Children's Health and Parenting - Videos

Setting Reasonable Limits For Your Child

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses setting reasonable limits for your child.

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

There are only a handful of things that tend to wake babies up at night. Join an expert mom of three as she discuses the top five sleep interruptions: leaky diaper, hunger, overtiredness, noise, and waking up in a different place than they went to sleep, and what to do about them.

How to Give Your Baby a Bath

Bath time can be fun when it's done right. This mom offers all her bath time tips from sponge to play baths. Remember, safety first.

How to Play Games With Babies

As baby gets bigger, playtime changes. This mom shares her top three favorite games to play with her newly crawling baby the sensory bag, interactive reading, and moving to music.

How to Change a Baby's Diaper

Every experienced parent knows how important selecting the right diaper is to your baby's comfort. One experienced mom discusses her favorite tips and tricks on everything you'll need to know about changing diapers.

How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby

Are you a new parent wondering what life will be like with your newborn? Discover how quickly instincts kick in and simple steps you can take to remain healthy, positive and constructively begin your bonding journey. Here are a couple hints: rest at the same time as your baby, be smart about visitors and eat well.

How to Bond With Your Baby

Building a lifetime bond with your newborn baby is one of the most beautiful and critical connections a parent can make. Establishing security and trust with your baby lays the groundwork for a healthy child to grow and reach their full potential. Take a moment to discover how most of bonding actually happens in those everyday moments like playtime, feeding or taking a bath.

Newborn Essentials For Bringing a Baby Home

Preparing to bring home your new baby can feel a bit daunting. Here's an essential list of products new moms like you need to stock up on before your little ones come home. These tips will help you prepare for leaving the hospital, coming home, in the nursery, and life on the go.

How to Put Your Baby to Sleep

Lots of sleep is incredibly important to a baby's cognitive and physical development. In fact, it's when they do most of their growing. Join an experienced mom as she shares the four steps of a healthy bedtime routine, as well as the importance of distinguishing between night and day, creating a nap schedule, investing in a baby monitor, and having a high quality diaper.

How to Play With a Newborn

Newborns' little bodies and senses are extra sensitive, so playtime should aim to stimulate baby's sense of sight, sound and touch the first few weeks. Join this mom as she shows her favorite playtime games that encourage bonding, growth, trust and happiness with your brand new baby.

How to Have Fun With Toddler Activities and Games

One of the healthiest things you can do with your child is regularly play with her. Discover how some of the most popular playtime activities - puzzles, chase, finger-painting, building forts, and catch - stimulate your little one's senses and help her work on fundamental cognitive and motor skills.

Child Hitting Parent

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses when a child hits a parent.

Spanking Is Not the Best Choice

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses spanking your children.

Giving Money to Your Children

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses giving your kids money.

Encouraging Individuality in Twins

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses encouraging individuality in twins.

Messy Rooms and the 'Sunday Box'

Dr. Steven Sussman discusses kids' messy rooms and the "Sunday Box."

Busting Parenting Myths

Does candy make your kids hyper? Do you go running when you hear your baby cry in the middle of the night? From sugar highs to baby cries, here are some parenting do's and dont's that may surprise you.

Protecting Kids' Privacy Online

Today's kids are constantly sending texts, posting to social networks, and uploading photos for their friends to see. But their online lives aren't always as private as they think. Get tips on how you can protect your kids' personal privacy online.

Essential Gaming Tips for Parents

From multi-player online games to mobile apps, there's no limit to how or where kids today can play video games. For parents, choosing the best options can be a real challenge. Learn how to make thoughtful choices when it comes to your kids' gaming.

Talking to Your Kids About 'The Twilight Saga'

With the arrival of the final chapter in the hugely popular teen vampire drama, parents have a great opportunity to discuss important subjects with their kids. Get some useful tips for how to make the most of the end of the 'Twilight' saga.

Texting Tips For Parents

Texting is now the main way teens socialize with friends, check in with mom and dad, and share content. But for parents, dealing with text-happy kids can sometimes be a challenge. Get tips on how to keep your kids' texting under control.

Cell Phone Survival Guide for Parents

When you give your kid a cell phone, you're handing over a powerful tool that connects them to the world. Get essential tips for helping kids use their cell phones safely, responsibly, and respectfully.

Teaching Your Kids to Respect Creative Work on the Internet

The Internet allows us to download, share, and re-use copyrighted material in many ways. But kids don't always follow the rules. Find out how to educate your kids about both the legal and ethical reasons for respecting other people's creative work.

Top 3 Sites For Cheap Diapers: Mommy Reboot

Diapers are too expensive. Period. After years of buying diapers in different places, I've got my top website for buying cheap diapers.

Teen Body Trends

Full Segment: Many teenage girls are on a quest to have the perfect body. The latest obsession: "thigh gap." We explore the dangers of this new trend.

9 Year Old Marathon Runner Creates Controversy

A 9-year-old boy has created controversy over whether children should be allowed to participate in long-distance running events. While some marathons do allow children to race, no studies have been conducted on the potentially adverse health effects they could have in an adolescent body. The Doctors discuss how overuse injuries can adversely affect skeletal growth plates in maturing children.

Stop Yelling

Kids scream and yell and cry -- but sometimes parents do too. One mom's made it her mission to stop all the yelling, so let's discuss better ways to discipline.

A Little Yelling Is A Good Thing

Lisa Belkin and Dr. George Holden join Ricky to talk about how a parent raising his or her voice once in a while may not be a bad thing.

What Do You Do When You Find Yourself Yelling Too Much At Your Kids?

Lisa Belkin, Jayme Weiden, Dr. George Holden and Jenny Feldon join Ricky, admitting to sometimes yelling at their kids due to frustration and how to deal with those feelings in a more productive way.

Raising My Boyfriend's Kids: It's Like I'm The Child

Dating a man or woman with kids can be difficult. Are girlfriends and boyfriends of parents allowed to take on parental roles? Dani Alpert explains the difficulties of raising her boyfriend's kids.