Children's Health and Parenting - Videos

Are Drug Dealers Marketing to Your Kids on Social Media?

Social media has become a marketing tool for drug dealers who target teens that are seeking drugs. Here are signs you need to look out for.

Kids Getting Botox?

Researchers at the University of California Irvine have been injecting children as you as 8 with Botox to rid them of their migraines. How does it work?

How to Not Become the Parent You Hate

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, parenting expert and author, joins The Doctors to tell parents that you can get your child to listen and behave without becoming the parent you hate.

‘Stranger Things’ Actor Shares about Life with Cleidocranial Dysplasia

Actor Gaten Matarazzo brings awareness to the rare condition cleidocranial dysplasia and his personal experience with being bullied, surgeries and his acting career.

The Future of Genetic Testing for Babies

Harvard professor and medical geneticist Dr. Robert Green joins The Doctors to share about the world’s first study of genetically sequencing newborns and the potential benefit of being able to map a babies’ DNA makeup.

Kids Commit Crime for Parents?

The Doctors discuss some shocking security footage of a mom allegedly using her kid to commit a crime for her.

Social Media for 6-Year-Olds?!

Facebook just launched Messenger Kids. At what age is it okay for kids to be on social media?

School Lunch Segregated by GPA?

A Florida high school started a program that seats students by grade point average and attendance. Does this divide or inspire?

Inside the Life of Teenagers Today

Nicolette from A&E’s show “Undercover High,” joins The Doctors with psychologist Stacy Kaiser to share about what the challenges teenagers are facing today.

The Challenges Your Teens Are Facing

A&E’s show “Undercover High” takes an inside look at what teens deal with. Nicolette, who went undercover on the show, shares some eye-opening details about high school life today.

Toddler Swallows 28 Magnets

One Colorado family is warning parents about magnetic toys after their two-year-old swallowed 28 magnets.

What Parents Can Do for Their Bullied Kids

Emily’s mom Kim and Autumn’s mom Sylvia share their experiences dealing with their bullied teens. How can you support your kids?

Why Are Kids Bullied and Why Do Kids Become Bullies?

The Doctors are joined by Leigh, the U.S. director of Champions Against Bullying to look at why some kids become bullies

How to Monitor Your Kids Online

How can you keep your kids safe online? Clinical psychologist Dr. Judy Ho shares the best things you can do to protect your children from cyberbullying and self-cyberbullying.

¿Qué es Messenger Kids?

Messenger Kids es una nueva app que permite hacer llamadas de videochat, compartir GIFS y más. Entérate de qué se trata estra aplicación y con qué hay que tener cuidado.

#DeviceFreeDinner - Mission

Will Ferrell joins #DeviceFreeDinner to show us all the embarrassing things we should stop doing at the dinner table -- because dinner is for laughing, not texting.

#DeviceFreeDinner - Clout

Will Ferrell joins #DeviceFreeDinner to show us why we sometimes need to ditch our devices and focus on family.

The Shocking Cost of Getting a Babysitter for New Year's Eve

If you want to get a babysitter for New Year's Eve, prepare to shell out some extra cash. Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) has more.

What Is Messenger Kids?

Facebook-created app has fun features but collects data.

Mom Slams Overweight Teachers

The Doctors discuss a UK mother that refuses to let her daughter attend a daycare with overweight teachers.

What Is Impetigo and Could This Happen to Me?

The Doctors discuss a picture of a facial infection. What causes it and are your kids at risk?

Drs. Rx: The One Thing Couples with Kids Can Do for a Better Sex Life

The Doctors discuss the findings of a recent study sharing the number one thing that to couples claim have led to a better relationship and better sex lives.

Do You Have a Fear of Clowns?

Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns that can result in sweating, nausea, and feelings of dread. The Doctors discuss a terrifying story of a father that used a clown mask in a disciplinary scare tactic gone wrong.

¿Minecraft o Roblox?

Si has escuchado de Minecraft, probablemente también has escuchado de Roblox. Ambos son videojuegos súper populares de construcción. También son tan entretenidos que los niños los querrán jugar por horas Entonces ¿en qué se diferencian?

Bullied Boy Backlash!

The Doctors discuss 11-year-old Keaton Jones’ tearful bullying video his mother posted on Facebook.

Parents Should Be Aware of This New Predator Tactic

Parents, here’s the new way criminals could be targeting your kids.

How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Predators Online

YouTube star Coby Persin joins The Doctors to share how to keep your kids safe from online predators.

The Shocking Social Media Child Predator Experiment

Half of the sexual crimes committed against teens begin on social media. YouTube star Coby Persin helps parents understand just how easily it could happen to their kid.

Cool Kids' TV on Amazon Prime

Looking for TV shows that the whole family can enjoy? Check out these kid-friendly picks available on Amazon Prime.

Minecraft vs. Roblox

If you've heard of Minecraft, you've likely heard of Roblox. Both are super-popular, multiplayer games that feature blocky graphics. Learn how they differ and which one's best for your young gamer.