Healthy Aging - Original Articles

Do You Drool in Your Sleep?

If you wake up with a wet pillow, it may just be a normal effect of sleeping on your stomach or your side. In some cases, however, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

7 Essential Safe Driving Tips

Remaining safe behind the wheel is a complicated endeavor and there is a lot to be aware of in different situations. However, the following tips will provide you with the toolbox you need to keep yourself, your family, and your fellow drivers secure.

The Benefits of Small Group Fitness Training

If you're tired of exercising in a crowd and can't afford one-on-one sessions with a fitness instructor, then small group training might be just what you need to kick your workout into high gear.

5 Key Nutrients for Bone Health

The best way to boost your bones, besides weight-bearing exercise, is to take in enough of the substances that strengthen and build your skeleton. Here's a rundown of the top nutrients you need for a fit frame.

How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

A study conducted at the University of Hawaii's animal science department of 106 pet owners found that almost a third experienced grief that lasted six months or more after their pet's death. Twelve percent reported that their grief caused major disruptions in their lives.

Is Depression Inevitable During Old Age?

Depression is particularly prevalent and overlooked in older adults. Despite the high incidence among seniors, it's definitely not a normal part of aging.

Cancer Trends Today

While cancer treatments continue to become more effective and targeted, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is on the rise. Understand the high-level trends and how they could affect you.

Atrial Fibrillation: Know the Signs, Prevent Complications

During atrial fibrillation, the heart's two upper chambers beat out of sync with the two lower chambers. Learn about the potential causes and complications of this condition.

The Healing Powers of 5 Everyday Spices

Cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves do more than flavor some of your favorite foods. These and others have medicinal properties and are most effective as healers when used on a regular basis. Here's how to get more of them into your diet.

5 Surprisingly Dangerous Jobs for Asthma

With one in seven adults reportedly experiencing occupational asthma, chances are high that work could actually make you sick.

Abdominal Fat Linked to Alzheimer's Risk

Not that you need another reason to trim excess flab, but here it is: Scientists have linked extra pounds in midlife to an increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease later on.

The Do's and Don'ts of Dying Your Hair

If your gray strands bother you or you simply long for a change, hair dye is your best bet. But before you take the plunge in a salon or at home, be sure you're armed with information to help prevent unwelcome surprises.

12 Tips for Traveling With Food Allergies

Unfortunately, no matter where you plan to travel, your food allergies will always be with you. So don't just plan your vacation itinerary, plan on ways you can stay safe on your trip, too.

What a Life Coach Can Do for You

Everyone has life goals and dreams, but many people have no idea how to achieve them. That's where a life coach can help. Life coaches help you create the blueprint to become your best self.

Allergies at Work? 7 High-Risk Settings

Whether you work in a controlled setting like an office, spend your days in a laboratory or manufacturing plant, or are outdoors working with animals or plants, there are many allergens that, with repeated exposure, can make you feel quite sick.

Senior Driving: Knowing When to Stop

How do you know if you or a loved one is becoming an unsafe driver? It can be difficult to assess one's driving skills but these factors can help you figure it out.

Scars: Causes, Types, Prevention, and Treatment

Whether you have a newly developed scar or you're trying to stop a wound from turning into a prominent scar, there are ways you can minimize its appearance.

Menu Diversity May Be a Recipe for Obesity

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but perhaps menu monotony is the way to keep his heart healthy.

3 Ways to Scratch Cat Allergies

You love your cat with all your heart, but if you suffer from pet allergies, the object of your affection could cause episodes of sneezing, coughing, itching, and wheezing. If the misery is more than you can bear, know that you can take action.

Mammograms vs. Treatment: What's Working?

Mammograms save lives. Or do they? Breast cancer deaths have declined over the past two decades. Is this due to routine screenings or better treatment techniques?

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

The good news is that it's rarely serious, but the bad news is that it can make getting out of bed and going about your day an exercise in fighting nausea and trying to keep your balance.

Shop More, Live Longer?

Need an excuse to go shopping? How about this one? Recent research suggests it may actually be good for you.

Plastic Surgery: The Right and Wrong Reasons to Do It

Cosmetic plastic surgery can achieve remarkable results. However, it can't cure life's problems or bring back youth. If you're considering plastic surgery, ask yourself these questions to make sure you're seeking it for the right reasons.

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

Early-Aging Disease Offers Clues to Normal Aging

Progeria is a disease that causes children to experience symptoms normally connected with advanced old age. While this accelerated-aging disease is extremely rare, scientists have recently discovered a connection between the protein mutation that causes progeria and the mechanisms of the normal aging process.

Early Music Boosts Mental Sharpness for Life

Researchers have found a link between musical training in childhood and mental acuity in old age. Here's how to add music to your family's life.

Your Guide to Hearing Aids

The variety of hearing aids can be overwhelming, and you may not be sure where to start. Fortunately, the Food and Drug Administration has created an online guide to help you make an informed decision.

Identifying Prediabetes Just Got Easier

Asking the right questions of yourself and your loved ones could save lives.

Post-Workout Fatigue: What's Normal, What's Not?

It's normal to feel tired after a workout. Mild muscle ache is common, too. But what if you're completely exhausted?

What Stomach Pain in Older Adults May Mean

Digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are common occurrences among those over the age of 50. Take inventory of the digestive symptoms you may have and measure them against these potential digestive conditions.