Mental Health and Addiction - Videos

Marilu Henner on Connecting Your Health and Memory

Marilu Henner explains how her memory affects her life and career as well as the connection between health and memory.

Gay Conversion Therapy Is Child Abuse

Gov. Christie signed a ban on gay conversion therapy emphasizing conversion therapy exposes children to health risks, outweighing potential benefits. More to the point, conversion therapy is child abuse risking depression, drug abuse and suicide.

Clinical Interventionist Once Died From Alcohol Abuse

Certain beer brands, malt liquor in particular, are more likely to lead to patient visits to the emergency room. And one third of all injury E.R. visits nationwide are alcohol related. Should beers with more alcohol have clearer warning labels? Jeff reveals his struggles with alcohol.

Emergency Physician: Alcohol One Of The Most Dangerous Drugs

Certain beer brands, malt liquor in particular, are more likely to lead to patient visits to the emergency room. And one third of all injury E.R. visits nationwide are alcohol related. Should beers with more alcohol have clearer warning labels? Dr. Vinocur discusses why alcohol is a dangerous drug.

Psychiatrist: Black Prisoners More Likely To Have Mental Illnesses Overlook

Solitary confinement has been proven to be detrimental to the health of inmates suffering from mental illnesses. There are safeguards in place, but it's still happening, despite the fact that it's unhealthy and counterproductive. Dr. Kupers discusses the unfair treatment of black inmates with mental illness inside the prison system.

Man Diagnosed Bipolar After Years In Solitary Confinement

Solitary confinement has been proven to be detrimental to the health of inmates suffering from mental illnesses. There are safeguards in place, but it's still happening, despite the fact that it's unhealthy and counterproductive. Ryan shares his experience of suffering from bipolar disorder while being locked in solitary confinement.

Sober Socializing

Full Segment: Whether you're a recovering alcoholic, or simply on a two-week detox, refraining from booze amongst friends can be a tall order. Has our society become over-reliant on adult beverages for socialization?

Mentally Ill Patients Deserve Equality

Full Segment: When patients with mental illness seek treatment for physical ailments, doctors often misdiagnose them due to a lack of follow-up interventions. This contributes to a shocking decrease in life expectancy for mentally ill patients. How can we fix it?

Living In A Meth Lab

David Parnell joins Ricky to talk about being close to the production of meth and how easy it is to make.

Should Schools Be Allowed To Screen Students For Mental Issues?

One high school in Lancaster County, Penn., is introducing a mental health screening program in light of the Sandy Hook Elementary School which left 26 people dead. The accused shooter had a mental health issue, and this voluntary high school program will aim to detect mental issues before they affect others.

How You Can Train Your Mind To Do The Impossible

By exercising the brain (yes, you can use repetition and habit as you do when you exercise the body), we can achieve what may have previously seemed nearly impossible.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, explains what Munchausen Syndrome by proxy means and how people who are affected by it behave.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, explains what borderline personality disorder means and how it is treated.

Emma's Story: Growing Up With Anxiety

Emma Gray joins Caitlyn on set to talk about growing up with anxiety issues.

Self Injury or Self Harm

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, explains what is considered self injury or self harm and when to intervene.

Exercise Can Help Control Stress

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D. child & adolescent psychologist, talks about how exercising can help control stress.

Pill Overdose Prevention

Full Segment: Roughly one million Americans attempt suicide every year. Prevention comes in many forms, but there's recently been a push overseas to stop selling high volume over-the-counter pills like Tylenol, Advil and other staples. Should America take note?

Would Needle Exchange Help Or Hurt Community?

A proposed needle exchange in one Seattle-area community has a coffee shop owner upset. The owner is a recovering addict himself, but is worried the needle exchange would just enable drug addicts in the neighborhood.

3 Steps to Help Kids With Back-to-School Anxiety

Dr. Greg Sipes is talking about how to talk with your kids about going back to school after a long summer break to avoid anxiety.

Helping Children with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Steven Sussman, Ph.D, child & adolescent psychologist, co-founder of the child & teen success centers in NY & NJ, explains how children are affected by PTSD.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Asiana Airplane Crash

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses the effect of PTSD on those involved in the Asiana plane crash in July 2013.

The Saddest States In America

A study on America's well-being reports that residents of IN, OH, KY, WV, TN, MI, AL, AR, LA, and OK have the poorest emotional health. Lauren Michelle Kinsey and Dr. Mary K. Alvord explain some of the factors.

The United Unhappy States Of America

A study on America's well-being reports that residents of IN, OH, KY, WV, TN, MI, AL, AR, LA, and OK have the poorest emotional health. Why is the belt between Louisiana and Ohio so sad?

Toes-Knocking Out Neuropathy

About 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from it-Now there's a new, non-invasive treatment that could help many people battling neuropathy.

An Overview of Schizophrenia

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ, explains what schizophrenia is and how it affects the brain.

What Is a Nervous Breakdown?

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ, explains what nervous breakdown means and the symptoms of a true nervous breakdown.

Habits Of Outrageously Successful People

More and more leaders in the corporate world have been taking note of the benefits of meditation, which include lower stress levels, improved cognitive functioning, creative thinking and productivity, and even improved physical health. Carolyn Gregoire joins Ahmed to discuss.

When Is Music Too Loud?

The Doctors explain how to know when loud music is too loud and may cause hearing loss.

Bipolar Psychological Treatment

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, child & adolescent psychologist, co-founder of the child & teen success centers in NY & NJ, explains alternative treatment options for bipolar disorder.

Depression in Children

Dr. Steven Sussman, Ph.D, child & adolescent psychologist, co-founder of the child & teen success centers in NY & NJ, explains the causes and treatment for depression in children.