Colds and Infections - Videos

Bacteria Vs. Virus: New Blood Test Knows Difference

A new blood test could potentially determine what's causing a patient's sickness with more than 90 percent accuracy.

Wine and Blueberries Might Help Fight Infection

According to new research from Oregon State University, eating blueberries and drinking red wine might help people's immune system fight infection.

Beanie Monitors Head Injuries

The checklight beanie, which can be worn under helmets, monitors blows to the head and alerts coaches to a possible concussion.

Substance Abuse Is Still a Problem Among Teens

According to the latest FDA report, substance abuse remains a problem among teens.

Treating Anal Fistulas

Alan has been suffering pain in his butt cheek for more than a year. Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez examines Alan and determines that the source of the problem is most likely an anal fistula a canal leading from the colon all the way out to the skin. Proctologist Dr. David Rosenfeld describes the procedure to correct an anal fistula.

A Tear Back There

Alan has been suffering pain in his butt cheek for more than a year. Originally diagnosed as hemorrhoids, the pain continued despite treatment and eventually became an open wound. Now, Alan has constant drainage from the area. Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez examines Alan and determines that the source of the problem is most likely an anal fistula. Learn more about this common condition.

Sequestration Forces Air Force To Limit Free Flu Shots

The Air Force will no longer be giving free flu shots to civilian employees this year, due to the federal budget cuts known as sequestration.

Officials Find Brain-Eating Amoeba in Louisiana Parish Water

According to the Centers for Disease Control, it starts an infection called amoebic meningoencephalitis.

Study Links Male Menopause to Low Levels of Estrogen

"CBS This Morning" says a new study has discovered menopause in men isn't only linked to a lack of testosterone--low levels of estrogen cause problems too. Headlines & Global News says this study by Massachusetts General Hospital comes out at the same time testosterone supplements are being widely advertised. Medical Daily says the study was setup to determine the required levels of testosterone needed for health and help doctors decide when to prescribe the supplements.

Back Pain: How to Deal

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in America. the numbers are staggering -- and so is the pain. If you Google 'back pain,' you find plenty of causes and treatments, but beware: Googling those words may not hold the answer you're looking for.

Should You Pop A Pill Or See A Doctor

As a nation we tend to take a lot of over the counter pills, But should we really be seeing a doctor instead? When is it time to pop a pill, and when is it time to make an appointment.

What Are the Risks of Obesity?

Dr. Richard Bebb, MD, ABIM, FRCPC, Endocrinologist, discusses the risks of obesity.

Combating Malaria

See how to protect yourself from malaria. Plus, learn how you can help save lives in underprivileged areas of the world.

The World's Deadliest Creature

See the world's deadliest creature, believed to be responsible for half of all deaths in human history! Find out what it is and how to safeguard against it.

How Typhoid Fever Attacks the Body

The Doctors are joined by Dr. Brad Spellberg, an infectious disease specialist from UCLA Medical Center, to discuss typhoid fever symptoms and prevention.

Measles Outbreak Hits Texas Church That Preached Against Vaccines

A Texas megachurch known for preaching against the use of vaccines has been hit by an outbreak of measles, a highly contagious virus for which there is no known cure. Measles can be prevented by vaccination.

Gallbladder Disease: Learning the Symptoms

More than 20 million people have gallbladder disease, which makes it one of the most common conditions in the United States -- so common that it might make your run to your computer and Google your symptoms, but nevermind that because we've got you covered.

What Is Raynaud's Disease

Dr. Jason Kur, MD, FRCPC, ABIM, discusses the diagnosis and treatment of Raynaud's disease.

The Three Types of Hearing Loss

Dr. Jane Lea, MD, FRCSC, Otologist/Neurotologist,Paediatric Otolaryngologist discusses the three types of hearing loss.

The Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis

Dr. Amin Javer, MD, FRCSC, FARS, discusses the symptoms of acute sinusitis.

What Is Otosclerosis?

Dr. Jane Lea, MD, FRCSC, Otologist/Neurotologist, Paediatric Otolaryngologist, discusses the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment for otosclerosis.

Common Surgical Options for Hearing Loss

Dr. Jane Lea, MD, FRCSC, Otologist/Neurotologist, Pediatric Otolaryngologist discusses the surgical options available for hearing loss.

What Is Cholesteatoma?

Dr. Jane Lea, MD, FRCSC, Otologist/Neurotologist and Paediatric Otolaryngologist , discusses the diagnosis and symptoms of cholesteatoma.

What Is Vertigo?

Dr. Jane Lea, MD, FRCSC, Otologist/Neurotologist, Paediatric Otolaryngologist discusses diagnosis and symptoms of what is vertigo?

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Sinusitus

Dr. Amin Javer, MD, FRCSC, FARS, discusses the diagnosis and treatment of acute sinusitis

Woman Who Became Paralyzed From Lyme Disease Says Childhood Was Ripped Away

There is a medical journey to discover a cure for Lyme disease. We speak with a woman who was paralyzed by it about the controversy and terror of this all-too-common illness.

Woman Suffering From Lyme Disease Says Western Medicine Failed Her

Overnight Katrina Starzhynskaya's face became paralyzed and her body numbed. Her medical journey to discover a cure led her into the world of Lyme disease. We speak with her about the controversy and terror of this all-too-common illness.

Ways To Prevent Alzheimer's From Dr. Nancy Snyderman

Dr. Nancy Snyderman gives tips on how to keep Alzheimer's at bay. She suggests genetic testing for those who have the disease in their family. Anti-inflammatory medications and keeping your brain active can also help. Part of the Mondays With Marlo series on

New Treatment Uses Balloon to Clear Sinus Infections

Doreen Gentzler reports on a new treatment that uses a tiny balloon to cure some chronic sinus infections.

Four Simple Ways To Protect Yourself Against West Nile

There have been more confirmed cases of West Nile across the country this summer. Learn the best ways to protect yourself against the virus.