Men's Health - Videos

You Really Can Become Immune To Your Deodorant

We sweat for a reason. And yet, we spend $18 billion a year trying to stop or at least mask the smell of our sweat.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Genetics may be to blame for your high blood pressure. But poor lifestyle choices can also cause hypertension, according to Merle Myerson, MD, in this WisePatient video.

What's the First Thing I Should Do to Treat My Hypertension?

Treating high blood pressure often starts with making healthy lifestyle changes. If those don't do the trick, says Merle Myerson, MD, in this WisePatient video, your doctor may prescribe medication, too.

Should I Check With My Doctor Before Starting an Exercise Program?

Exercise is a great way to help prevent heart disease. In this WisePatient video, cardiologist Merle Myerson, MD, shares some smart safety tips when starting a fitness program.

How Can Exercise Help Me Lower Hypertension?

Got high blood pressure? Exercise can help. In this WisePatient video, cardiologist Merle Myerson, MD, explains why exercise is a smart idea whether your hypertension is mild, severe, or somewhere in between.

What Are the Top Three Things I Should Do If I've Been Diagnosed With Hypertension?

If your doctor says you have high blood pressure, follow these tips from cardiologist Merle Myerson, MD. In this WisePatient video, she shares a three-step strategy to manage hypertension, including healthy lifestyle changes you should make.

PICO Treatment Helps Wounds Heal Faster

Every year about 500-thousand patients in the U.S. develop SSIs, which claim more than ten-thousand lives. Now a new simple treatment for wounds can help heal them before they have a chance to kill.

What Is Low Blood Pressure and Is It a Health Concern?

Some people don't have to worry about their blood pressure being to high but too low. In this WisePatient video, cardiologist Merle Myerson, MD, defines low blood pressure, also known as hypotension.

Five Simple Habits to Help You Trump Lousy Genes

Heart disease and diabetes may run in your family, but your habits have a bigger impact on how you age. Vonda Wright, MD, explains how healthy lifestyle choices, like eating right and not smoking, can trump genetics.

Tips to Decrease Back Pain and Increase Circulation

Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Ian Smith demonstrates quick and easy exercises to help alleviate lower back pain and increase circulation.

Vicki Lawrence's Health Scare

Vicki Lawrence -- best known for playing Thelma "Mama" Harper on "Mama's Family" -- tells The Doctors about a real-life health scare.

Mama's Tips for Staying Young

Vicki Lawrence - best known for playing the feisty Thelma "Mama" Harper on "Mama's Family" -- joins The Doctors to play "guess the celebrity," give E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork a gift and offer tips on staying young.

Habits That May Negatively Affect Your Health

The Doctors share surprising habits that may be negatively affecting your health.

More Habits That May Negatively Affect Your Health

Learn why comfy pajamas may be bad for you as The Doctors share the surprising habits that could be negatively affecting your health.

Medical Breakthrough: Relief for Those Suffering from Hemorrhoids

More than 15-million Americans suffer from the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids. Now, a non-invasive treatment is making these bleeding blood vessels disappear almost effortlessly.

Five Dollar Health Fixes to Save You Big Money on Meds

We spend seven-billion dollars on over-the-counter medicines. But instead of doling out cash at the pharmacy, some home remedies can relieve the pain for less cash.

What Is The Future Of Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgeons are in San Diego this week discussing the future of the industry, which includes stem cell therapy. Dr. Bob Murphy, the head of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, said the industry has a long history of forward thinking. He said stem cell therapy can be applied in elective procedures and reconstructive procedures.

How Much Water You Should Drink

Your body is approximately 70 percent water and needs replenishment to function properly. How much should you drink?

True Wellness: European Biological Medicine

At a time when conventional health care is failing many Americans, patients in record numbers are turning to alternative medicine for answers.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Estar Activo

Un experto en diabetes habla de c mo uno mismo puede manejar su diabetes al mantenerse activo. El ejercicio no es s lo acerca de perder peso, tiene muchos beneficios para la salud como reducir el colesterol, mejorar la presi n arterial, reducir el estr s y la ansiedad, asi como mejorar su estado de nimo.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Monitoreo Y Tratamiento De Glucosa Y Az car En La Sangre

Janice Hidalgo, Gerente de Proyecto del Programa Educativo de autocontrol de la Diabetes en el IPRO, habla de la importancia de practicar el auto-monitoreo de niveles de az car en la sangre con regularidad.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Aspecto Emocional

Janice Hidalgo, Gerente de Proyecto del Programa Educativo de autocontrol de la Diabetes en el IPRO, habla sobre el aspecto emocional de la enfermedad.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Reducir Los Riesgos

Conozca cu les son los factores de riesgo de la diabetes y las medidas preventivas que puede tomar.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Tomando Los Medicamentos

Janice Hidalgo, Gerente de Proyecto del Programa Educativo de autocontrol de la Diabetes en el IPRO, explica c mo auto-controlar la diabetes tomando sus medicamentos correctamente.

Manejo De La Diabetes - Resoluci n De Problemas Y Planificaci n De La Acci n

Janice Hidalgo, Gerente de Proyecto del Programa Educativo de autocontrol de la Diabetes en el IPRO, habla de c mo auto-controlar la diabetes, aprendiendo a resolver problemas y tomar las medidas necesarias.

When Doctors Don't Listen

Do you feel like your doctor isn't really listening to you? Check out what two ER doctors say you need to do to make sure your doctor is really paying attention to your medical needs.

Home Remedy For Ear Infections

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon debunks a common myth about treating ear infections and offers a natural, effective home remedy.

Three Activities to Avoid When Drunk

Learn which three activities you should avoid when under the influence of alcohol.

Food Poisoning Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued a warning for the parasite cyclosporiasis. Learn the symptoms and how to keep you and your family safe from infection.

Post Workout Sweating

E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork and physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Ian Smith offer tips to alleviate excessive sweating post workout.