Relationship Health - Original Articles

Let It Out: Healthy Ways to Express Anger

Sure, expressing your emotions in positive ways can be a challenge, but keeping them bottled up is likely to lead to an explosion down the road.

Be the Best Partner You Can Be

Getting the most out of a loving relationship takes time and effort, but the personal satisfaction that results from it is well worth it.

7 Surefire Ways to Grab His Attention

Don't wait for fate to bring you together: it may never happen. Instead, take a chance with one of these attention getting tips.

Not Satisfied? 10 Tips for Better Sexual Communication

When sex stops being satisfying between you, your relationship becomes vulnerable. The remedy: effective communication. Follow these ten tips to voice your concerns without offending your partner.

Making Sense of Mixed Signals

If your partner frequently says one thing when he means another, you may question his sincerity. Before mixed signals start causing your relationship to unravel, there's a lot you should consider.

Building Relationships After Depression

Many things can temporarily derail a relationship, including an episode of depression. It is possible, however, to get relationships back on track after treatment.

7 Tips for Helping a Partner in Need

Your partner is undergoing a traumatic experience. You want to be supportive, but he's not the easiest person to help. Here's what to do.

10 Signs Your Partner Shouldn't be Trusted

If you're suspicious that your partner has broken your trust, it can be a heavy burden to carry around. Get at the truth by looking for these ten tell-tale signs.

Could You Have Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome?

Is your ideal man one who can "protect" you from the evils of the past? Or are you a guy who feels the need to "rescue" women who have been wronged? If you answered "yes" to either question, you may have Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome.

Want to Live Longer? Commit to It

What benefits do you reap if you're part of a committed, healthy relationship?

12 Natural Aphrodisiacs for Women

Having trouble getting in the mood? You can feel amorous, sexy, and ready for love without having to resort to pills or patches.

The Truth about Fertility Treatments

When conception becomes difficult, it can affect both partners. Read on for information about your options and how you can keep a positive perspective.

Give Your Relationship a Spring Cleanup

If your relationship's been nearly as chilly as the cold, dark winter, warm things up with these tips for a spring relationship cleanup.

7 Causes and Treatments for Sexual Discomfort

If sex hurts, a woman can find it hard to get into the mood for intimacy, her partner feels frustrated, and no one's happy. Discomfort during intercourse isn't uncommon, and, fortunately, there are effective treatments that can help you get your sex life back on track.

Could You Possibly Love Yourself Too Much?

If you're always putting yourself first without thinking of your significant other's needs, you're setting up your relationship for failure.

How to Prevent Lapses in Judgment

Has your unconscious come to surface and forced you into a sticky, embarrassing situation? If so, worry not. There are ways to bounce back.

Taking Antioxidants May Boost Male Fertility

Researchers have a hunch that antioxidants long touted to decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease may also help fertility-challenged couples to conceive.

When Sex Makes You Sick: Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome

Most people enjoy having sex, but for a small group of men, the very act of having an orgasm can make them sick.

Tossing and Turning All Night? What to Do

Everyone moves around in their sleep. But if you're constantly flailing about, knee-jerking your partner, and generally disturbing the peace, it may be time to make a change.

What Has the Biggest Impact on Your Happiness?

What's the key to happiness? While some believe it's a genetic trait shared by a lucky few, recent studies find that true happiness comes as a result of the choices we make.

10 Sneaky Tips to Get Your Partner Back in Shape

Telling your partner he's gained weight is not easy. Try these 10 tips to help motivate him tactfully.

Do Cheaters Have a Genetic Excuse?

If you partner cheats, and you find out, you re probably expecting a certain reaction like remorse, maybe, or genuine sadness. But how about if he blames his genes? Is this a valid excuse? Find out here.

The Pros and Cons of Online Dating

More people than ever are turning to online dating to make a love connection. While a healthy relationship is a great goal to work toward, here are tips to keep in mind as you navigate your way.

Sleep Incompatibility: Eye-Opening Solutions for Couples

You and your partner may be the best of friends during the day, but what happens at night? If you're not sleep compatible, your relationship can suffer, as can your physical and mental health.

The Physiology of Falling in Love

New lovers attribute their passionate feelings to matters of the heart. However, scientists are unraveling the science of falling in love and linking it directly to the brain.

8 Tips for Effective Compromise

Compromise is the key to any healthy relationship. Here, 8 tips to help you help your partnership.

Keep the Romance Alive after Valentine's Day

Learn to stay tight with your sweetie year round.

How to be Superwoman

Women simultaneously give their best as professionals, mothers, wives, friends, sisters, daughters, and more. They work inside and outside the home and somehow find time for everyone...except the one person who is most important: Herself.

10 Tell-Tale Signs He's Still into His Ex

Here, 10 signs that there may be trouble ahead.

Why Some Men Can't Take a Hint

Sexually aggressive men are the most likely to misread important signals.