Men's Health - Videos

Penn Jillette: People Against Vaccines Have 'Blood On Their Hands'

Penn Jillete, world renowned magician, performer and filmmaker, joins HuffPost Live to discuss his thoughts on those who don't vaccinate their children.

The Impact Of Celebrity Health Stories

Health stories are a part of the daily news flow. But the ones that often get people talking are when a celebrity brings a health issue to light.

The Doctors Help in Kidney Search

A South Carolina woman whose husband tried to find a donor kidney for her by walking the streets wearing a large sign recently received a kidney transplant. And they credit The Doctors for the lifesaving procedure.

How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day You Begin

The Eastern practice of yoga has become a modern-day symbol of peace, serenity and well-being in the West. More than 20 million Americans practice yoga, according to the 2012 Yoga in America study, with practitioners spending more than $10 billion a year on yoga-related products and classes.

What Can Your Body Do with an Extra Hour of Sleep?

Here is what your body can do with an extra hour of sleep.

How Much Does It Take to Overdose?

There really can be 'too much of a good thing'. Check out the amounts calculated for one sitting consumption by a 150 lb. person.

Facts About the Human Body

Here are some answers to why you get the chills, pruney fingers, pins and needles, brain freeze, and that falling sensation when you're about to fall asleep.

Deborah Norville on Inside Edition's Health Stories That Hit Home

Deborah Norville has a lot to celebrate. Her career has spanned decades with major success as a television host and an author, now with her show "Inside Edition" celebrating its 25th anniversary on the air, it's time for some reflection.

The Benefit of Home Workouts for Better Blood Sugar

Not a fan of the gym? Fitness expert Mike Clark, DPT, shares tips for great home workouts to help you lose weight, manage your blood sugar, and prevent type 2 diabetes.

The Media's Role In Health Awareness

Over the course of her career, reporting on a myriad of health-related stories has taught "Inside Edition" host Deborah Norville one important lesson: You have to be willing to take the reins when it comes to your health. The fact that she can use her medium -video - to help drive that message across makes her job even more important to her.

Get to Know Your Fasting Blood Sugar

Do you know your fasting blood sugar number? It's the key to preventing prediabetes and diabetes. In this video, Kevin Soden, MD, explains the anti-aging benefits of managing your blood sugar and makes a case for having it tested sooner rather than later.

Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Fitness expert Vonda Wright, MD, says the benefits of strength training go way beyond stronger muscles. Learn how weight lifting helps melt belly fat and prevent arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and other health woes.

How Exercise 'Turns On' Good Genes

Exercise benefits go beyond helping you lose weight. Fitness expert Vonda Wright, MD, explains how just 3 hours exercise a week turns on more than 100 genes that help prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and fatty livers.

4 Tips to Help You Go Green

Ever consider that a healthy environment can create a healthier you? It's true: Going green can pay some serious health dividends. Michael Roizen, MD, discusses four tips to improve the environment and your health.

The Dark Side of CT Scans

CT scans ahelp doctors evaluate everything from cancer to fractures. But CT scans also deliver a hefty dose of radiation. Kevin Soden, MD, reveals 2 questions to ask your doctor about computerized tomography.

Best Time to Take Your Calcium Supplement

Taking a calcium supplement can help keep your bones strong, but when you take that supplement can make it more effective. Kevin Soden, MD, shares tips for the best time to take your calcium.

Good Sleep Quality and Quantity Helps Reduce Diabetes Risk

The amount of sleep you get and the quality of your sleep can impact on the risk of diabetes. In this video, Robin Miller, MD, explains how sleep can affect insulin sensitivity.

Fight Chronic Disease with a Hunter-Gatherer Mentality

It may sound crazy, but one of the best ways to reduce your risk of chronic disease may be to act like our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Robin Miller, MD, discusses what made our ancestors lifestyles so healthy.

How to Bounce Back from a Setback

One key to longevity is resilience, the ability to keep on in the face of adversity, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, outlines his strategy for bouncing back from adversity and moving forward.

Fight Depression by Saying Thank You

Want to feel 25% happier right now? Just say "thank you." In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, explains how expressing gratitude lifts your mood, boosts your immune system, and may help prevent depression.

4 Ways to Banish Depression

Feeling down in the dumps? Being depressed or even a little sad can take a toll on your health. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, offers four tips to boost your mood and help you find your happy place.

Reduce Stress Now to Prevent Diabetes Later

Taking steps to reduce stress now will help you prevent diabetes later on. Kevin Soden, MD, explains how stress affects your blood sugar and shares tips to reduce stress.

Sip Chamomile Tea to Stress Less

Overwhelmed by stress? Fix yourself a cup of chamomile tea. In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, explains how the antioxidant flavonoids in chamomile tea affect brain chemistry to help reduce stress.

Sip Green Tea to Get Happy

Need to lift your mood? Sip a cup of green tea. In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, explains how antioxidants in green tea may help boost production of the feel-good brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine to prevent depression.

Where to Store Your Vitamins

Did you know that how you store vitamins can help -- or harm -- their potency? In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, explains why your bathroom medicine cabinet may not be the best place for your supplements.

What Belongs in Your Medicine Cabinet?

Are you prepared for an emergency? In this Health Smarts video, Dr. Kevin Soden, shares 4 basic items to include in your medicine cabinet to manage anything from a headache to a heart attack.

Tips to Help Men Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis isn't just a women's health issue. It affects men, too. In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, shares 4 tips to help guys build strong bones.

Three Tips for Going Green and Boosting Your Health

Trying to lower your carbon footprint? You don't have to make drastic changes to go green. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, shares his tips for becoming more environmentally friendly--and healthier.

The Benefits of Working Out

Exercise comes with many perks. In this Health Smarts video, fitness expert Vonda Wright, MD, shares the benefits of exercise, including appetite control and preventing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and more.

How to Have a Healthy Commute

Long commutes aren t very good for your health. They eat into exercise time and add to your sitting time. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, offers tips to make your commute healthier.