Children's Health and Parenting - Original Articles

6 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Share

Sharing doesn't come easy to kids but some simple tactics can help make it bearable, and even fun, for your little one.

Is Your Child's Brown Bag Lunch Safe to Eat?

Here are recommendations that will keep your child's brown bag from spoiling, and possibly making her sick.

5 Pre-Bedtime Snack Ideas

The keys to picking the perfect nighttime snack are to practice portion control and combine two essential types of foods.

How to Talk to Kids About Arthritis

Children have a strong radar for change, and if they don't know what's going on, they can easily become anxious and disturbed. Difficult as it may be, the best thing you can do is communicate information about your condition, and how it affects them, in a way that helps put their minds at ease.

5 First-Aid Essentials for Your Purse

What's one thing you never want to leave home without? A first-aid kit. When scrapes, stings, bumps, and boo-boos happen, make sure you have what you need to treat the injury right away.

Facebook Friends and Brain Function: A Positive Relationship?

The debate rages on as to whether social networking sites isolate people or contribute to global connectedness. One new study's results offer an interesting perspective.

Do Violent Video Games Make Kids Violent?

Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards women. What do the experts have to say?

The Truth About Mouthwash

There are many known benefits to using mouthwash, but if yours has too much of this common ingredient, this daily routine can reverse the health of your teeth and gums.

The Best Way to Store Groceries at Home

Learn how to keep the food you buy fresh and safe to eat.

The Sexual Downsides for Dads

Most men cite becoming a dad as one of the best moments of their lives. That said, research shows that fatherhood has a definite sexual downside. Read on to find out what it is and how to avoid it.

Antibiotics Making You Sick? Foods to Eat and Avoid

If antibiotics are making you nauseated, eating the right foods and staying away from the wrong ones can help you feel better.

Can Sleep Deprivation Change Your Personality?

When you don't get enough sleep, it becomes difficult to focus your attention and manage your emotions. You lose perspective. It is as if you become a different person than who you are when you are well rested.

5 Tips for Buying Safe, High-Quality Food

Food safety issues make headlines far too often. Here's how to help ensure you're feeding your family safe, high-quality food.

Fortified or Natural: What's Better?

Like supplements, fortified foods offer insurance against the health problems associated with nutritional deficiencies. But are they an ideal replacement?

How to Use Epsom Salt for Health and Beauty

This drugstore staple is often overlooked in our search for the best health and beauty aids. But there are some good reasons to add this affordable compound to your shopping cart.

Popcorn, Peanuts, and Pretzels: Healthy Snacks or Harmful Nibbles?

How do you define a healthy snack? Low-fat? Low-calorie? Low-carb? Foods that fit into those categories may be good choices, but a better approach might be to choose snacks that are also high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

5 Key Nutrients for Bone Health

The best way to boost your bones, besides weight-bearing exercise, is to take in enough of the substances that strengthen and build your skeleton. Here's a rundown of the top nutrients you need for a fit frame.

How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

A study conducted at the University of Hawaii's animal science department of 106 pet owners found that almost a third experienced grief that lasted six months or more after their pet's death. Twelve percent reported that their grief caused major disruptions in their lives.

How to Soothe Your Teething Baby

While the process of teething can be painful, there are steps you can take to soothe your baby's sore gums and help her be more comfortable.

Cancer Trends Today

While cancer treatments continue to become more effective and targeted, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is on the rise. Understand the high-level trends and how they could affect you.

12 Tips for Traveling With Food Allergies

Unfortunately, no matter where you plan to travel, your food allergies will always be with you. So don't just plan your vacation itinerary, plan on ways you can stay safe on your trip, too.

Teens, Driving, and Texting: A Fatal Mix

It's imperative to communicate effectively with your teen about the dangers of texting and driving. But how to get the message through? Here's what to do.

The Risks of Cell Phone Obsession

The typical smartphone user checks his phone an average of 34 times per day. What s more, many people who compulsively check their cellphones are unaware that they are doing it.

Scars: Causes, Types, Prevention, and Treatment

Whether you have a newly developed scar or you're trying to stop a wound from turning into a prominent scar, there are ways you can minimize its appearance.

How to Handle National Grief

Here are tips for working through grief in a healthy way when it involves an entire community.

3 Ways to Scratch Cat Allergies

You love your cat with all your heart, but if you suffer from pet allergies, the object of your affection could cause episodes of sneezing, coughing, itching, and wheezing. If the misery is more than you can bear, know that you can take action.

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

Early Music Boosts Mental Sharpness for Life

Researchers have found a link between musical training in childhood and mental acuity in old age. Here's how to add music to your family's life.

5 Keys to Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids

Strong parenting and emotional well-being are closely connected. Dr. Gerald Newmark, author of the book "How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children," offers his top child-rearing strategies.

Tooth Sensitivity: Getting to the Root of It

Learn about the most common causes, plus get tips on how to fix this common problem.