Children's Health and Parenting - Original Articles

Why Fiber Is Essential to Your Digestive (and Overall) Health

Although dietary fiber is probably best known as a remedy to prevent or relieve constipation, it provides other important health benefits as well, including lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Birthmarks: Facts vs. Myths

Most of us have some kind of birthmark, whether it's a tiny spot no one ever sees or a prominent port-wine stain. But very few of us know the facts about these marks and if they carry any associated risks. Here are some birthmark FAQs and clarifications of common misconceptions.

What You Should Know About Food Expiration Dates

Should you throw out a container of yogurt if you notice that the date on the package is a few days beyond the date you're planning on eating it? Well, it all depends on these factors.

Give Back: Volunteer to Help Kids

Giving a little bit of your self can make an enormous difference in the life of a sick child. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Ghrelin: The Hunger Hormone

Here's what researchers know about this mysterious chemical messenger that appears to have such a profound and direct effect on one's ability to lose weight.

How Depression Affects Your Sleep

Although a few short nights can make us cranky and irritable, generally our mood returns to normal once we've resumed our regular sleeping routine. For individuals who struggle with depression, however, insomnia can be a chronic problem.

Is the Western Diet to Blame for Type 2 Diabetes?

What and how you eat could be hazardous to your health.

6 Sun Smarts for Babies and Toddlers

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. So, when fresh air and sunshine beckons your family outside to play, be sure to pack sunscreen along with your diapers, snacks, and other essentials. Here's all you need to know.

New Food Plate Guidelines: Healthy Eating Made Easy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has unveiled a new icon that it hopes will make choosing nutritious foods easier for Americans.

4 Tips for Healthy Multiples

Raising more than one? Multiples have special health concerns.

The Link between Mom's Symptoms and Her Child's Depression

Having children is an exciting, rewarding experience for most parents. For women suffering from depression, however, parenting is especially difficult and untreated depression can have long-lasting effects on their children.

Cooking After a Diabetes Diagnosis

Here's how to prepare delicious food that works for the diabetic in your life and doesn't leave anyone feeling deprived.

Teen in Need of Losing Weight? Get a Dog

A new study finds that teens with dogs log more exercise per week as compared to their canine-free counterparts.

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Did you know that basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of cancer in America? It can ravage your skin and even cause disfiguration if not treated properly. Be sure you know how to detect and deal with signs of this skin cancer.

What's Behind Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?

When a parent makes her own child ill in order to receive sympathy and attention from health-care professionals, it is one of the most harmful forms of child abuse.

7 Ways to Weather Allergies While Camping

Camping is a perfect opportunity to get away for a few days and convene with nature. But if you suffer from allergies, heading out to the wilderness can expose you to a series of dangers. Here's how to stay healthy.

Too-Heavy Backpacks and Kids' Back Health

Some parents are rightfully concerned about the consequences of kids carrying too heavy backpacks. Here's what you can do.

Melatonin: Safe Solution for Sleepless Kids?

The importance of sleep can't be over stated. But in our 24/7 society, many children have trouble drifting off. Melatonin works as a sleep-aid for many adults, so is it a good option for kids, too?

Get Your Picky Eater to Eat Breakfast

The importance of a nutritious breakfast can't be overstated and that means you might need to get creative.

Breaking the Fast-Food Cycle

Experts warn that our national eating habits come at a price. Here, a guide to healthy eating on the go.

In Utero and Infant Exposure to X-Rays

What precautions should you consider when it comes to these radiation risks?

Car Seat Update: Backwards Is Better

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated its recommendations for car seats. Here's why and what you need to know to keep your little ones safe in the car.

Take the Diabetes Risk Test Today

Twenty-five percent of people with diabetes don't even know they have it and that means they're not getting the treatment they need or taking the important steps necessary to keep the disease in check.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are Prevention Powerhouses

The evidence is overwhelming that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, deliver compounds that help prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer.

Do This and Keep Your Brain Sharp

There are many reasons to take on this challenge, and mental acuity is probably at the bottom of the list. But that doesn't diminish the brain benefits it can confer.

Health Concerns: How to Keep Family Updated

The Web offers many options for staying connected and keeping loved ones updated on your or your family member's health issues. These methods are fast, easy, and efficient, and you'll know your support network is right there with you as a part of your journey.

Adjust Your Family's Food Attitude

Sample these dozen healthy ideas that will help your family lead a healthier life for the long haul.

C. Difficile: Risks and Complications

Clostridium difficile (more commonly known as C. diff) is a serious bacterium that can wreak havoc on your digestive system, causing a range of ailments from severe diarrhea to life-threatening colon inflammation.

Secondhand Smoke and Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

When it comes to kids and secondhand smoke, is there a safe level? And what does secondhand smoke affect?

The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Teens and Sugar

Your teen's daily consumption of what seems like a bottomless pit of sugar might seem harmless now, but that very behavior can put her heart at risk later on in life. Thankfully, you can put a stop to this.