Children's Health and Parenting - Videos

Kids Notice When Parents Ignore Them, and a New Study Finds a Lot of Us Do

A new study finds 6 in 10 parents worry they’re not creating enough family memories, and many kids are noticing. Nathan Rousseau Smith has the story.

3 Tools to Manage Screen Time

Looking for ways to reduce time spent on tablets, phones and computers? Here are 3 cool tools to help tweens, teens, and even adults, manage their screen time.

Crisis Negotiators Reveal How to Get Your Kid to Behave

A team of crisis negotiators offers tips on how to get your children to behave. Buzz60's Sean Dowling has more.

Girl Suffering from Sleep Disorder Seeks Help

Sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta joins mom Senetra and The Doctors to discuss Senetra’s daughter Madison who suffers from sleep apnea, asthma and narcolepsy. Meet Madison and her service dog Hershey.

Wakeup Call for 7-Year-Old’s Sleepless Nightmare

Madison who suffers from sleep apnea, asthma and narcolepsy stops breathing over 15 times an hour. Her mom Senetra has reached out to The Doctors to get help for her daughter's dangerous sleep disorders.

The Hidden Risk to Kids in Your Home

One child will die this month from a window blind injury. Here’s what you need to know to protect your kids.

These Are The Cheapest And Most Expensive Places To Raise A Family In America

If you and your family are struggling to make ends meet, you might not need a on the side hustle but rather a move. Susana Victoria Perez (@susana_vp) has more.

How to Win the Nap Time Battle

Family physician and parenting expert Dr. Debi Gilboa shares tips on how to get your child to nap.

School Requires Doctor’s Note for Lip Balm?

Did one North Carolina school take things too far when the administration confiscated a student’s lip balm because he did not have a doctor’s note?

How Serious Is Video Game Addiction?

The Doctors discuss how the World Health Organization is adding “gaming disorder” as a mental health condition in its International classification of diseases.

Pediatrician Answers Your Baby and Toddler Questions

Parents always have questions about the health of their babies and toddlers. Pediatrician Dr. Tanya Altman joins The Doctors to answer some of the most popular questions from her new book “Baby and Toddler Basics.”

When Should You Stop Cursing in Front of a Baby?

Clinical psychologist Dr. Judy Ho shares at what month parents need to start being careful about what they say in front of the new baby.

Mom Will Be Fined $14K If She Posts Another Picture of Her Son on Facebook

A court ruled in favor of a 16-year-old boy, ruling his mother can no longer post pictures or videos of him on Facebook.

5 cosas a evitar al elegir películas para niños pequeños

Elegir una película apropiada para niños pequeños puede ser complicado. Lo que no es gran cosa para un niño de seis años, puede ser la peor pesadilla de otro niño de la misma edad. Estos son cinco consejos para evitar

5 Things to Avoid When Picking Movies for Young Kids

Choosing the right movie for very young kids can be tricky. What's no big deal for one six-year-old may be another's worst nightmare. Here are five tips to help you avoid movie meltdowns.

7 formas de sacar provecho a las apps de preescolar

Muchas apps dicen promover el aprendizaje, pero ¿cómo puedes asegurarte de que tus niños se estén beneficiando realmente de las aplicaciones que usan? Estas son siete formas de sacar provecho de las aplicaciones hechas para niños de preescolar.

Car Seat Mistakes: Are You Putting Your Child in Danger?

Child car seats are required by law, but a shocking 80% of them are installed incorrectly and may be putting your child at risk.

5 películas familiares nominadas

Si eres fanático de los premios Oscar y quieres ver algunas películas nominadas con tu familia, estas son 5 buenas opciones que recibieron nuestro sello de aprobación. Hay elecciones para todos los gustos y edades!

Trick to Clear Child’s Nostril

The Doctors share a trick to get a foreign object unstuck from a child’s nose.

¿Qué ven tus hijos en YouTube?

¿Tus hijos ven YouTube y quieres saber qué tipo de contenido ven? Hazles estas preguntas para enterarte de qué es lo que más le gusta mirar en esta plataforma.

Meet Toddler Recovering from Near-Fatal Lawnmower Accident

Sean and Melissa are joined by their son Roan who is recovering from a near-fatal lawnmower accident. Find out how you can protect your children.

Funniest Channels on YouTube

Curious about what your kids are watching on YouTube? Here's a countdown of the seven funniest channels they're likely subscribed to.

Baby Receives Life-Changing Surgery

Baby Sandy was born with a huge mass engulfing her neck making it hard for her to eat and breathe. Pediatric facial plastic surgeon Dr. Milton Waner performed surgery to help remove her lymphatic malformation.

7 Ways to Get the Best out of Preschool Apps

Lots of apps claim to promote learning. But how can you make sure your kids are benefiting from apps? Here are seven ways to get the best out of preschool apps.

Lice Allowed in the Classroom?

More schools are doing away with their no-nit policies, but is this a risky practice or a step in the right direction. The Doctors debate with school nurse Deborah Pontius and Deborah Altschuler, the president of the National Pediculosis Association.

Should Kids Go to School With Lice?

The Doctors debate whether or not kids should be allowed in schools with nits or lice in their hair with school nurse Deborah Pontius and Deborah Altschuler, the president of the National Pediculosis Association

What is the Risk of Lice Spreading at School?

Dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra shares her thoughts on the lice at school debate and how parents should treat children who have contracted the parasite.

4 Out of 5 Teens Who Attempt Suicide Gave Clear Warning Signs

Lauren and Molly, creators of the Kind Campaign, join The Doctors to share about their non-profit school program that advocates against bullying. The problem is so prevalent almost every child is affected.

What You Need to Know If Your Child Is a Victim of Bullying

Parents Freddie and Charlene who lost a child to bullycide, and their lawyer Brian Claypool join The Doctors to share things parents can do to help protect their kids in and out of school.

Are Teens Being Bullied to Death?

Freddie and Charlene join The Doctors to share the story of their daughter Rosalie who was a victim of bullying and took her own life. Some are calling this bullycide.