Healthy Aging - Videos

Mary Hughes Is on the Hunt for a Cure for MS

Mary Hughes is on the hunt for a cure for MS.

Fredi Usher-Weems' Story

Fredi Usher-Weems motivates her clients to live healthier, happier lives. Here's her story.

Medication Vs. Botox Treatment for Overactive Bladder

The first head-to-head comparison of daily medication and Botox for controlling urinary incontinence.

SELF Magazine's Pink Ribbon Celebrates It's 20th Anniversary

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the international symbol for awareness and prevention- the pink ribbon created by SELF magazine, celebrates is 20th anniversary. SELF's Features Director, Sara Austin joins us to tell us about it. She offers some prevention tips and shares some of her picks of the best brands that are doing their part to give back.

How Brain Waves Work

Researchers are learning more about neurological activity in humans with Necomimi ears, fuzzy animal-like ears that are worn on the head and read the tiny electrical signals that leave the brain when neurons are fired. As the Necomimi ears read the brainwave patterns, they react, much like the ears of a rabbit or a dog. Watch them in action! Plus, E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains the different types of brain waves.

The Black Belt Brain and Board Crushing

How do black belts karate-chop wooden blocks without a single flinch? OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson's son, Daniel Masterson, who has a black belt in karate, demonstrates.

Incision-Free Brain Surgery

After noticing a rapid loss of vision, increased forgetfulness and frequent headaches, Kristen, 33, was ultimately diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor. Learn about the incision-free brain surgery that removed the golf ball-sized tumor through Kristen's nose.

Endoscopic Brain Surgery

After noticing a rapid loss of vision, increased forgetfulness and frequent headaches, Kristen, 33, contacted brain surgeon Dr. Hrayr Shahinian. After ultimately being diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor, Dr. Shahinian removed Kristen's golf-ball-sized tumor through her nose. See how Kristen's recovered in just several weeks!

The Battle of the Brains

Why do men tend to eat more? Why are women more nurturing? E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork and OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson explain the differences between the male and female brains.

Brain Freeze Explained

What is a brain freeze anyway? The Doctors explain why your head aches when eating cold foods too quickly.

What Are Brain Blips

Ever walked into a room and have no idea why you entered? There is actually a surprising explanation for the phenomenon, known to some as a "brain blip" or a "brain fart."

Community Sound Off: Shoot For The Cure

Community members join Abby to discuss the ISRA's fundraiser for breast cancer.

How to Boost Your Immune System

Did you know it takes more than proper nutrition to build up your body's defenses? Dr. Daemon Jones shares her tips for women to boost their immune system.

How Nutrition Affects Fertility

An apple a day does more than just keep the doctor away. Dr. Daemon Jones shares how nutrition can affect a woman's fertility level.

Weight Management's Effect on Woman's Self-Esteem

How do you see yourself? Fat? Skinny? Just right? Dr. Daemon Jones explains how a woman's self-esteem is influenced by weight management.

What Women Should Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important to a woman's health? Dr. Daemon Jones shares why we need them, how they work inside our bodies and the best food sources of these healthy fats.

How to Balance Hormones Through Diet to Ease Menstrual Pain

Looking for natural ways to ease your period? Dr. Daemon Jones shares her approach to treating menstrual cramps that result from female hormonal imbalances.

Amanda's Surprise Visit for Dr. Travis

Watch as E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork gets a surprise visit from Amanda, a cancer survivor that he met during his time with First Descents, an adventure therapy program for young adults diagnosed with cancer.

Facing a Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer survivor Yamini recounts her empowering experience in the First Descents adventure therapy program.

Confronting Cancer with a White Water Adventure

Watch as E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork merges medicine with whitewater kayaking in the First Descents' adventure therapy program for young adults who have been diagnosed with cancer.

Breast Intentions - Our Pink World: A Cure Or A Con?

It's October, which means pink is everywhere, under the guise that buying it means you're promoting breast cancer awareness. Is this an unscrupulous way to make money? Joining the conversation are Dori Hartley, Bob & Linda Lancaster, Karuna Jaggar, Lea Goldman and Wendy McCoole.

How to Manage a Cancer Diagnosis

While significant advancements have been made in research and treatments, being diagnosed with any type of cancer can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer, Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall shares advice that may help you or your loved one through that difficult time: "When you're going through treatment, 'do it' with attitude."

Tips to Help Defeat Dementia

Alzheimer's is an irreversible, progressive brain disease and the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. But there are steps you can take to protect your brain. Editor-in-Chief of Reader's Digest, Liz Vacariello, reveals simple tips for radically reducing your risk for Alzheimer's and dementia.

New Study Says Free Birth Control Lowers U.S. Abortion Rates

A new study by Washington University in St. Louis concluded that offering free contraception to women will result in both fewer pregnancies and abortions.

High Blood Pressure May Affect Babies' IQ

A new study gives moms-to-be another important reason to keep their blood pressure in check. Baby's I.Q. might be at risk.

Angelina Jolie's Surprising Stretch Mark Solution

What does actress Angelina Jolie allegedly use to erase pregnancy stretch marks? Find out.

"Go Red for Women" PSA with Elizabeth Banks

Watch a PSA with actress Elizabeth Banks for the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women campaign.

Emergency Action Plan for Seizures

Learn how to react when someone suffers a seizure.

How to Prevent HPV Infection

Dr. Connie Returns in this video to share with you some great tips and advice about what you can do about HPV, the human papillomavirus. Take a look!

Why Some Ladies Lose Their Locks

Balding -- It's not just for men! 25 million women are losing their hair. We tell you the top reasons and how to fight it.