your Private Parts

When it comes to your health, the stars' secrets may not always be award-winning. The Doctors weigh in on which celebrity health habit is worse for you: eating clay to reduce toxins in the body or sunning your bare lady parts for more vitamin D.

Man Survives Chainsaw Impalement

The Doctors talk to a man who survived being impaled by a chainsaw. Learn what you should do if you're ever impaled by an object.

Clippers Fan Rebecca Grant Reveals Youthful Secrets

INSIDE EDITION caught up with LA Clippers fan Rebecca Grant who shares her beauty secrets that keep her looking younger than her 45 years.

Preventing Runner's Runs

Lindsay felt pretty good while running her first marathon - until mile 19. "Then, I got that feeling in your stomach that something is going to happen, and something is going to happen soon," she says. She confesses she didn't reach a port-a-potty in time. The Doctors develop a game plan for how to hydrate and fuel up before endurance exercise to help avoid embarrassing bodily functions.

Why You Shouldn't Text on the Toilet

A recent study found that 75 percent of Americans admit to using their cell phones while on the toilet. Some of The Doctors fess up to toilet texting and bathroom browsing themselves, but E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork warns that germs can get on your phone and follow you beyond the restroom. Learn the results of The Doctors' Facebook poll.

Growing Artificial Organs: Medicine's Next Big Thing

When you think of 3D you think movie and video games. Now, researchers are using 3D printing to grow body parts and engineer artificial tissues and organs

Fast Track for Fast Fda Approval

Dozens of medical devices are getting around the long FDA approval process by using a special exemption and it could be responsible for saving thousands of lives

Pioneering Treatment Relieves Pelvic Pain

It's a pain that makes you feel like you're on fire. Meet a doctor who uses electricity to help his patients and ease their pain

Can Personality Predict Lifespan?

Can personality predict lifespan? A new study says your disposition may be as important as your family history in determining how long you live.

The Three Different Types of Bruises

Learn the three types of bruises and the best ways to treat them. Plus, find out when bruising could signal a more serious health condition.

Can a Pill Prevent Anger?

Could popping a pill prevent anger? The Doctors discuss a new drug being developed that may help people with "short fuses" keep their tempers in check.

Black Bowel Movements Explained

The Doctors explain what can cause stool to appear black.

Dangers Lurking In Your Bathroom

Jeff Devlin of DIY network showed INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander some hidden dangers in your bathroom that you might not know about.

Vibram "FiveFinger" Toe Shoes Settles Lawsuit, May Be Bad For Your Feet?

If you own a pair of those barefoot running shoes, you could be entitled to some money!

7 Things I Learned During My Year Without Alcohol

HuffPost Blogger kelly Fitzgerald joins HuffPost Live to talk about what she learned during her year without alcohol.

What You Need to Know About Lyme Disease

Singer Debbie Gibson recently revealed to fans her struggle to fight the symptoms of Lyme disease, a disease one can contract from an infected deer tick.'s Dr. Karen Latimer has all you need to know to avoid getting the disease in the first place. For more videos like this one, visit

5 Ways to Get Moving in the Morning

Has your get-up-and-go gone up and went? Fear not! Check out these tried-and-true ways to maximize your mornings.

'Princesses: Long Island' Star Ashlee White's Terrifying Stroke Crisis

'Princesses: Long Island' star Ashlee White's terrifying stroke crisis - 'I Kept Saying, Please Don't Let Me Die'.

New Retreats Take You from Detox to Zen in 24 Hours

Retreats that used to offer a week of detox and relaxation shorten it to accomplish everything you need in 24 hours. Lauren Lipton discusses on Lunch Break. Photo: Getty.

Unexpected Uses for Honey

Registered Dietician Crystal Petrello talks about a variety of things you can do with honey.

Should LSD Be Used to Treat Anxiety?

LSD for anxiety? Hear how researchers are testing the use of the illicit, psychoactive drug to treat anxiety in terminally ill patients.

Kids and Heat Illness

Spring is here and summer is fast approaching. Be sure to prepare your youngest to your oldest children for playing in the sunlight. It's crucial you know the symptoms for heat illness and's Dr. Karen Latimer will explain what they are. For more videos like this one, visit

Man Gets Accidental Vasectomy After Doctors Operate On 'Wrong Site'

A British man who was scheduled to have a different procedure might not be able to have children after doctors operated on the "wrong site."

Coca-Cola Removes Controversial Ingredient From Powerade

Powerade will no longer contain the ingredient "brominated vegetable oil" which is also found in some flame retardants and linked to health problems when consumed in large amounts.