Men's Health - Original Articles

Workout Sabotage: Don't Sell Yourself Short!

You could be undermining your workout without even realizing it.

Best Foods for Men

For every meal and even snacks, investigate the very best choices for the men in your life.

Prevent the "Toasted Skin Syndrome" Mistake

If used incorrectly, one luxury car feature could do permanent damage to your skin.

Exercise in the Morning: 4 Motivating Reasons

These inspiring facts could mean the difference between the idea of working out in the AM and really doing it.

5 Bizarre Sleep Behaviors

Have you experienced these? Some are notable but harmless and others could require medical treatment.

How to Feel Full With Fewer Calories

These smart strategies offer a proven path to slimming down.

Does the Paleo Diet Work?

It sounds good with benefits like weight loss, diabetes prevention, and better heart health, but looks can be deceiving.

You Can Make New Friends Later in Life

Volunteer at a school. Attend library lectures. Join a gym. Here are ways to build connection in your community.

Control Your Cravings, Here's How

When the need for salty, sweet, crunchy, or greasy takes over, turn to this guide of healthy choices.

Why We Lie to Ourselves

In order to grow, you have to be honest with yourself. Here's how to get back on track.

When Can You Stop Practicing Birth Control?

At a certain point during menopause contraception is no longer needed. But take this information into account.

East Meets West for Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases

A plant extract from Asia may help treat eczema, psoriasis, type 1 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Your Checklist for Senior Safety and Comfort

Here's your room-by-room guide to creating a safe and comfortable home environment for your loved one.

7 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Whether it's a romantic, familial, or friendly union, these red flags signal danger ahead.

His and Her Permanent Birth Control Options

What are the options when you've decided that your family is complete?

Don't Make These Germ-Filled Mistakes

You probably visit public restrooms, the bank, or a coffee shop nearly every day. Disinfect and prevent the spread of germs and illnesses with these simple tips.

New Hope for Patients With Metastatic Colon Cancer

By studying how colon cancer cells metastasize, German researchers have uncovered a potential new approach to treating this cancer.

If You Have Elderly Loved Ones, You Need to Do This

Put these important protections in place to help ensure the safety of your aging loved ones.

10 Everyday Habits That Hurt Your Teeth

Do you regularly bite your nails or use mouthwash in place of floss? Your pearly whites could be paying the price.

Here's Why You Sneeze, Cough, Hiccup, and Burp

You do them every day, but what's the real deal behind these bodily functions?

CrossFit: Is This the Workout for You?

Learn what this intense exercise regimen has to offer and why it's wildly popular.

Smart to Sleep When You Commute?

You can grab a few z's on your bus or train ride, but what the downside of doing so?

The Sepsis Epidemic

An estimated 750,000 Americans get sepsis each year and 28 and 50 percent will die from the infection. Who's at risk for sepsis, and what can be done to prevent it?

Are You as Healthy as a Hunter-Gatherer?

Industrialized society has come a long way when it comes to nutrition. Or has it?

You Might Know Someone Who Has Exercise Bulimia

For most people, getting enough exercise is a major challenge. For some, it's a dangerous obsession. Here are the danger signs.

Feeling an Exercise High? Here's Why

There's a lot that happens when you experience an adrenaline rush from working out. Zoom in on your amazing body chemistry.

Is Generic Food Worth the Savings?

You see generics and store brands at your supermarket and you may wonder if those products measure up. Here's the scoop.

This Practice Could Solve Your Insomnia

If you sleep very little at night and take long afternoon naps to try to compensate, a technique known as Sleep Restriction Therapy could be for you.

Feeling Tired? You May Have Social Jet Lag

It has nothing to do with flying and everything to do with your sleep schedule on weekdays vs. weekends. See if you match the pattern.

Morning vs. Night Shower: Which Is Better?

A morning shower to shake off grogginess or a sleep-inducing shower before bed? Our experts weigh in.