Children's Health and Parenting - Videos

Sledding Safety Expert Advice

Experts have tips for people who plan to start the new year with some sledding fun.

Violent Video Games Can Lead to Aggressive Behavior in Kids

Studies show violent video games may lead to aggressive behavior.

Parents and Teenager and Different Images

Steven Sussman, Ph.D - Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ explains the difference images teenagers and parents have of themselves.

Divorce and Its Affect of Children

Steven Sussman, Ph.D - Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ explains how divorce affects children.

The Dark Side of Divorce - Parental Alienation Syndrome

Steven Sussman, Ph.D - Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ explains parental alienation syndrome.

Researching the Effects of TV on Children's Sleeping Habits

What does your child do during the 90 minutes before bedtime? Could it affect his sleep?

Lack of Sleep in Teens Increases Risk For Heart Disease

Teens who don't sleep well may face an increased risk for heart disease later in life.

TV Can Make Your Baby Fussier

Infants exposed to television are fussier.

Kids Can Get Physical Activity Outside of Gym

Even when they're out of gym class... kids can get a good amount of physical activity from other activities.

Robert Bazell Reports on New Autism Research

Robert Bazell reports on some new research on autism and an autistic kid that therapy cured.

Young Boy Suffers From Chronic Stomach Virus

Young boy suffers from enterocolitis syndrome, a chronic stomach virus that affects his digestion.

Does Weight Training Stunt Growth?

Ed, 36, wants to know if lifting weights with his 14-year-old son, Michael, will stunt his growth.

Overview: Teenager Survival Plan

Listen to Steven Sussman, Ph.D, Child and Adolescent Psychologist and Co-Founder of the Child and Teen Success Centers in NY and NJ.

Be Parent First, Buddy Second

Dr. Steven Sussman talks about the importance of being a parent to your child. Steven Sussman, Ph.D - Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ

Adderall Abuse Among Healthy Children

Dr. Steven Sussman talks about the addictive nature of Adderall. Steven Sussman, Ph.D - Child & Adolescent Psychologist Co-Founder of the Child & Teen Success Centers in NY & NJ

Los niños y el internet

Nuestros niños están creciendo en un mundo digital muy complejo que no siempre es fácil de navegar. Obtenga consejos que les ayudarán a tomar decisiones inteligentes al utilizar Internet.

Jenna Elfman Offers Advice To Working Moms

Actress Jenna Elfman stops by to talk to Jacob about working full time and raising two kids.

Getting the Family Into a Back-to-School Sleep Routine

Back to school is filled with excitement and apprehension, all of which can translate into problem sleep for kids and insomnia for parents.

Prepping Babies For Sleeping Through The Night

When a parent is lucky enough to gain 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep a night, it seems like a blessing. That blessing goes away though when that parent realizes a full night's sleep also often means an overflowing diaper. Follow these simple steps to keep the nights quiet and dry!

Tips For Safely Traveling With Toddlers

Travel is hassle enough without someone's kid screaming or running out of control especially if it's your own kid! But there are things you can do to keep your child safe and quiet the whole time.

Stroller Jogging Considered Safe

Heather, 34, asks pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears if it's safe to jog while pushing your baby in a stroller.

IV Sedation For Kids

Kristen, 27, asks if IV sedation is safe for her 4-year-old daughter when she undergoes dental procedures. Dentist Dr. Ashley Herbert explains sedatives for children.

Are Your Taxes Paying For Imaginary Injuries?

Though the Government knows vaccines don't cause autism, it pays misinformed families who threaten to sue. How should we respond to fears that are popular, but false?

Cómo conseguir buenos videojuegos infantiles

Desde los juegos con varios jugadores hasta las aplicaciones móviles hay muchas formas en las que los niños pueden conseguir videojuegos. Para los adultos, todas las opciones pueden ser abrumadoras. Obtenga consejos sobre cómo encontrar los mejores juegos infantiles.

Los mensajes de texto y los adolescentes

Es una realidad que los mensajes de texto son una forma de vida para los adolescentes. La capacidad de escribir rápidamente un mensaje y enviarlo ha sustituido las conversaciones por teléfono. Los mensajes de texto se han convertido en la forma principal de socialización entre los adolescentes, y también de compartir contenido. Ayuda a tus hijos a utilizar esta poderosa herramienta de comunicación de una manera responsable.

La privacidad en internet y los niños

Compartir o no compartir - esa es la pregunta. Ya sea a través de una computadora o celular, los niños de hoy están constantemente enviando mensajes a sus amigos. Pero sus vidas en línea no son tan privadas como ellos piensan. Ayuda a tus hijos a proteger su privacidad en internet.

Las niñas y la obsesión por la belleza

La belleza ya no está sólo en el ojo del que mira. Se ha convertido en una idea de la perfección totalmente irreal e imposible de conseguir. Ya sea en la televisión, en revistas, películas, videos musicales o incluso las redes sociales, el mensaje es el mismo para todas las mujeres - la belleza sólo se consigue cambiando su apariencia. Para las niñas, la presión puede ser abrumadora. Ayuda a tus hijas a a desarrollar una autoestima saludable.

Los niños y la imagen corporal

La búsqueda de un cuerpo perfecto ya no es sólo para las niñas. Ahora, los niños también son victimas de las imágenes de los cuerpos ideales que aparecen por todos lados. Ayuda a tus hijos a desarrollar una autoestima saludable.

Thank God It's Monday

Full Segment: Some parents secretly look forward to Mondays after a weekend of continuous childcare and family activities. We'll talk to those who say it's harder than their day jobs.

'I Love Mondays': Author Says Work Is Welcome Escape From Motherhood

Some parents secretly look forward to Mondays after a weekend of continuous childcare & family activities. Guest Michelle Cove explains why some parents thank God for Monday.